Monday, January 22, 2007

Hillary Clinton Part 2


Hillary Heralds 30 Year Plus Control Of America By Interlocking Crime Family

Pro-war Clinton candidacy success would mean same mob bosses have ruled U.S. since 1980

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex JonesPrison PlanetMonday, January 22, 2007

Another Clinton in office would mean America being under the thiefdom of either a Bush or a Clinton for a total of at least 32 years, 36 if Hillary is re-elected (many now acknowledge that H.W. Bush pulled the strings as VP during the Reagan era), and they still say anyone can become President! What a pathetic joke!
Hillary Clinton surprised few when she announced her intention to run for the 2008 presidency in New York on Sunday.

Forecasters are already predicting a success for the Senator, meaning Americans will probably be living under the same hierarchical oligarchy that brought them rampant illegal immigration, the devaluation of the dollar, the gigantic deficit, 9/11, and hatred of the U.S. around the world. The electorate got bored of drinking Coke so now the establishment is going to provide Pepsi.
Clinton voted for the Patriot Act and she voted for the war in Iraq, but so many Democrats are blinded by the cult of personality that they will overwhelmingly vote to put this crime family back in office. While we have made some progress in educating liberals as to the phony staged consensus of the left-right paradigm, the fact remains that a majority still see the White House as some kind of political super bowl, where the success of their 'team' is the be all and end all - to the expense of America as a whole.
"I felt that it was appropriate under the circumstances, which really went back to 1998 under the Clinton administration's conclusion that the regime had to change, that the President (Bush) had authority to pursue that goal," said Hillary after giving her personal approval for the mess in Iraq.

The punch and judy show theatre of the troop surge debate characterizes Hillary's role in hoodwinking Americans perfectly. The debate is framed as not whether the U.S. should get out of Iraq altogether, but the relative minutia of whether to feed 20,000 more troops into the meat grinder or not. The Democrats play along with this farce and make empty threats of "non-binding resolutions" that have no teeth and mean absolutely nothing.
Clinton's campaign manager has already compared Hillary to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and has outlined her style as "Strong on foreign policy. People have got to know you are going to keep them safe." This translates as more war, more dead Americans, and a further desecration of the tattered shreds of what's left of the U.S. Constitution.
Clinton is the ultimate elitist and represents the Democrats supposed base, the poor and downtrodden, about as much as Lindsay Lohan represents grace and dignity. She was sure to inform the likes of David Rockefeller and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands as to her presidential aspirations during her visit to last year's Bilderberg conference in Ottawa Canada. Bilderberg has a proven history of acting in a kingmaker capacity. Both Bill Clinton and Tony Blair attended before becoming President and Prime Minister and the media reported that Bilderberg selected John Edwards as Kerry's running mate in 2004.

Hillary's presidential financiers include Neo-Con kingpin and Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch, with whom she often meets and parties with along with Roger Ailes and other Republican big wigs. While Bill has been hanging around with the Bushes, Hillary has also been living it up with the likes of Newt Gingrich, Bill Frist, John McCain and Rick Santorum.
We have continually exposed how Clinton and the Bushes personally profited from massive drug smuggling operations through Mena, while Clinton was Governor of Arkansas. Alex Jones has interviewed multiple former CIA officers who were unloading the cocaine. Bush Snr, met eleven times with the Clintons in the year before Clinton announced his run for President. Teenagers Don Henry and Kevin Ives were murdered for accidentally witnessing a CIA cocaine smuggling operation in Mena. Bill Clinton aided in the cover up, as well as the money laundering. The Clinton-Bush relationship is a long and fruitful one.


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The Clintons and the Bushes have been known to vacation together in more recent times. Last year on CBS, Clinton revealed that he looks upon the Bushes as a surrogate family, and how Barbara Bush refers to him as "her son". Is this really a picture of two distinct and opposed political ideologies pitted against one another?
In 2005, George W invited both Clintons as guests of honor and praised them to the hilt as he unveiled portraits of the two to be hung in the White House. Bush described him as having "...a great compassion for people in need... a man of enthusiasm and warmth". This after Bush's 2000 campaign was built around Clinton having no honor or dignity whilst in the White House.
A national poll carried in the Washington Post Sunday has Clinton leading closest Democrat contender Sen. Barack Obama by 24% and projects her to beat anyone the Republicans can offer, with the possible exception of former New York Mayor and 9/11 shill Rudolph Giuliani.
A massive grassroots campaign needs to be activated immediately to challenge liberals who profess anti-war sentiments to vote for a real anti-war candidate, Congressman Ron Paul, a man who voted against the illegal invasion of Iraq unlike Hillary Clinton and who also unlike Hillary is firmly opposed to embroiling America in any further foreign entanglements such as Iran.
We need to support the stance of Cindy Sheehan, who has vowed to oppose Hillary, and utilize Sheehan's considerable influence to sink Clinton's candidacy.
At the very least we can take as many votes away from Hillary as possible, even if it means someone like Obama getting in office, and wrestle America free from the ownership of the same gaggle of crooks that have ruthlessly sat on their autocratic power monopoly for the past 30 years.

Steve Watson contributed to this report.

