Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Do What is Right and Fight


President George W. Bush (a Knight of Eugola in the Skulls and Bones secret society aka the Brotherhood of Death. Eugola was related to the story of Don Quixote) made his 7th State of the Union Address inside of the Congress Building. I think Bush's speech was average in terms of the way he spoke his words. Now, he proposed plans for issues ranging from education, health care, energy, immigration, and Iraq. On immigration, he said he wants to secure the border.
Tell that to Monica Ramos, the wife of one of two U.S. Border Patrol agents imprisoned last week for wounding an escaping drug smuggler. The truth is that there are very little of increased border patrol agents, no real increase of National Gaurd troops, or even legitimate barriers to slow illegal immigration. Monica Ramos called Bush a liar and a hypocrite for imprisoning his son. At the bare mininium, the 2 Border Patrol agents in that controversy should have a limited stay in prison, then a pardon by Bush. The Los Zetas rabid terrorists killing both innocent Mexicans and Americans aren't addressed by Bush. While Bush gets his amnesty going (endorsed by big groups like the Ford Foundation), internally we have biometrics and more government control over our lives. Basically, the globalists use things like NAFTA (that destroy U.S. jobs along with the middle class and our national sovereignity decreased. The Jesuits publicly support this agenda) to ruin Mexico. Then we get blamed for it. While this is happen the value of the dollar is depleted, we recieve huge debts owed to other foreign nations, and the further construction of the CFR-influenced North American Union (confirmed by Jerome Corsi). The deal is that the most of the mainstream media is for amnesty, Bush is for it, the elitists are for it, and I'm not for it. It's good that patriotic Hispanic people like Ramos is rightfully calling Bush's proposal on immigration a smokescreen for globalization. Greg Palast made an interesting point that the government has no right to track no citizens who has done no crime, yet Bush proposed a federal citizen profile database to handle illegal immigration (that's Big Brother). On the environment, I do believe in alternative energy and clean coal technology. Bush said global climate change. As for that, the climate is changing all of the time, but I strongly disagree with the notion of man-made global warming. Heidi Cullen (of the Weather Channel) says that scientists that disagrees with her myth ought to have their credentials gone. What ever happen to free speech? I guess Heidi hates the truth that the Solar system (in planets like Mars & Saturn) is warming without any intervention by man, that Ice Ages with great warming existed for a very long time, and that other evidence refutes man-made global warming being more potent than the Sun's impact in warming (i.e. Solar radiation reaching the Earth is 0.036 percent warmer than it was in 1986). One reporter in 60 Minutes compares people like us to Holocaust deniers. How nice. One health care, George W. Bush wanted to chance the Tax code to give access to health care for all Americans. One way to reform our health is to ban posions like flouride, aspartame, etc. The modern health atmosphere (with Big Pharma filled with SMOMs, high level Freemasons, & big bankers) is now like a evil complex to test dangerous drugs (while real natural solutions like vitamins, supplements, etc. are suppressed or maligned). On Iraq, Bush maintain his firm stance of an increased surge as a viable solution to quell the civil war in Iraq. Truthfully, Iraq is a disaster and you might get more accomplished politically than just military strikes. George W. Bush still agreed to carry out No Left Behind reform. While it is true, that gaps between whites and minorities in education have decreased, real big problems still exist in our education system. As for me, I'm not a left gatekeeping progressive like Media Matters, Noam Choamsky (who demonizes unfairly the 911 Truth Movement), and some in Newshounds. I don't blame the President for everything under the sun, but he's automatically for his errors though. His speech was a somber speech to appeal to the Democrats.

Epoch Times on January 23, 2007 had prose written by Xiao Han. Han wrote that the Chinese now admits to organ harvesting. They done it to executed prisoners. China's Ministry of Health spokesman Mao Qunan admitted to this grosteque procedure. In some nations, some aborted fetuses are used in comestics. So, this isn't a China thing specifically. It's important to oppose any type of oppression whether it's in Darfur or in Tibet. I had a thought about Hillary (a Bilderberg participant). Left gatekeepers like NewsHounds praise her and want her President. They seem to forget that Hillary supported the USA Patriot, warantless wiretaps, voted for the war in Iraq, supports torture policies, and is pro-war on terror. Now, this seems almost identical to the agenda of Bush. These "progressives" have basically been so blinded by party worship that they seek to prop up Hillary Clinton just because she's a Democrat. Even Cindy Sheehan has oppose Hillary's hypocrispy. I knew Hillary had a temper for years (even worse than Bill Clinton's temper). Dick Morris confirms it as well. Matthew Garrahan and Aline van Duyn from the Financial Times on Wednesday, January 24, 2007 devled into Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch's (one Hillary's fans) battle in owning the Tribune Company.

Alexandria Pelosi (Nancy Pelosi's daughter) generated a film about Evangelicals for HBO. Pelosi wants Evangelicals to passively submit to her liberal ideology 100% of the time if necessary. She said she doesn't wants Christians to be "fire-breathing." In other words, Alexandria wants Evangelicals to be casual, cowardly, intimidated Christians who submit to the world. Forget that and the lamestream media. I'm not going to waver in my basic precepts. It's funny how Alexandria treats Middle America almost as a foreign country. Yet, Hellywood's perversity (in movies, actors, actresses, etc.) critically damaged American morality more than a "wayward preacher" like Ted Haggard (who has made an error obviously). Hollywood seems more like a foreign country. Studies confirm the negative influences of TV has on children and adults. It's execellent that documentaries exist exposing Hellishwood as truly intolerant, extremist, degenerate, and Hypocritical. Unfortunately, compromise has lead to the existence of Neo-Evangelicals (infiltrated by Freemasonry, the Jesuits, and the CFR. The CFR was invented in 1921 whose goal is to manipulate American foreign policy. Many CFR members called for a new world order like Gary Hart and Bush 41). Richard Lamb and Rick Warren ("Brother Rick" loves his purpose Driven life stuff) are CFR members. In fact a lot the churches are influenced by the World Council of Churches and NCC that promotes anti-Christian concepts. The NCC (a pro-Democratic organ not a real independently religious group)or National Council of Churches recieve money from radical secular organizations like People for the American Way (PAW), the Sierra Club, and U.S. Action. The Neo-Evangelicals compromise is a craven intimidation under leftists (like Alexandria Pelosi). They won't present real evidence (like stats, history, and examples) of the dangers of abortion, poisons in our environment, the corruption in both main political parties, and religious liberty threats. They embrace a Pop Christianity without willing to seperate from vice and fighting for their beliefs. Life is a gift and life is specialy. We all have to do what is right and fight.

The deal is that the real elite are monopoly people. They want a monopoly of corporations, religions, media (i.e. at least 5 companies control most of the media in America alone), education, and they hate alternative indepedent action. That's why everytime you see a Third World nation trying to industralize, the West tries to stop it. There is no need for monopolies or mercantilism, but we need the decentralization of power unto individuals and the people. This was talked about by HG Wells. He wrote about genetic engineering, world government, etc. back in the early 1900's (in books like a Brave New World). All of these proposals for monopoly, government control over all industry, etc. is utilized to control people more. It's as simple as that. Some good news is that the alternative media is still potent. They haven't been successful in censorsing the alternative media 100%. That's one thing they can't do. On the Internet, I have a chance to write what I want on certain sites. We have to learn history sometimes. For example, Gloria Steniem admitted that she had ties with the CIA (she used women rights, which I have no problem with but she used it as an excuse to demonize mothers working at home plus destabilize the family structure). That's why you see men put down in media and society as idoits. Regardless of the evil (whether its found in the CIA, MI6, Mossad, the Jesuits, Labor Zionists, high level Freemasonry, etc.) all of it ought to be evaluated and exposed. We will have to do what is right and fight.

By Timothy