Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ex Director: Planned Parenthood Has History of OKing Sex Trafficking

From http://www.lifenews.com/2011/02/22/ex-director-planned-parenthood-has-history-of-oking-sex-trafficking/

Ex Director: Planned Parenthood Has History of OKing Sex Trafficking

by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 2/22/11 11:27 AM
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In two recent interviews responding to the national videos that have received so much attention, former Planned Parenthood abortion clinic director Abby Johnson says the abortion business has a history of tolerating sex trafficking.
The videos show Planned Parenthood staffers in four locations bending over backwards to help undercover investigators posing as sex traffickers. The staff help arrange abortions, STD testing and give advice on how to avoid suspicions from authorities and evade laws.
Abby Johnson, the former director of a Planned Parenthood center in a large Texas town that is home to Texas A&M University, shared her thoughts on the video on the Fox News program O’Reilly Factor on Friday night.
“It happens all the time, it happened at my clinic,” Johnson said of Planned Parenthood staffers helping sex traffickers, prostitutes and others in the sex trade to get abortions.
“You let it happen?” O’Reilly responded.
“Absolutely. I let it happen,” Johnson said, explaining that Planned Parenthood centers create a climate of tolerance because they are so predisposed to selling abortions that morality in other situations — such as the exploitation of women — goes out the window.
“Planned Parenthood has created this idea of tolerance,” she explained. “They want to tolerate all these lifestyles, and all these different walks of life for their clients; they forget to protect their clients. They forget to protect these minors that are being abused by pimps and being abused by older men. They forget to protect these women that they’re there to help.”
Johnson told host Bill O’Reilly that the move to revoke taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood is one that could break the back of the abortion business.
“They can’t survive without our tax dollars,” she said. “They don’t have enough support to raise it privately.”
Meanwhile, Johnson also talked with National Review about the tapes and the abortion industry.
“There is evidence in the video released that Planned Parenthood will go to measures to aid sex trafficking in order to keep their abortion services at a high rate. This evidence can’t be denied,” Johnson said. ” They are very troubling and show the reality of what is being said and how women, men, and their families are being treated by Planned Parenthood — an organization that claims to care for women, but their actions reveal quite the opposite. I am in full support of Live Action’s mission.”
She added: “Planned Parenthood’s mission, on paper, is to give women quality and affordable health care and to protect women’s rights. In reality, their mission is to increase their abortion numbers and in turn increase their revenue.”
“Abortion, more than not, leaves women with an aftermath of grief, guilt, and emotional overload. In a lot of cases, this can last a lifetime,” she said. “Abortion does not just hurt women. Abortion hurts a family, and it has a domino effect of hurting those related and close to those families through the grief and reality of losing a child to abortion.”
“Planned Parenthood is an organization that does not provide quality health care. Our tax money should go to organizations that provide comprehensive care to women, men, and children. There are better uses of our money. Planned Parenthood provides shabby, limited health care. Why would we want women to get some health care when they can go to a different clinic, other than Planned Parenthood, and receive total health care?” she told the conservative magazine.
Johnson said more must be done to promote pregnancy centers as an alternative for women.
“There are many other clinics and even free services out there, including crisis-pregnancy centers, that help women in a better, more affordable (frequently free), and more caring way. They take the time to sit down with these women and care much more for their holistic needs, not just medical ones,” she said. “Women need to be treated like this everywhere they go; unfortunately, Planned Parenthood is going to offer medical procedures such as abortions much faster than other services that are crucial and important to a women’s well being. Crisis-pregnancy centers can care for a woman in some medical ways, emotional ways, and holistic ways and are equipped to refer women to affordable and better quality clinics for services such as mammograms.”
Johnson told National Review she is not alone in coming from the Planned Parenthood abortion industry to the pro-life side.
“I have spoken to many former workers in the abortion industry who have left since I left, many claiming that my leaving Planned Parenthood played a role in their leaving. I look forward to the day when I can stand beside my former co-workers on this side of the fence and pray for our clinic,” she said.