It's a new day. This is the day after the Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday. I could write a lot of Martin Luther King. I know the truth about him. He made many mistakes. King was right that murdering people by virtue of their skin color, oppression, hatred of their neighbors, rape, lyching, suppression of the right to protest, and violence was wrong. King was right about that, yet we can't omit his errors like his adulteries, etc. Folks wonder what will he be today and his views about questions like the Iraq War, abortion, etc? We don't know for certain 100%. Everyone knows that MLK was a liberal, but not a far left extremist wanting all religious expression banned in the public square. Certainly, he would be against the Iraq War as he was against all wars. Despite unfortunately, receiving a Margaret Sanger award in 1966 (I still don't why would MLK do this. Sanger is a notorious extremist who promoted the death of babies, was into the occult, went into a Klan rally, and she allied with blatantly racist officals), I don't believe that Dr. King would support partial birth abortion. The reason is that partial birth abortion blatantly kills the unborn child by sucking its brains out. Also, back in the 1970's, Jesse Jackson, King's father, and Albernathy were against abortion. Therefore, 9 times out of 10, I think Martin Luther King (a honorary Freemason who spoke in a Masonic Temple with Mason Jesse Jackson) would be against at least abortion on demand. Some good news is that Alveta King, also the niece of Martin Luther King Jr., is against abortion. I believe in being against bigotry (being for interracial marriage, etc.), but we ought not to put no man on a pedestral or treat a man as a god.
Mos News on January 15, 2007 reported on the U.S. military using ships near the Iran shore. U.S. Navy nuclear submarines are the devices. A former commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Eduard Baltin, believes that this an example of some U.S. officials still wanting a military strike against America if necessary. He said that as high as 4 nuclear submarines in the Persian Gulf. AFP on January 15, 2007 have Dick Cheney admitting that the U.S. military and the CIA were spying on the financial dealings of Americans. Cheney commented that this doesn't violate people's civil rights, yet that policy is a reach of military influence in the domestic sphere. Chaos continued in Somalia. BBC on January 13, 2007 reported that martial law is declared over there. Prime Minister Ali Mohamad Ghedi's ratified an agreement to go along with that procedure. The truth is that the Muslim coalition government brought some stability in the nation. Lately, U.S. and Ethiopian troops attacked Somalia. Civilians have died and warlords (the same one that participated in Black Hawk Down back in 1993) have increased their power.
In life, you will always find shills like Custance Cumbey and Daryl Bradford Smith. Cumbey just demonize those with legitimate dissent over Roman Catholicism. His claim as being some freedom fighter against the New Age Movement is exposed as fraudulent by his omission of the Jesuit Chardin involved as one of the founding fathers of the Modern New Age Movement (he agreed with Darwinian Evolution and he accepted an Universal "Christ" to convert the world of all religions). Daryl just claim that "the Jews" rule the Earth, which is false. Cumbey and Smith refuse to expose the Vatican, the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta (they have their influence in corporations, intelligence agencies, etc.), Opus Dei, etc. roles in global affairs. I have interwined with net neutrality that much. What is it? It's the ideal that the internet is free and open for all people globally (while the quality is legitimate). Many powerful corporations and cable companies (like Verizon, Comcast, Time Warner, and AT&T) though seek to control the Internet and restrict Net access into certain sites. They also could be gatekeepers in Internet access. I support Net Neutrality indeed since it perserves the First Amendment. As for politics, we should all be indepedent. The Democrats and Republicans in its highest levels are almost identical. Pelosi for example wants to endorse the 9/11 Commission's recommodations which the same Big-Brother policies that George W. Bush loves dearly.
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An increasingly number of concerned citizens are exposing the North American Union (CFR agent Pastor loves the idea while CFR members Richard Lamb and Rick Warren refuse to discuss it), which is about forming one nation throughout the Western Hempishere from Panama to Canada. The sovereignity isn't just evil, but the proposed amero currency and the international toll plans in Middle America. Crooks and Liars on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 described that some in the White House are angered that detainees are recieving due process. I can never forget about the past. Yet, I must move forward. The future is still not here, so we have a pure opportunity to improve upon our situations. There will be new challenges in the months and years ahead. Really come to think of it, isn't one of the reasons thing happen as they are is because certain secret societies want their new Golden Age of the Earth (this was quoted in the New Age Magazine back in the 1950's. Manly P. Hall yearned to use America as a "New Atlantis").
By Timothy
An increasingly number of concerned citizens are exposing the North American Union (CFR agent Pastor loves the idea while CFR members Richard Lamb and Rick Warren refuse to discuss it), which is about forming one nation throughout the Western Hempishere from Panama to Canada. The sovereignity isn't just evil, but the proposed amero currency and the international toll plans in Middle America. Crooks and Liars on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 described that some in the White House are angered that detainees are recieving due process. I can never forget about the past. Yet, I must move forward. The future is still not here, so we have a pure opportunity to improve upon our situations. There will be new challenges in the months and years ahead. Really come to think of it, isn't one of the reasons thing happen as they are is because certain secret societies want their new Golden Age of the Earth (this was quoted in the New Age Magazine back in the 1950's. Manly P. Hall yearned to use America as a "New Atlantis").
By Timothy
Aborto = Crimen Abominable
Dear Timothy,
You have a lot to learn about me -- I have been warning about Teilhard de Chardin since 1981. It is Bro. Eric who has compromised by working with a New Age press for a strategy I suspect he well knows. But you are young and full of enthusiasm and you are seeking the truth and for that I salute you. You are so right on the battle for the internet.
Well, thanks for your words.
I don't agree with Eric on every single issue. That I alway make my self clear on. I disagree with Catholicism doctrinal but don't want Catholic to die in the steak. As for you exposing the New world order, that's fine with it. You expose de Chardin is great as well.
By Timothy
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