How Did Alex Jones Obtain Video Footage From Inside A Council for National Policy Meeting?
Published on 02-21-2011 Email To Friend Print Version
Source: - By Lee Rogers
The questions surrounding Alex Jones and his many connections to individuals who have been affiliated with the secretive political organization the Council for National Policy continue to go unanswered. Jones has historically and continues to have individuals who have been members of the Council for National Policy as guests on his show. Although that in of itself isn't bad, it is the fact that for many years he decided to whitewash or dodge questions about the Council for National Policy and has conducted softball interviews with many current and former associates of the group. He has also given many of these people like Paul Craig Roberts, Stan Monteith, Michael Coffman, Larry Pratt, Phyllis Schlafly and other people linked with the group a great deal of credibility. Jones continues to whitewash the group's importance within the globalist power structure even after Charlotte Iserbyt a former Assistant Secretary of Education under Ronald Reagan outed the group on his show as a globalist front group.
The Council for National Policy meets in secret three times a year free from any mainstream press coverage. Members of the group are major power players within the Republican party and include Christian Zionists, politicians, religious figureheads and other people associated with the right wing faction of the U.S. political power structure. Bob Barr in his book The Meaning Of Is revealed that the plan to impeach Bill Clinton was formulated at a Council for National Policy meeting. There is little doubt that political agendas of some form are discussed and debated at their meetings. The fact that they are a 501c3 organization is actually a sick joke.
Due to the fact that press coverage is limited and only a select few news outlets friendly to the group have been allowed any access, it is next to impossible to find any video footage of their meetings. In fact, in the documentary film Silhouette City the filmmakers actually show up at a Council for National Policy meeting and are refused access. Even upon request the filmmakers were told that they could not even receive a list of people attending the meeting or any other information pertaining to the group. Video of the filmmakers trying to get into the group's meeting can be seen in the below clip.
How Did Alex Jones Obtain Video Footage From Inside A Council for National Policy Meeting?
Published on 02-21-2011 Email To Friend Print Version
Source: - By Lee Rogers
The questions surrounding Alex Jones and his many connections to individuals who have been affiliated with the secretive political organization the Council for National Policy continue to go unanswered. Jones has historically and continues to have individuals who have been members of the Council for National Policy as guests on his show. Although that in of itself isn't bad, it is the fact that for many years he decided to whitewash or dodge questions about the Council for National Policy and has conducted softball interviews with many current and former associates of the group. He has also given many of these people like Paul Craig Roberts, Stan Monteith, Michael Coffman, Larry Pratt, Phyllis Schlafly and other people linked with the group a great deal of credibility. Jones continues to whitewash the group's importance within the globalist power structure even after Charlotte Iserbyt a former Assistant Secretary of Education under Ronald Reagan outed the group on his show as a globalist front group.
The Council for National Policy meets in secret three times a year free from any mainstream press coverage. Members of the group are major power players within the Republican party and include Christian Zionists, politicians, religious figureheads and other people associated with the right wing faction of the U.S. political power structure. Bob Barr in his book The Meaning Of Is revealed that the plan to impeach Bill Clinton was formulated at a Council for National Policy meeting. There is little doubt that political agendas of some form are discussed and debated at their meetings. The fact that they are a 501c3 organization is actually a sick joke.
Due to the fact that press coverage is limited and only a select few news outlets friendly to the group have been allowed any access, it is next to impossible to find any video footage of their meetings. In fact, in the documentary film Silhouette City the filmmakers actually show up at a Council for National Policy meeting and are refused access. Even upon request the filmmakers were told that they could not even receive a list of people attending the meeting or any other information pertaining to the group. Video of the filmmakers trying to get into the group's meeting can be seen in the below clip.