Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Alexandria's words

Hey, it doesn't hurt to ask, right? I know that there are two sides to every story. And I do know that Jesuits love going on slander campaigns. I just want to know if Tony Alamo is a wolf in sheep's clothing, or if he's another victim of Jesuit slander. I also have a few misgivings about him myself, which I've voiced here, but it doesn't mean that I'm ready to believe the rape allegations just because someone said so, ya know. Those are some serious allegations here...also keeping in mind the Duke University fiasco.I know that the IRS has been persecuting Eric as well. Can't find anything on anyone, stick 'em with tax evasion charges.I do trust Eric, and if he says Tony Alamo is on the up-and-up, I'm inclined to believe it. Because I know of a similar situation, where Janet Reno pulled these allegations against David Koresh out of thin air. While I don't hold with Koresh's teachings (I was once a Worldwide Church of God member, which held similar beliefs), this whole Waco thing was totally uncalled-for. I was suspicious of those sites when just about all many of them mention is "anti-Catholic" and "conspiracy theorist." Like that automatically makes it a cult or something. Heh. Roman Catholic Church is the world's BIGGEST cult!
