Friday, February 25, 2011

Economic News

This is about the war on the middle class. This is about Billionaires taking away the basic human rights of the poor and middle class.

If you fall into the catergory of poor or middle class this means you too.

This is not about union thugs, etc. Thats propaganda. This is about politics and votes.

There is no financial crisis in Wisconsin. The budget crisis is a fabrication.

Some people are too blinded by racism, confusion, misinformation, and hatred that they will vote against their own self interest.

These are billionaires (like the Koch brothers) trying to wipe out the middle class.

If you are middle class and white instead of reveling in false information and lies you better wake up!! I "know" there are no white millionaire and billionaire's on this forum. Only poor and middle class wh are voting and speaking against their own self interests. SMH.

Obama sits back says nothing while these billionaires try to crush the American People.


-Inisa Love


Walker and his cronies didn't expect the backlash, so they have called in the corporate sponsored GOP spin machine in an attempt to characterize the protestors as being out-of-state and bussed in. Unlike the faux astroturf Tea party express protestors from the health care debate, thesefolk weren't bussed in. Notice also how they attempt to further slander these school teachers and other public workers as "union goons." apparently their shame knows no bounds.

If this was truly about a state fiscal budget matter and soaring state employee health care costs, why is something like eliminating colective bargaining in Hosni Walker's union busting bill? Because the GOP is trying to undercut Union support of Democrats. The Teachers & SEIU unions in particular are two of the three top 10 remaining democrat supporting organizations that spend big money on elections. The GOP plan is simple. Destroy the unions and then they can use their corporate funded conservative organizations to buy future national elections.

One more thing. Notice how the police & Fire unions are exempt from Walker’s union busting bill. Those two unions supported him during his campaign, so they get special treatment. Walker’s just playing politics in trying to destroy the other powerful unions and undercut Democrat campaign funding support.

Why didn't CBS ask Walker why he started out his term with a Budget surplus? Why is Walker's budget in debt now? Because Gov. Walker pushed through business tax credits for his campaign contributors! Think about it! If this was truly about a government budget shortfall and state worker pension costs, then why is the elimination of collective bargaining rights in this bill. Bargaining rights are not a fiscal matter. Also ask as to why the Police & Fire Unions are exempt from this Bill?(1) Because both of those two unions supported Walker in his election and their unions don't spend heavily in national elections like the SEIU and Teachers Unions do. 7 out of the top 10 big money spenders in last years national elections were conservative groups. The other 3 - Unions. If the unions go so does major funding support for Democrats. Corporate funded conservative Republicans can simply buy your vote infuture election by flooding the airwaves with limitless money without worry about those 'pesky' Unions spending money in opposition.

-Liberal Patriot


No. This is about you NOT paying your bills. You want a top educational system but are not willing to pay for it. You want a opolice force that keeps down crime but you are not willing to pay for it. You want good roads but you are not willing to pay for them. You want a military that will protect us from threats from all over the world and you are not willing to pay for that. For God's sake man, go live on an island where you do not have to pay for anything.

-Reps gone in 2012


Inisa Love wrote:
The unions have already agreed to the changes in pay. They only want to keep their collective bargaining rights. So far the Governor is still dying them this.
Protests are now happening in Ohio in support of Wisconsin and there is a call to support them all across the country.
Governor Scott Walker and his corporate masters (the Koch brothers) are fully aware of this. But that is aside from the point. They want to break the union and destroy democratic rights of the working people to collective bargaining.
Mainly, they want to reduce the American people to a state of modernized SERFDOM, corporate serfdom.
It's not just about the deficits or concessions on wages or benefits.
This is a fight between FREEDOM and CORPORATE DESPOSTISM. This is a struggle between civilization and barbarism.
Either we defeat the right wing barbarians and despot or democracy (what's left of it) will die in America.



Liberal Patriot wrote:
FDR warned us of the dangers that corporation behind the GOP posed during a speech at Madison Square Garden:
"We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace-business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionism, war profiteering. They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob. Never before in history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hatred for me - and I welcome their hatred. I should like to have it said of my first administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match. I should like to have it said of my second administration that in it these forces met their master.
- President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Speech at Madison Square Garden”
The old threat of organized money has returned, and the unions may be our last defense against their financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionism, and war profiteering.
If Wisconsin goes, so will the nation!
Bravo, thank's for the FDR speech, it is the first time I heard it. FDR was a true visionary and one of our greates presidents. Some revisionist propagandists lately have tried to subtley discredit him.

This does relate to class, high finance cartels, accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few .. organized money, so well put, i was just thinking of their many gambits, including Enron who's plan was to monoplize our electric grid and then of course the wall street deriviative scheme who made mortgage funds readily available to the masses and then looted their equity .. well, organized money never sleeps .. organized money is also continuing to profer diverting social security contributions into the stock market

Just caught Elliot Spitzer on CNN and he clearly called this Union Busting by the Wisconsin Governor, and he believes the Gov will ultimately be sucessfull.

-LA Observer



Barros Serrano wrote:

You mentioned in prior posts that whites are oppressed but think they're free...
Is it possible they've waked up? I hear them both right and left claiming they see that corporations control the govt and are screwing everyone... WHAT would it take?
I wonder how the govt/system would react to mass demonstrations in the USA right now... they expect the dictators in the Mideast to allow the demonstrations, but I can remember some pretty violent repression when WE Yanks were in the streets protesting. Would that repeat?
Would protests here maintain their cool, or would they turn into race riots?
Time will tell, eh?
Keeping my fingers crossed. But it may be that more whites are waking up than before. Look at Wisconsin. But we will see.
Had it not been for the culture of racism and white supremacy, the USA might very well be the most progressive nation on earth.
It is whiteness, as I once wrote in a philosophical essay for an anthology of critical race theory, which blinds many whites to the reality of their (thinly disguised) servitude.
Race does not blind most blacks to the reality of our servitude, since its oppressions OPENLY degrades us (as Fred Douglass once said). Yet whille it makes most of us unable to evade awareness of our unfreedom, it sometimes limits our understanding the the varieties of unfreedom and oppression, and sometimes limits our appreciation of the full possibilities of liberation.
If we can effectively wage a persistant and militant struggle against social and economic injustice, both within and without the AA community, we can create a new era in history.
And it may well be achievable by means of nonviolent revolution.

Actually, I think WHITES are being given a SECOND RATE education, and Blacks are given a THIRD RATE education. That's part of the Revolution must seek to change.
I do call for a complete cultural change in the Black community, and even more so in the WHITE community.
I do think that a "revolution of values", as Dr. King called it, is necessary everywhere and among all peoples.



they've used racism well...

Yes, whites are kept stupid, voting for the fascists who are anally raping them, in large part over race. The Southern politician on the stump who could yell the N word the loudest usually was elected in the Jim Crow South. That pattern is national, just without the white hoods.

Oxycontin-slurping fatboy, what's his name? he makes oblique racist slurs nearly daily on his program, I have checked it out, and been amazed that so many people can not see through his cleverly constructed propaganda circus. Once the Honorable Louis B. Farraklown had made some comment about some rioters or gangstas or something "behaving like savages", and Rush played Farraklown saying " savages" OVER and OVER on his show one day...

So the white workingclass guy who used to pay his Union dues and vote Democratic now votes for corporate shills like Reagan Bush Bush because Jesse Jackson played the race card... LOL...

Yes, Rush tells them that the problems of black people in the USA are all caused by Jesse and Al and the Republicans have dumbed-down the schools so much that the redneck dittohead believes this load of crap and runs to vote against Jesse and Al.

Wisconsin, Ohio and now Indiana... LOL!!! What if the popular revolutionary democratic uprising in the USA originates among Midwest working-class whites! I mean wouldn't that just blow your freaking mind! LOL!

Well, today CNN showed Libyan crowds cheering Western journalists! What? I thought they were all jihadists over there? LOL!!!

Damn, if the people wake up all that BS will vanish like smoke. COMMON ENEMY! COMMON CAUSE!

And it's not only racism that needs to be overcome. Many are sold on the cliches of capitalism... the boss deserves to have a much better lifestyle, etc., a lot of social Darwinism which has been sold to people by the corporate media.

And it's not only whites full of this brainwashing.

-Barros Serrano


How can they wake up, when they feel they are better than...even at their own Expense!

Again the wp have been _played to think that the game was in hating non-whites (their taking your jobs and etc...) LOL and now they want Blacks to take their side against Latino Brothas and Sistas!
When their corporate masters have been _documented to use the services of the so-called illegals!

If it feels good then its about "Hate" that is why the dumb-downed listen to the druggies and the fox news!!!

The corporate masters have played their game Well!
They even hate the "peckerwoods" that put on the "sheets and LISTEN to them!" and will only USE them for their agenda... the "peckerwoods!"

Black people have known this for Years!! That the hatred aganst a "skin color" was a "Tactic used by the "corporate overlords"

I don't have pity for the ones who got caught up in the Game!!!-SMH

-Mz Brown


Well, maybe the game is over. How can they wake up? They've done it before. The people now in their 60's were in the streets fighting for justice. Whites too. Millions of them.

Now at last they're realizing they've been screwed too far. And these Unions are now integrated... there are plenty of people other than white involved in this.

It has been said that when workingclass whites and blacks together lined the tracks of the funeral train of Robert F. Kennedy, that was the last time they stood together. That's a sad commentary on US history if that ends up being true.

Maybe they'll stand together now. Along with everyone.

-Barros Serrano


If you're not DEAD you can awaken. Whites have been sold the snake oil of racism and white supremacy for centuries. And yes, it's deeply rooted in American culture.
Yet, some whites clearly see through it. Others may come to see through the hype later. And there may be some who never will. Of those who do awake, as with those of earlier generations who cast off their blinders, it is possible for form a new popular democratic movement.
Progressive historian Howard Zinn---a white ally of the freedom movement of the 1960s--suggested that about 25% of the American people are soooooo far to the Right that there's no reaching them. And, of course, the vast majority of those American reactionaries are white.
But that leaves open about 75% of the American population who MIGHT still be won. Who wins them over will determine the future history of America, and much of the world.
But if we assume that the vast majority of whites are incorrrigible bigots and reactinaries, then we end up abandoning the field for the Right to REALLY win over the majority.
That would be GROSS irresponsibility on our parts, and would virtually guarantee the triumph of an American fascism.
Anti-racist progressives of all races, creeds and nationalities mush commit to winning over the majority of Americans of all races, creeds and colors to a vision of more human society void of racism, sexism and class oppression.
And nonviolent struggles like those in Madison, Wisconsin and Ohio may offer part of the solution, part of the way forward.
If we fail to seize the challenge--SEIZE THE TIME--as Bobby Seale would have it, then we are facing our doom.
This is a struggle between freedom and despotism, between civilization and barbarism. We cannot afford to lose this battle.



Ms_Deputy wrote:

Who do you admire most?
Malcolm X - Che or Martin Luther King?
I agree MLK was revolutionary - I heard he was a lil influenced
by Ghandi his stance in freedom (India)
Well, King was clearly impressed with Gandhi's capacity to lead a nonviolent movment against British imperialism. I'm not sure how much King was philosophically influenced by Gandhi. From my study of some his work, and works of a few King scholars, it appears that certain trends in Christian theology, Western philosophy and the Black intellectual tradition may have had a deepr influence. But there was clearly some Gandhian ideology which King would have read through a Christian perspective rather than the Hindu tradition which would have been native to Gandhi.
There was apparently an informal community or climate of ideas which some scholars called "Black Gandhism" which may have had an influrence.
Howard University president/scholar Mordecai Johnson apparently aroused King's interest in Gandhi due to certain lectures on Gandhi which King heard while he was still a grad student in Philosophy & Theology.
But I tend to agree with Dr. Rufus Burrows, Jr.(author of GOD AND HUMAN DIGNITY:PERSONALISM, THEOLOGY & ETHICS OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR) that the homespun Social Gospel & Personalism of southern Black Christianity as well as systematic Personalist philosophies and social Gospel theologies at Boston University, had more of an influence.
Also, both King and Gandhi were apparently influenced by the pacifist thought of Leo Tolstoy and the famous essay on "Civil Disobedience" by Henry David Thoreau.
And like other Black intellectuals King was deeply inspired by anticolonial movements in Africa and Asia which were throwing off the shackles of colonialist exploitation. Hence his eager visits to Ghana to celebrate its independence under the leadershop of Kwame Nkrumah, and to India to meet some of the men who worked to win India's independence from England.
But with regard to Gandhi, King may have said it best (to the extent I can remember his words without having the text at hand): Jesus was author of the philosophy or PRINCIPLES of nonviolence, while Gandhi was the tactician which showed how it might WORK.



So what draws you here if you don't have time for it? frankly, I think that the WHOLE WORLD is in need of revolution, which I HOPE (don't have King's certainty) can be nonviolent.
Most whites are oppressed themselves, but are not as aware of it as we generally are. And they often rage against blacks, foreigners, liberals, intellectusls, feminists (or simply WOMEN), the poor (even though tens of millions of whites are poor) etc.
In one of Dr. King's last speeches ( "The Drum Major Instinct") he pointed out that if whites had a clearer perception of reality, of the oppressive reality of their own lives, they would have outnumbered us in those demonstrations and protests of the 1960s.
An elder tells me that during Dr. King's 1967 visit to Baltimore, he said to some gathering of black folk something more or less to the effect:" The difference between ourselves and our bemused white brethren is not that they're free and we're not. It's that we KNOW we're not free, and they think they are."

Or as Guy Debord of Situationist International once wrote after the Watts uprising: America's Blacks are ALIENATED. So are the rest of Americans, but the Blacks are AWARE of it.

That's the difference.....and so, the Struggle continues.
