Friday, January 19, 2007

More from Brother Nicholas Rivera


John McCain, John Edwards, Jesuit-trained son of a K of C ChristopherJ. Dodd (of my state CT), William (Bill) Frist, and Chuck Hagel are CFR members.Illuminatus Hellary Rodenhurst Clinton attended the last Bilderbergmeeting and she has been catering to the Masonic Jewish Zionists.Barack Obama (is not a CFR member, but he is endorsed by the Jesuitsof Boston College and Georgetown University. Boston College PresidentWilliam Leahy SJ said of Obama "he is what St. Ignatius of Loyolawould call a contemplative in action." spoke at Jesuit BC's 2005 ConvocationObama recently spoke at CFR member ecumenical Jesuit TemporalCoadjutor Rick Warren's Saddleback Church.Warren is the author of the New Age "The Purpose Driven Life."If you check out the 2006 CFR Roster at

you will see Masonic ADL Papal Court Jew Abraham Foxman is amember as well as Francis X. Winters is a Georgetown Jesuit andprofessor.There is an "Independent" Presidential candidate named DanielImperato. He is a Papal Knight of St. Sylvester and a Knight of Malta.He has certificates with the documentation on his official campaignwebsite. He is a businessman. He owns two local Florida sports teams like a Coptic branch of the Order of St. John not SMOM-noticethe ankh a symbol of Baal/Satan the sungod)Masonic Warith Deen Muhammad w/ Jesuit Jim Jones in

1976"Just War, Lasting Peace" This Is America (host Dennis Wholeydiscusses the concept of a "just war" with Mohammed Abu-Nimer ofAmerican University (author of ... all » "Nonviolence And PeaceBuilding In Islam"), Marie Dennis of the Maryknoll Office for GlobalConcerns, Rabbi Barry Freundel of Kesher Israel in Washington DC, JohnKleiderer of the U.S. Jesuit Conference.

Seventh-Day Adventist Dr. Walter Veith of Amazing Discoveries has a series of lectures with PowerPoint presentations called Total Onslaught which areexcellent. You can find them on Google Video. His discussion on RerumNovarum an encyclical read by Leo XIII but of course penned by theJesuits is an attack on the Constitution and right to property. Itadvocates squatters and redistribution of property and wealth. TheOrder will use this here in Fourteenth Amendment America after aconcordat with the Papacy and according to Canon Law then we won't beable to evict an foreign invader or alien who decides to settle in ourbackyards. Dr. Veith also goes into the genocide the Jesuits are havebeen carrying out in Zimbabwe. The country is in ruins except forbuildings owned by the Order who set up a province there. I believethe Pope's UN caused the crisis/agitation in Darfur meanwhile theBlacks and especially the Whites of South Africa are targeted withmedical inquisitions through vaccines and Jesuit-controlled Masonicmurderers.

-Brother Nicholas N. Rivera



Immigration and the (Romanist) Church-From the Order's newsletter "In All Things"

Notice the Jesuits' statistics. You better believe they have a registry listing every church in U.S. and the world just the late Brother Alberto Rivera said. Also notice most of the foreign born in the U.S.are from Mexico and Red China. Back in 1776 around there was only a 1% of the colonial population was Roman Catholic but in 1906 it increased to 18% making Roman Catholics the largest religious denomination in the U.S.The Order is pro-abortion having created the agitation here through Robert Drinan SJ but at the same time anti-birth control they are the penholders of the Papacy. The Order wants the Romanist population in the U.S. to grow and the children born here and are automatically considered citizens of Fourteenth Amendment America.

This Roman Catholic invasion will plunge the U.S. further into a seemingly bottomless debt ensuring the economy will in the near future be in ruins and the middle class obliterated overnight after an economic collapse or after the Amero is introduced.I recently saw a movie called Idiocracy. It is a stupid comedy but very telling. It is set 500 years in the future, but it really depicts what life in the U.S. may be like in 50-100 years. There is a large Mexican and foreign population, everyone has a barcode ID, wear clothing with brand names, people are named after those brand names, the populous is dumbed down by fast food (Carl's Jr which is depicted in the film is today owned by SMOM Carl Nicholas Karcher-a lifelong member of the fascist Republican Party) only preoccupied with entertainment, sex, only retain memories of corporate slogans and speak profanity and attend live executions at a stadium while they are oblivious to the military dictatorship they live in. It is a technological society but intellectually, politically, and spiritually it is a dark age.

-Brother Nicholas N. Rivera