aceempress 15 hours ago (10:34 PM)
It is because the billionaires own the news. In Atlanta, where, I live it was covered on Page four at the bottom today. The billionaire corporatists don't want to remind us that there are way more of us serfs than there are billionaires, so they censor and slant the news to their liking. Watch Al Jazeera and BBC. It's very interesting.
oops, sorry I clicked "post" by mistake. What I wanted to say: The chickens are coming home to roost. The republicans have been promoting tax cuts for a generation, not because it makes sense but because it gets votes. Now we have the lowest taxes in 60 years, and we don't have the money to pay for vital public services. The obvious solution? RAISE TAXES! Get real, people--tax cuts don't simply mean more money in your pocket. They also mean crumbling infrastructure, collapsing bridges, laid off teachers and policemen, etc etc.
Class warfare is when corporations pay no taxes and we make public employees the scapegoat. "The governor himself claims that Wisconsin can save $165 million by the end of next June simply by restructuring existing debt. Additionally, the share of corporate tax revenue funding the state government has fallen by half since 1981 and, according to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, two-thirds of corporations pay no taxes."
It appears the "budget shortfall" that Walker is claiming, is bogus...(but a good excuse to bust unions and lower wages)....according to the state budget director there was a small surplus (about fifty million) when Walker took office, only two months either he spent it (plus another 100 million) in two months or he is lying...(He is a Republican and I wouldn't put either scenario above him....)
chabuka 03:41 AM on 2/17/2011
Wisconsin public employees HAVE made similar sacrifices and concessions...but Governor Walker and his cronies are REFUSING to even talk to them, let alone what choice do they have...? and why aren't we doing more to (help) get this story (and the real reason the public employees are protesting ) covered by more news media (Huffington Post, AOL,even Stewart, Colbert haven't mentioned it..they are still talking about Egypt..)..if Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sara Palin or any of their tea party members, even so much as break wind...the news media is all over that, and it's reported as important breaking news
people need to understand - if Walker gets his way this will sweep the country
no more workers rights, the erosion of safety protection, a 5 day work week and 8 hour day GONE - equal pay yes, even child labor protections GONE!
All those things we take for granted all the things our great, and grandparents fought for GONE WITH THE WIND.
And any cop or firefighter who doesn't think after he destroys all the other unions won't come after theirs better get a clue PDQ
no more workers rights, the erosion of safety protection
All those things we take for granted all the things our great, and grandparen
And any cop or firefighte