Thursday, January 18, 2007

I am Not Dead Yet

All of the emails, life experiences, and the inspiration to learn the truth keeps me going in life. I can never surrender. I've made bad mistakes, but that doesn't mean that God doesn't care about us. God care deeply for us and want us to repent and move forward. Hillary Clinton yersterday announced her opinion on the present Iraq situation. She disagreed with George W. Bush's proclomation of increased troop surge to contain the civil war in Baghdad. She wants a re-deployment and negiotations among neighboring countries. Critics of her believe she is positioning herself for a Presidental run. What's clear is that a new policy in Iraq must be activated. The best solution is to leave and have firm negiotations in the Middle East indepedently. Paul Craig Roberts fears that the neo-cons want to invade Iran, which is an radical plot.

One news items is really sick.
Nick Farrell on Thursday at January 18, 2007 during 07:38 comment that the proposed bill Section 220 of S. 1 will require blogger to register if they have more than 500 viewers. In other words, if your blog have more than 500 viewers, you have to register (as a so-called "lobbying firm" In my view, if a man or a woman dissents with the government, that's legitimate. If the enemies of the Bill of Rights want to classify that as lobbying, so be it) and tell Congress quarterly of your activities. This is a blatant violation of the First Amendment, because we have the free speech to write in a blog without censorship or registration. First, they want to register guns and now blogs. Section 220 is a censorship bill plain and simple. This isn't a political issue, because conservative activists and even the ACLU have opposed this bill. On January 9, the Senate passed Amendment 7 to S. 1, to createcriminal penalties, including up to one year in jail, if someone 'knowinglyand willingly fails to file or report.' If this bill becomes law, this is the beginning of the end of free speech. Is this what we voter for? A bunch of pro-Big Brother, anti-dissent members of Congress obsess with stopping "lobbyists." I knew about Section 220 and didn't take it that seriously until now. Kavan Peterson from on Thursday, at January 18, 2007 reported that Bush now has the new power of federalizing the National Gaurd. Previsouly, the governor alone has the power to call on the National Gaurd, except if the governor gives the President permission to do so. This is one example of a long list of facts revolving around the federalizing of American society (especially after September 11, 2001).

I wouldn't worry about shows like 24. The fear, the violence, the torture, and other negative elements should never be embraced by real Patriots globally (not just in America). Paul Joseph Watson from Prison Planet on Thursday at January 18, 2007 wrote something about Osama bin Laden. Paul wrote that Abu Hamza (an extremist cleric) that Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11. This testimony is similar to the Ummat interview where Osama denied any involvment of 9/11 as a violation of his religious beliefs. Regardless of Osama's testimonies, the truth is that there is no way that Muslims can committ every deed in 9/11. Muslims alone can't make NORAD stand down, make the monetary put options, government the foreknowledge exist, and other components of the terrible events surrouding 9/11. I'm with exposing all people, but I'm not with collectively blaming all Jewish people, all people of one religion, or all people of one ethnic group as responsible for all of the ills of the world. Some bigots are involved with those lies, but I'm not. Some of these racist discuss Communism, but Communist ideals existed from Plato, Thomas More, and the Jesuit Communes before Karl Marx. They talk about the neo cons and the Bush administration, but most of the administration officals are in the CFR plus most aren't Jewish. They talk about this and that, but omit the Vatican/Jesuit link to events like the Inquistion, WWII, the Ratlines, Operation Paperclip, Diem, the ecumencial movement, etc. Unlike the bigots, I expose all evils in the new world order from the Jesuits to the Labor Zionists.

As for black history, I will in the future make an effort to show real Black history not the lies you see in the media. Also, it's important to learn history of Black people 365 days a year not just in one month of February. Beyond that, it's important to understand the history of all people since all human beings exist from the same origin. On the Secret Society, I found that there is a House 33 Resolution praising the Freemasons. The truth is that many low-level Masons don't know what Freemasonry is about. In truth, Masonry (who worked with Jesuits for centuries like Jesuit Edmund Walsh and Mason MacArthur) is about merging fellowship with those who embace monotheism (while using pagan imagery and death oath rituals). Many Masons like J. Edgar Hoover, Joseph Smith, Henry Ford, and Albert Pike done some wicked things. I understand many Masons done some apparent "good" but this is overshadowed by their unbiblical, secretive, and elitist organization.

By Timothy