Jesuit Roman Catholic Boston College event scheduled to honor (by Steve Lefemine)
Jesuit Roman Catholic Boston College event scheduled to honor
"the late, virulently pro-abortion" Roman Catholic priest Robert DrinanSteve Lefemine
February 19, 2011_______________________________________________
[ CCL: Jesuit Roman ] Catholic Boston College Asked to Cancel Pro-Abortion Event
2/18/11 1:45 PM [ CCL: Jesuit ] Boston College is coming under criticism from a Catholic educational watchdog group for an event
it is planning honoring a pro-abortion Catholic priest.On March 7, the Boston College Law School is scheduled to hold an event honoring the late, virulently pro-abortion priest Father Robert Drinan.
The Cardinal Newman Society has written to the president of Boston College, Father William Leahy, urging him to cancel the event and
to develop speaker policies which will prevent such scandals in the future.
CNS president Patrick Reilly said in his letter:
It is reported that on March 7, the Law School will host a panel discussion featuring Father Raymond Schroth, S.J. [ CCL: "Society of Jesus" [sic] - Jesuit ] who has publicly supported pro-abortion rights politiciansto promote his new book on Father Drinan. The event will also feature U.S. Congressman
[ CCL: sodomite ] Barney Frank, whose opposition to Catholic moral teaching in his personal life and in public policy is well known. He is a strident defender
of legal abortion.
As you know, Father Drinan was notorious for his service as a congressman from Massachusetts. He voted against several measures to ban
federal funding of abortions and, in 1996, his articles in the National Catholic Reporter and the New York Times supported President Bill Clinton’s veto
of a common-sense ban on the barbaric procedure known as partial-birth abortion. Throughout his long career as a prominent priest, Father Drinan
was scandalously reliable for his consistent and public support of abortion laws, in direct contradiction to clear Catholic teaching on the sanctity of human life.
This isn’t the first time Boston College has come under fire for promoting abortion.
Last October, Boston College Law School was criticized for linking to a Planned Parenthood abortion business on its web site
under “pro bono organizations.” The Catholic institution listed the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts on its web site.
Boston College Law School classified Planned Parenthood as a “public interest organization,” which upset TFP Student Action director John Ritchie.
“Here you will find lists of organizations that sponsor law-related pro bono activities in Massachusetts. We encourage you to contact
those organizations whose work aligns with your own personal mission of service, and to make the time available to contribute to their work
in a meaningful way,” the BC web site said.
Ritchie said Boston College should follow the example of several other Catholic universities that took down listings after public opposition.
“Why is Boston College encouraging its law students to get involved with the largest abortion provider in America?” Ritchie asked.
“Activity that deliberately claims innocent life and promotes the culture of death should be off limits at Boston College and every Catholic university.”
continued...Update 2/18/11: It has come to the attention of The Cardinal Newman Society that, in 1997, Fr. Drinan withdrew his statements supporting Clinton’s veto
of partial-birth abortion. The Boston Globe reported on May 17, 1997, that Fr. Drinan said, “I withdraw those statements and any statement that could be
understood to cast doubt on the church’s firm condemnation of abortion – a doctrine I totally support.” Drinan did not, to CNS’s knowledge, recant or
apologize for his many years of legislative support for legal abortion.Copyright © 2003-2010 All rights reserved. _______________________________________________________________
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