Alexandria: And people wonder why I think Hillary would make a lousy president.I think she'll "win." That's just my gut feeling. Of course no matter who we wind up with, we're in trouble anyway. Too bad Ron Paul doesn't have a chance.
2tuff: HILLARY CLINTON has NO CHANCE of winning any U.S Presidency. Hillary Clinton is a Lesbian, Satanist, CIA stooge and a high degree Witch like Barbara Bush whos a 5th degree if I remember rightly. You'll probably see her down Kimball Cherokee Castle some day haha.
Alexandria: If I went to that castle, they'd take one look at me and say "Hey look! A Christian woman for sacrifice!"I'll pass, thanks!As far as Hillary for prez...never know. All I can say is, stay tuned.
wolveshater: Rense has a pic of hillary today on his page, it really is funny, She will not be prez, she is nothing more than a dog and pony show distraction, I hope she is beheaded some day I HATE her. she is coyote bait.
AVBiblebeliever: To the contrary, I think all of those evil hats make her a possible choice for the Jesuits and Cardinal Egan. She would be servile toward the Order and Archbishop of New York just as Queen Victoria in England to the Jesuits of Stonyhurst. The Order may purposely choose a poor leader (hey they've done before and he's in the White Whorehouse in Rome on the Potomac-Washington DC the most Masonic city in the U.S). Hellary very well could have orchestrated the massacre at Waco along with her husband Jesuit-trained Temporal Coadjutor Bill Clinton. She did have an office and people who took orders from her. She acted covertly as a co-president and New Age practitioner.This Republican Boston radio show host Michael Graham added to the agitation which helped perpetuate the false CFR contrived GOP/Dem right/left paradigm but he may have let a truth slip out.
Hellary attended the 2006 Bilderberg Conference which "has a proven history of acting in a kingmaker capacity." Pataki was there as well. He is a favorite of Cardinal Egan and I believe closet Master Mason despite his public rejection of an invitation to join the Grand Lodge of New York. the documentary "The Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings" produced by J. Christian Pinto there is a shot of a lifelike replica, a wax sculpture of George W. Bush in the Masonic Museum in Los Angeles. I think it is possible W. is a Shriner but I can't prove it yet. I only have one quote but it's not strong enough evidence.Bush said this back in 2004 in Baghdad.
From officials in Iraq are well aware of al-Rubaie's ability to navigate in both worlds; when President Bush landed in Baghdad for Thanksgiving dinner, clearly he'd been briefed. As al-Rubaie remembers their encounter, the president pointed at him and said, "Dr. al-Rubaie, I want you to convey this message to Mr. Sistani. Tell him that I pray to the same god he prays to... Tell Sistani I have nothing but praise for your religion. I have many millions of Muslims in my country back home."American officials in Iraq are well aware of al-Rubaie's ability to navigate in both worlds; when President Bush landed in Baghdad for Thanksgiving dinner, clearly he'd been briefed. As al-Rubaie remembers their encounter, the president pointed at him and said, "Dr. al-Rubaie, I want you to convey this message to Mr. Sistani. Tell him that I pray to the same god he prays to... Tell Sistani I have nothing but praise for your religion. I have many millions of Muslims in my country back home."Okay, Bush told Mowaffak al-Rubaie to tell Ayatollah Ali Sistani "Tell him that I pray to the same god he prays to." Bush on many occasions said Christians and Muslims pray to the same god. Most people wouldn't give it a second thought. Well, if you take into account the fact that Shriner Freemasons swear an oath to Allah. The full title of the Shriners is the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.
The regard Allah to be "the god of our fathers." (The Shriners have a recognition test as do their masters the Jesuits in their oath.)I think Bush's remark may have been a clue to those in the know that he is a Shriner.He is a Skull and Bonesman as we all know, a Luciferian evidenced by his numerous uses of the Satanic hand gesture-the mano cornuto-he is a Sodomite as well as many members of his administration just as Adolf Hitler and the top Nazi leaders as shown in The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams which I have heard of but haven't read yet. I just found the link below.You can read it here This is analysis of Bush's mannerisms and speech by a sodomite who says "If you are gay, you have to refine your gaydar to guess who is gay and who is not. If you ever make a mistake you could get a punch in the mouth or worse. The signals we gays look for are very subtle. Bush is broadcasting at 100,000 watts." On a lighter note-I heard Hellary was booed when she showed up at a Yankees game wearing a cap LOL! Obama pulled it off when he wore a Chicago Bears cap during one Monday Night Football game.
-Brother Nicholas N. Rivera
Alexandria: I have Edward Klein's book "The Truth about Hillary" and while he doesn't dig very far down and get to what we know, it's still pretty interesting.New Yorkers considered Hillary to be an "out-of-touch carpetbagger," according to Klein. He also says that Hillary has the ability to lie--which nowadays is a qualification for high office.He doesn't scratch the surface very deeply discussing Bill and Hillary's marriage. I've read that it's a CIA-arranged marriage. According to the Cutting Edge website, they're both witches, but Hillary is of a higher degree.Then Henry Makow a while back claimed that we were being conditioned to accept a female president. What's that show with Geena Davis again?One term used to describe Hillary according to Klein was "soulless." No shock there.