Monday, February 21, 2011

New Developments in the world

There is the nano hummingbird spy drone that is being developed by the Pentagon. It took 5 years to build and $4 million according to the Los Angeles Times. The new model of the nano hummingbird drone really looks like a bird flying around. It would allow the military to literally drop a bird at a window leger for reconnaissance purposes. “You can use these things anywhere, put them anyplace, and the target will never even know they’re being watched,” said defense expert Peter W. Singer. DARPA Defense Sciences Office (or the DSO) and the Nano Air Vehicle (NAV) Program has been involved in this situation. The Nano Hummingbird UAV flying has a tailless flapping wing flight. There is progression of propulsion and control developments too. The object is like a robotic hummingbird. There is a remote control device to handle the hummingbird spy drone. We should be careful of puppets in Egypt. These puppets have links to Western controlled schools, NGOs, and other foundations (with intelligence ties). The Telegraph outlined that support for the protesters came from America. Mohmed El Baradei’s NGO/elite’s ties are well known. Wael Ghonim is called the hero of the revolution of the Western media. He was an Egyptian who is the head of Marketing for Google Middle East plus North Africa. He is the head of Marketing for Google Middle East and North Africa (and he received his MBA from the American University in Cairo). He organized opposition to Mubarak via Facebook and was in police custody for 12 days. Google and Facebook are covert CIA soft power proxy fronts. Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi was one of Mubarak's closest allies. Tantawi is the head of the army, deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. He worked with Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Admiral Mullen. Tantawi worked with the Pentagon to handle the Egyptian crisis. He is now the military dictator in charge of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. The Constitution in Egypt is now completely annihilated.  Wesbter Tarpley said that Mubarak refused to back an Arabic coalition against Iran. Mubarak was getting friendly with Russia and China. We can’t support the dictator Mubarak, but we can’t be ignorant of shills in the wings that want to control Egypt during this revolutionary time.

History is being made in the Pro-Life Movement. The House voted to defund Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion clinic. We should be careful though to eliminate all taxpayer public funding of abortion, while not trying to harm real family planning services for women (or anyone else that needs real services that can really people’s sexual life). I’m not losing sleep over PP being exposed, but I do want any human being to receive adequate health care. The vote was about 240 to 180 in the House to block federal aid for Planned Parenthood. GOP Rep. Mike Pence lead the charge to do it. He says that taxpayer money shouldn’t go to groups that provide or promote abortion. Democrats say Planned Parenthood provides contraception and other valuable family planning services, and that cutting off the money will make it hard for women to get such basic help. Planned Parenthood provides services in hundreds of clinics around the country. Pence aides say the group reported receiving $363 million in federal money in its latest report. The proposal is part of a bill that seeks to cut government spending this year. The Senate is heavily Democratic, so the bill might not survive the Senate. Planned Parenthood’s evil origin is well known. Margaret Sanger founded the group. She was supported by the racist American Eugenics Society. Sanger wanted parents to have a license to make kids, which is a part of eugenics. Sanger admitted that he wanted children for the fit and less from the unfit. This was in her mind was the aim of birth control instead of real helping people to have children in the right way. Eugenicists believe that sterilization of the unfit is necessary to make a genetically stronger human race. Sanger hated charity and bashed the poor. This mentality is the same mentality of reactionaries all over the world. She wanted a national sterilization of certain parts of the population. Sanger spoke to the Klan. Maafa 21 is one great documentary that exposes Planned Parenthood’s evil history in dealing with eugenics and people of color. It has documents and other evidence to show the truth with many African American experts in the film. Civil rights activists in the past and the present oppose eugenics, population control, abortion on demand, and Planned Parenthood too.
Popular culture is strong in the world. Billy Ray Cyrus made strange words about her daughter. He says that Satan is attacking her family. Billy Ray fears for her daughter. He told these words in GQ. The truth is that many of these stars have made mistakes. Miley Cyrus has been involved in numerous scandals. We would hope that any human being would wake up and better than the past. The Reb’l Fleur perfume ad is very interesting. It showcases the sister Rihanna. Vigilant Citizen believes it shows mind control triggers and monarch programming symbolism. The commercial begins with the good and bad portraits of Rihanna. The flower represents purity and innocence. People know how black is portrayed as good and images of white are portrayed as good. That’s silly since the color black isn’t something evil of course. In commercial uses Rihanna to represent her good and bad persona. She looks in the looking glass as referencing the Alice in Wonderland motif. Bad being called good is common in mainstream popular culture (in mind control, slaves are encourage to promote their bad side in their alter persona to handle their trauma). Rihanna enters the looking glass and walks in a maze filled with fractured mirrors. It doesn’t take a genius to see that shattered mirrors, labyrinths, etc. are found in the occult and mind control triggers (according to Fritz Springemeir. This is a fake world of illusion to mind control victims). 3 handlers blind Rihanna in the commercial. The scene becomes oddly sexual as Rihanna holds the phallic-shaped perfume bottle while she is blinded by her handlers. This refers to the sexually abusive relationship between mind control slaves and their handlers. Rihanna recently has done a sex-kitten photo shoot. She shows images of leopard skin on her head with a shape of a gun with her fingers. Real people will always wish that Rihanna will live her life in the right way and excommunicate the garbage of the machine from her world.

Nostradamus is said to have been involved in the Kabbalah. Nostradamus was the French Jewish person that is claimed to made prophecies about the future. There has been thirty-nine prophetic stanzas were entirely deleted and replaced with other stanzas. Morten St. George, author of Incantation of the Law Against Inept Critics: A Guide to Cryptic Thinking, made a discovery. He discovered that the numerical sequences of consecutive deletions corresponded exactly to numerical sequences found in a book called the Sefer Yetzirah, the earliest known text of the medieval Kabbalah. St. George found that many sections of the Bahir or Sefer ha Bahir (of the Kabbalah) was a cryptic derivative of prophecies published by Nostradamus centuries later. Some believe that some of these predictions existed before Nostradamus time. St. George believed that Isaac Luria went to Provence to study the Kabbalah under Nostradamus and that Luria may have assisted in writing the stanzas that mask the revelations. Luria is the founder of the Lurianic kabbalah. That’s an interesting theory. Nostradamus was an astrologer and French physician. He published an almanac back in 1550. He was born in St. Remy, Provence. He converted to Catholicism along with his family. He learned Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. The Centuries is his famous work. Nostradamus is known for using scrying, divination, etc. ion a tripod of water, which is contrary to the Torah and even in the New Testament. Catherine de Medici or the Queen of France guarded or protected Nostradamus from persecution of the Inquisition. Nostradamus died in Salon, on July 2, 1566. He was buried in a wall of the Church of the Cordeliers in Salon. In 1791 his grave was opened, and his bones were reburied in the Church of St. Laurent, also in Salon. Since his death, more than four hundred books and essays about his prophecies have been published. The Kabbalah like Gnosticism teaches the deception that God didn’t directly create the Universe and that we humans must do secret rituals in levels to find true enlightenment. On the other hand, salvation is simple and a blessing from God. One of the secret hearts of the secret societies is the Kabbalah (filled with mathematics and codes. Only some of the real elite know about it totally).

There are more secrets that are coming out about Cesare Borgia and Machiavelli. The 1400’s was an era of dirty politics, war, theft, deceits, intrigues, betrayals, corruption, etc. in Europe.  These events occurred during the Renaissance. The Renaissance was right to reject some of the excesses of the Papacy, but some in this movement were infiltrated by the occult, paganism, and the Kabbalah. Niccolo Machiavelli was a famous writer in this period. He was the patron saint of many neo-cons like Ledeen. He was a courtier of the Medici Dynasty. The Medici Papal family was indeed very corrupt. Machiavelli wrote the book called “The Prince.” The Prince supported deception to get political actions achieved. He was influenced by the Black Nobility tyrants in Italy plus throughout Europe in that age. The Borgia family in Spain was one such Nobility family. The Borgia used intrigue and deception to rule Vatican City. Cesare Borgia was the son of Pope Alexander VI (or Rodrigo Borgia). Machiavelli wrote that: “…. The offenses one does to a man should be such that one does not fear revenge for it.” Plainly speaking, the Prince book promotes an amoral philosophy that oligarchs love. He lived from 1469 to 1527. He believed that the ends justify the means. The Renaissance existed with a lot of murder, depravity, etc. The Borgia family sponsored some of the greatest Renaissance artists and artwork of that time. Cesare Borga was accused of murdering his own brother Giovanni, assassinated his officers, and murdered his sisters’ second husband. This impressed Machiavelli a lot and he based the Prince on Cesare. Cesare fathered 11 illegitimate children all before the age of 33 years old. Borgia murdered the reformer Savanarola.  Pope Alexander VI’s daughter was named Lucrezia Borgia. She was an alchemist and prisoner. She is said to have invented the cup of Borgia poison called “La Cantarella.” The artists Sandro Botticelli started to paint Lucrezia as in the image of Mary from the Bible (or Mary Magdalene).  Michelangelo Buonarroti was a Renaissance artist. He portrays Lucrezia Borgia as Mary (in the sculpture called La Pieta). The famous images of Jesus shown in mainstream religious churches come from the Renaissance. The model for these images isn’t’ Jesus, but the Prince Cesare Borgia. Pope Alexander VI (or Rodrigo Borgia) commissioned Renaissance artists like Botticellie, Michaelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, etc. to paint Jesus as in the image of Cesare Borgia. So, these images you see today are not the true image of Jesus Christ at all. It is said that many of these artists knew of alchemy, Kabbalah, and the Mystery School (and they used secret codes in their artwork).  

By Timothy