Monday, January 22, 2007

Pro-Abortion Sen. Hillary Clinton Launches 2008 Presidential Campaign

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Pro-Abortion Sen. Hillary Clinton Launches 2008 Presidential Campaign

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by Steven EditorJanuary 21, 2007

Washington, DC ( -- Saying she can win the campaign, pro-abortion Senator Hillary Clinton said she has a good chance to outshine her potential opponents and capture the Democratic Party's nomination. She may be able to do that, she will have a tough time convincing many Americans to support her because of her position on abortion.
"I'm looking forward to it. It'll be a great contest with a lot of talented people and I'm very confident," Clinton said.
"I'm in, I'm in it to win and that's what I intend to do," she said after her first public appearance Sunday after announcing her bid on Saturday.
According to an Associated Press Report, Clinton said she made the final decision to run for president after consulting with friends, family and supporters.
"It was a thorough review for me about the problems we confront in the country, the particular strengths and talents I would bring _ both to the race and the White House," Clinton said.
"I concluded, based on the work of my lifetime and my experience and my understanding of what our country has to confront," Clinton added.

The New York senator will have to confront high negative ratings from a good portion of Americans because of her long-time position advancing abortion -- first as the former First Lady and then as a senator.
During her tenure in Congress, Clinton has compiled a 0 percent pro-life voting record, according to the National Right to Life Committee.
She's voted for a resolution urging support for the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized unlimited abortions, voted numerous times against the partial-birth abortion ban, and has voted in several instances to authorize taxpayer funding for abortions.
Clinton also voted to force taxpayers to pay for embryonic stem cell research that involves the destruction of human life.

Because of her pro-abortion stance and status as the only pro-abortion woman seeking the presidency, the leading abortion advocacy group Emily's List indicated last week that it would endorse her as soon as she declared her candidacy.
However, Clinton has recognized that her polarizing stance on abortion is a turnoff for many voters and she's attempted on numerous occasions to tone down her pro-abortion rhetoric in an attempt to moderate her position.
In June, Clinton told the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association in Washington that abortion "should not be in ideological battle."
"Let us unite around a common goal of reducing the amount of abortions," Clinton said. However, her method of reducing abortions is different from those of pro-life groups.
Clinton claims the number of abortions will drop "not by making them illegal as many are attempting to do or overturning Roe v. Wade and undermining the constitutional protections that decision provided, but by preventing unintended pregnancies in the first place through education, contraception, accessible health care and services, empowering women to make decisions."
In her speech, Clinton dove into the ideological debate by criticizing pro-life lawmakers who have fought efforts to increase taxpayer funding for family planning programs.
Pro-life groups frequently oppose such efforts because much of the money would go to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion business in the country.