The 2007 March for Life
The March for Life was simply massive, bigger than last year. It is hard to estimate the number of participants because it was impossible to see more than about one quarter of the crowd as any one time. We'll publish more information and photos later and link to friends who are covering the March. In the meantime, here are a few images of the 2007 March for Life:
The Marchers:
The Podium:
Sen. Sam Brownback received a warm reception:
At the Supreme Court:
Tag: March For Life
Posted by plb at January 22, 2007 03:01 PM
Subscribe with Bloglines Prior Articles:
March for Life - Barbara's Pictures - Jan 22, 2007
Live Video from the March for Life - Jan 22, 2007
See you at the March - Jan 19, 2007
Blogs4Life Conference at the Family Research Council - January 22nd - Jan 18, 2007
Pro-Life web site and blog owners - Jan 12, 2007
March for Life Rally and Route Map - Jan 12, 2007
Marching with John Jakubczyk - Jan 26, 2006
March for Life Images - Jan 26, 2006
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Baby Killing as a Civil Right from Conservative Thoughts[...]Be sure to read the rest here. While your at it stop over a blogs4life for updates on the March for Life and the Live Blogs4Life conference....[read more]
Tracked: January 22, 2007 03:33 PM
Amazing! Lots of young people in the walk!Posted by: Val on January 22, 2007 09:32 PM
It looks like the march went very well. Sorry but I couldn't be there. Thank you for participating and making this happen. It is so important to keep the pressure on.
Pro-life is definately on the upswing and I think it's only a matter of time before Roe v Wade is overturned. We must not lose heart, for remember it took almost 60 years to overturn Plessy v Ferguson.
Few Dems run as pro-abortion any more, most either hide it or pretend to be pro-life, or really are pro-life. We've won the debate, now it's just a matter of putting it into law.
Once again, thank you.
Posted by: Tom the Redhunter on January 23, 2007 06:15 PM
March For Life: January 22, 2007 March for Life - Barbara's Pictures
As a former radical leftist, I attended many demonstrations in Washington, DC.
Now having attended the March for Life two years in a row, I'm amazed at how under-reported this event is - and all too aware of how that under-reporting contributes to the rampant stereotyping of pro-lifers as middle-aged white males.
I actually saw very few of those today!
What I saw were hundreds of thousands of people willing to brave the cold (DC had its first snow of the winter the night before) to affirm that a baby in the womb is not property to be destroyed, but a person that those committed to human rights must defend.
It's a child, not a choice!
I took 207 pictures today, and though I've had time to edit, my comments will have to wait 'til tomorrow. In the meantime, you can see a slideshow by clicking on the album below:
March for Life 2007
Enjoy!Barbara CurtisMommyLife
March For Life: A Time To Mourn 34 Years Of Abortion On Demand
By Rev. Louis P. SheldonChairman, Traditional Values CoalitionJanuary 22, 2007
Today marks yet another tragic milestone in America’s history. It marks the 34th anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions that both effectively legalized abortion on demand for any reason.In 1973, liberal Supreme Court Justices managed to twist the meaning of the Constitution into granting women a “right” to abort their unborn children – and struck down all state bans on abortion. The killing of unborn children became a “privacy” right invented by Justice Harry Blackmun to justify abortion.Since then, more than 40 million unborn children have had their lives snuffed out in abortion clinics. In recent years, gruesome procedures such as partial-birth abortion have been developed by greedy abortion doctors to maximize their profits from killing late term babies. No matter how disgusting or bloody is the practice of killing unborn children, the abortion industry and its allies in Congress continue to defend this practice as a “constitutional right” and a “privacy” matter between a physician and his patient. Thousands of pro-lifers marched in the streets of Washington, DC today to protest and mourn this terrible milestone in our nation’s history. With the new Congress dominated by the pro-abortion lobby, it is going to be more difficult than ever to make headway in protecting the unborn. Hopefully, the next two years will be only a brief interruption in the move toward reform of the federal judiciary and the overturning of Roe v. Wade by a more conservative Supreme Court. In the meantime, pro-lifers must continue to do what they have always done: Fight aggressively for the right to life of all unborn children; to encourage abstinence before marriage and fidelity in marriage; and to encourage adoption as a compassionate option to the taking of a human life in the womb. Let us pray that in our lifetime we can see Roe v. Wade overturned and that this decision will be viewed by all Americans as a horrible stain upon our nation – as horrible as we now view our nation’s acceptance of slavery prior to the Civil War. Pray that God will help us in the years ahead.