Friday, January 19, 2007

Jesuits & the Rothschilds -Eric Jon Phelps


The Jesuits were suppressed in 1773. Their response was to create theIlluminati in their old stronghold of Bavaria. Adam Weishaupt was a GermanGentile and a prof of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University---the Jesuits beingformally absent due to their expulsion from Roman Catholic Bavaria.Weishaupt joined the Bavarian Masonic lodge in 1777 and then united with theRothschilds. Because the Order had ceased to exist (formally) it had tofind a holder for its fortune in banks domiciled in non-Roman Catholiccountries. This spelled Prussia, Russia and England. The keepers of thismassive Jesuit treasure derived from their South American Reductions werethe Rothschilds, then financing the Illuminati. The Order then started theFrench Revolution for the punishment of the Bourbon and Hapsburg dynasties,beheading King Louis XVI and his Hapsburg Queen.Any accurate history on the French Revolution will admit that theRothschilds financed the Jacobins and Napoleon.

In fact, after theRevolution, the Order's controlled European press sought to blame therevolution on the Jews!With the false message sent to London via roost that Wellington lostWaterloo, stocks plummeted. There to buy the exchange for pennies on thepound was Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Rothschild. From this moment on theOrder, via their Rothschild financiers, owned the Bank of England and theOld City's Stock Exchange. Thus, the British Empire became the agent forall the designs of the Order for the 19th Century. Queen Victoria backedevery Jesuit plot barring none (the opium wars, the Irish famine, the BoerWar, etc.).When the Order was restored in 1814, it promptly took back the papacy withits international Vatican Empire. Thus the Jesuit General retained theRothschilds as his bankers and this pattern is repeated in several forums.The Sicilian Roman Catholic Mafia, working its international drug trade, hasis finances managed by Jews, Meyer Lanski being one in the past.

Further, King Edward VII, the son of Victoria, formally readmitted the Orderinto England in 1902. The king's dearest bankers were J. P. Morgan and theRothschilds, those Jews managing the Bank of England. The Second ThrityYears' War (1914-1945) was put in motion by this monster: his financialbackers were among others the Rothschilds, Warburgs, etc.Thus, the Devil has used the Jews to manage the finances of his international White Gentile World conspiracy for a world Government headed in Jerusalem. As long as Jerusalem is "trodden down by the Gentiles," the Jews will always be in asubordinate position to the king of the Gentiles---the Pope of Rome.

I trust this is helpful.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric