The Job situation is of course not good in America. President Barack Obama wants business leaders to have job creation ideas, but policies exist now have jobs being shipped overseas (in a new one world economy). Now, a new free trade agreement is being proposed with South Korea. Other bad free trade agreements have hurt the U.S. economy. America consumes more and produce less. There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor. There should be programs to create plus keep American jobs in America. Barack Obama and his allies have worked with the same multinational corporations making huge profits by outsourcing and offshoring our jobs. Globalism isn't wonderful since it's literally destructive. We should have innovation and advances in technology, but not job killing solutions. Some products cost much more than others. Multinational corporations don't hire as much American workers since to them it's too expensive to pay cash to them. S, they high motivated workers in other places who will gladly work for slave like labor wages. So, these jobs in America are competed against jobs worldwide. What's occurring in Wisconsin is happening worldwide. Reactionaries want jobs, benefits, and public services either gone or radically cut. There are plenty of skilled workers to make iPads, but some companies don't want to pay real wages to qualified workers here in America. But senior White House adviser (actually she pretty much runs the White House) Valerie Jarrett insists that Obama “wants to make sure that the federal government is doing everything that we can to foster the kind of environment where companies want to invest and grow and hire people right here in America." According to the Economic Policy Institute view that the free trade agreement will cost the U.S. about 159,000 jobs. There are free trade proposals with Colombia and Panama. Big Business isn't helping American workers. There are more than 4 million American workers that have been out of work for more than 1 year. Middle class workers in the USA make less money today than they did back in 1971. There is a median duration of unemployment lasting 20 weeks beyond just 10 weeks. There are structural problems in the economy that ought to be solved in order to improve our financial system. Some jobs are shipped to China. The U.S. trade deficit with China in 2010 was 27 times larger than it was back in 1990. America spent more than 4 dollars on goods and services from China for every one dollar that China spends on goods and services form the USA (currency manipulation, technological scandals, etc. existed in China). This isn't fair trade. This doesn't mean every Chinese person is an enemy and we should invade China. That's silliness. The deal is that there is corrupt people worldwide, we have a right to expose the truth, and desire real reforms in the world. There are over 42,000 U.S. factories shut down in America since 2001. The U.S. economy now has 10 percent fewer “middle class jobs” than it did just ten years ago even though our population has grown substantially, and half of all American workers now earn $505 or less per week. Free trade doesn't work to build us up. It promotes a globalist economic system. The poor and the middle class suffer and only a revolutionary of values can solve problems.
The Pro-Life NYC billboard on the black abortion rate was recently taken down. This was influenced by pro-abortion activists in New York City. The poster warned about the inordinately high abortion rates involving African American women and children. The pro-life group that has been involving in developing the billboard is called Life Always. They have paid for the billboard. Abortion kills about 300,000 black unborn children annually. New data from the CDC today indicates black babies are victims of abortion at a much higher rate than white people and Hispanics in the USA. The billboard is located in SoHo. It presents the image of a young black girl. The words on it reads that following: "...The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb." The outdoor advertising company that sold the space to the pro-life group for the billboard said on Thursday that it would remove the image because of the employees at the Mexican restaurant located on the bottom floor of the several story building bearing the ad were facing harassment over its pro-life message. “It’s down, or at least it should be coming down soon,” Peter Costanza, the general manager for Lamar Advertising, told the New York Times. “Why did I take it down? Yesterday, somebody came into the restaurant harassing the waiters and waitresses. I don’t want any violence to happen around the buildings there.” On the other hand, a woman answering the phone at Lupe's East L.A. Kitchen couldn't verify to the Times that any harassment had been taking place. Constanza said that the decision to remove the billboard wasn't about politics even though several black activists in the city spoke out against it (also, many black people are sincerely Pro-Life too). The Pro-Life group Life Always believes that politics have something to do with the decision to remove the billboard in Soho. The billboard's message is pretty much accurate. Abortion is a tragedy and folks have a right to use efforts to decrease the rates of abortions among all peoples. Pastor Stephen Broden is a member of the group's board of directors. He wanted to have abortion seen as traumatic and emotional. The leading cause of death for African Americans is abortion. Establishment liberals like MoveOn, Letita James (a City council member who represents parts of Brooklyn), and Freemason Al Sharpton were outraged by the pro-life billboard. They wanted a new conference to oppose it if it wasn't taken down. “The billboard was offensive, especially during Black History Month, and I had intended to hold a press conference Friday in front of the billboard to protest the message of racial profiling and against a woman”s right to choose,” Sharpton said Thursday. Sharpton is such a lying deceiving hypocrite. The billboard wasn't about promoting racial profiling neither is it about denying reproductive rights (as abortion on demand ends the total reproduction of a child and it kills black people. Killing black children is not representative of black cultural power at all. Abortion on demand has never been about black culture). The billboard was about calls for reform in society. Planned Parenthood use puppets like Women of Color Policy Network and ally with Al Sharpton to promote a policy that views unborn life as less than human. Meanwhile, the mother of the young girl who appears in the ad is upset that her daughter’s image is associated with it. Tricia Fraser said her daughter signed a contract to become a stock image model knowing that her image could be used in any number of campaigns with which she or her daughter might disagree. “I would never endorse something like that,” the mother of 6-year-old Anissa Fraser told Fox television today. It's a fact that Planned Parenthood was using eugenics and population control since its inception to harm people of color. NYC has an abortion rate of almost 60 percent rate for black women. That's a problem. The billboard is similar to a campaign Heroic Media ran in Jacksonville, Florida and Austin Texas last year, that Life Always took over in January. The billboard follows a December city health department report showing 41 percent of pregnancies in New York City ended in abortion in 2009. Blacks had the highest number of abortions with 40,798, the report indicated. We shouldn't be a bunch of Republicans, but we have every right to call for reforms in decreasing the abortion in comprehensive solutions completely.
Glen Beck is very slick. Some of what Glen Beck is saying is true, yet he mixes it with a neo-con spin on it. Beck is receiving millions of dollars to compromise the truth in order to have great coverage in compromising the real information. Beck got orders from Bush Jr. and now he acts like he is opposing world government. Beck is being used as a synthesis to allow the Left/Right Paradigm in the USA society. Glen Beck is bound in a Left/Right control grid. Glen Beck admits that there is an agenda for world government and a world currency (which is true), but he spins it as a totally a leftist deal. Once, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity denies that a world government and world currency agenda is here. Now, Hannity admits it. Beck believes that Soros runs the globalization agenda when they are mid level people in the whole hierarchy of power. George Soros is a CFR member, a Bilderberger, and is pro-euthanasia. He's an enemy, but he isn't in the top of the pyramid of power. Beck is on FOX News. FOX News once demonized people who exposed the new world order. Now, they allow Beck to exist in order to try to discredit sincere people exposing globalization. FOX News supports the war on terror. How are they anti-establishment when they support the establishment's goals of the war on terror, radical free trade, and other evils in the globe. Google was funded by the CIA, the NSA, and MIT. Glen Beck exposes Google, but lies and says that it's a part of an agenda to promote a Muslim caliphate. Youtube's parent Google is a corporate member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Glen Beck wants to support the Patriot Act. Beck mimics the truth. Yet, there is a big corporate power structure. Even Rupert Murdoch uses money to fund the carbon tax movement. Maddow and Matthews talked about torture, the Patriot Act, and other issues during the Bush years. Now, with President Barack Obama as President, they don't talk about these issues that much. They even support much of the war on terror situation going on. They are Left Gatekeepers that talk about some legitimate issues, but refuse to show the big picture. The big picture is that both the mainstream Left and Right are used by corporate power in order to have more disunity, divided American society (some elitists desire a new world order system too as validated by books, quotes, documentaries, etc.).
Secret Societies are real. People have discovered links between Yale University and the Bavarian Illuminati all of the time. It's been established that Thomas Jefferson was an apologist for Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt. Jefferson called him in 1800 as "an enthusiastic philanthropist." However, in Professor of Divinity David Tappan’s “A Discourse Delivered in The Chapel of Harvard College, June 19, 1798,” he explained that the Illuminati operated only “under the mask of universal philanthropy.” Tappan further remarked: “But what connection had this German association with the Revolution and consequent measures of France? The answer is, the secret papers of the society prove that it had extended its branches into the latter country before the year 1786; that Mirabeau and Talleyrand, two distinguished agents in that revolution, were officers of a secret lodge at Paris in 1788; that during the sitting of the Notables in that year deputies were sent to France from the German Illuminati, at the request of this lodge, to aid in the projected subversion of religion and government…. The German agents, on their arrival, persuaded lodges to form a political committee, whose object should be to devise the best means for a general revolution. From these committees arose the famous Jacobin Club, whose primary aim was to revolutionize not only France, but, if possible, the world.” Tappan then explained that “The supposition of some deep and extensive a conspiracy against government and religion… easily accounts for… certain newspapers and other productions… which aim or direfully tend to undermine the religious and moral, as well as civil institutions, principles and habits of our country….” The Skulls and Bones existed from 1832. There is the front page of the National Research Institute's Trumphet (from October 1988) reads that: "...Toward the end of the ceremony of initiation into the ‘Regents Degree of Illuminism,’ according to a tract, ‘A skeleton is pointed out to him (the initiate), at the feet of which are laid a crown and a sword. He is asked whether that is the skeleton of a king, a nobleman, or a beggar.’” According to Ron Rosenbaum in his article, “Last Secrets of Skull and Bones” (Esquire, September 1977), this statement is quite similar to the words (in German), “Who was the fool, who was the wise man, beggar, or king? Whether poor or rich, all’s the same in death,” which appears above a painting of skulls in room 322 of Skull & Bones. This shows an Illuminati/Skulls and Bones tie. President Franklin Roosevelt ancestor and NY assemblyman Clinton Roosevelt authored "The Science of Government Founded in Natural Law" in 1841. Clinton is accused of being apart of the Columbian Lodge of the Illuminati, yet some scholar deny its existence in that era of time. The book presents a pro-Weishaupt philosophy. The Assemblyman wrote that: "...There is no God of justice to order things aright on earth; if there be a God, he is a malicious and vengeful being, who created us for misery.” CR referred to other members of his “order” as “the enlightened ones” (the Illuminees).
The use of the word, “cosmopolitan,” is of special interest because in ex-Illuminatus Ernst von Gochhausen’s novel Exposure of the Cosmopolitan System: In Letters From ex-Freemasons (1786), one reads: “The hero asked his superior very frankly, ‘What purposes do the Illuminati have in infiltrating and now dominating Masonry?’ The reply was blunt and simple: ‘To emancipate all of mankind from religious and political slavery. Put specifically, to advance deism and cosmopolitanism.’… World citizenship. What does it mean? You are either a citizen [of the world] or you are a rebel. There is no third choice.” The Center for Civil Education or the CCE promote a cosmopolitan system. Today, other people desire people to be the citizen of the world or world citizenship. Today, we have a society where national boundaries are more fluid than ever before. There is nothing wrong with wanting solutions in a global scale or having concern for all peoples (of every color in the world), but I do believe in nationalism too.
By Timothy