Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Medvedev: Revolutions Could Lead To “Disintegration” Of Middle East


From http://www.infowars.com/medvedev-revolutions-could-lead-to-disintegration-of-middle-east/


Medvedev: Revolutions Could Lead To “Disintegration” Of Middle East

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Paul Joseph Watson
February 22, 2011
Contrary to the prevailing rhetoric coming from western leaders and the establishment media, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev today warned that the revolutions spreading like wildfire across the region could lead to the “disintegration” of the Middle East.


Speaking today at a security meeting in the Caucasus city of Vladikavkaz, Medvedev struck an altogether harsher tone than what we’ve heard from western governments. Rather than seeing the wave of revolts as a positive affirmation of the human drive for freedom, Medvedev only foresees a potential catastrophe.
“The Middle East could shatter into pieces, the situation is extremely tense, we could witness the disintegration of large and densely populated countries,” warned Medvedev, adding that religious fanatics could seize power and, “set the region on fire for decades to come.”
Medvedev’s remarks served as a warning to anyone planning to foment similar instability in Russia.
“They have prepared such a scenario for us before, and now more than ever they will try and realize it. In any case, this scenario won’t succeed,” he said.
As we highlighted yesterday, Russia is fully aware of the fact that the protests have been hijacked and are being manipulated by the western banking elite and the US military-industrial complex.
  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Globalists hope to steer the protests, the participants of which have genuine grievances, as a vehicle through which to topple so-called rogue states that refuse to play ball with the new world order. In the short term, namely Iran, but eventually Russia and even China.
“Shut down the Middle East, you shut down China and Russia, then you rule the world. The current Middle East destabilization is a desperate gambit to eliminate the Near-East buffer, isolate the two rising superpowers, and force them to concede to their place within a unipolar New York-London centric world order,” writes Tony Cartalucci.
In Egypt, where the same military hunter that brought deposed dictator Hosni Mubarak to power 30 years ago has assumed control and begun making deals with a gaggle of globalist NGOs, Russia blamed Google for playing a key role in stirring up the revolt.
“Look what they have done in Egypt, those highly-placed managers of Google, what manipulations of the energy of the people took place there,” Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin told the Wall Street Journal.
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Google CEO Eric Schmidt said he it was “very, very proud” of the integral role Google employee Wael Ghonim played in the protest movement. Ghonim is Google’s head of marketing for the Middle East and North Africa.