Friday, February 18, 2011

Nightly News in February 2011

George McGovern has been bloodied and arrested at the place where the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave a speech. This took place at the George Washington University. She condemned governments arresting protesters, but she didn't allow free expression around her vicinity. Ray McGovern is 71 years old. He was grabbed from the audience in plain view of her by the police and an unidentified official in plain clothes. He was brutalized and left bleeding in jail. She never paused speaking. When Secretary Clinton began her speech, Mr. McGovern remained standing silently in the audience and turned his back. He was a veteran of the Army and worked as a CIA analyst for 27 years. He also wore a Veterans for Peace T-Shirt. Later, security officers pounced upon him.  Mr. McGovern remarked, as he was hauled out the door, “So this is America?” Mr. McGovern is covered with bruises, lacerations and contusions inflicted in the assault. McGovern is being represented by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (or the PCJG). “It is the ultimate definition of lip service that Secretary of State Clinton would be trumpeting the U.S. government’s supposed concerns for free speech rights and this man would be simultaneously brutalized and arrested for engaging in a peaceful act of dissent at her speech,” stated attorney Mara Verheyden-Hilliard of the PCJF.
Mr. McGovern now works for Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in the Adams Morgan neighborhood of Washington, D.C. There are protests for liberation in Lybia, Bahrain, Jordan, Iran, Yemen, and all over the Middle East.

It's easy to see that the mega corporations like Google are tied in the government plus intelligence agencies. The CIA funds Google all of the time. Google works with the NSA (or the government spy force that is responsible for warrantless monitoring of Americans' phone calls plus e-mails in the wake of 9/11). Google shows software, hardware, and tech support to U.S. intelligence agencies in the process of creating a vast closed source database for global spy networks to share information. Google's partnership with intelligence agencies have been documented by ex-CIA agent Robert David Steele. Steele claimed that sources told him that CIA seed money helped to get the company off the ground. The federal government has several contracts with social media outlets like Youtube, which is owned by Google. This was proven by the FOIA. The contracts are said to waive rules on monitoring users and permit companies to track visitors to government websites for advertising purposes. Google and other corporations want to use cybersecurity as an excuse to restrict the openness of the Internet. Google CEO Eric Schmidt admitted that he wants government regulation of Internet service providers (or ISPs) as necessary. The Internet marketplace relies not on censorship, but freedom and liberty. The CIA and Google jointly work together to research Twitter accounts, blogs, and websites to search information and "predict the future." In-Q-Tel handles investments for the CIA and the wider intelligence network into a company called Recorded Future. Google Ventures is an investment arm of Google has gave 10 million dollars to Recorded Future. Recorded Future is an open source intelligence group. It's not a secret that Google Earth and Street View has been used by the government to spy on Americans that violate the Fourth Amendment. The recent scandal involving the company’s street view roaming vehicles accessing the wi-fi details of internet users and mapping their online activities has also raised serious questions. Outgoing Google CEO Eric Schmidt is a regular special guest of the Bilderberg Group having a group disregarding privacy and Fourth Amendment rights. He said that the Internet can augment your brain. Schmidt, who alarmingly sits on the White House Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, is a massive hypocrite. It is just fine with him for your personal information to be made public, however, when his own details were published online by tech news site CNET, Google blacklisted the website, which leads us nicely to our next point. Google works with the Communist Chinese government to suppress dissent in the Internet. An anti-trust suit in the EU accuse Google of demoting links to a website who didn't pay for higher listings as its competitor had done. There are other issues here, so we should never promote Internet censorship at all.

Some states want to crack down on the RU 486 abortion drug. The AUL received many requests from state legislators and policy groups seeking to curb the practice of telemed abortion. This issue is big and many abortion drugs are dangerous as well. Planned Parenthood and abortion providers misuse RU-486 and they didn't hid the misuse. One example is how in at least 2 courts and in multiple media outlets, abortion providers have admitted to providing RU-486 to women well outside the directions contained in the drug's label. RU-486 is only to be used until 49 days gestation and has no other approved use during pregnancy. Even at 49 days gestation, the drug has an 8 percent failure rate. When the drug regimen fails, a woman is forced to have a surgical abortion (and faces the risks that a surgical abortion entails). The farther along in gestation a woman is, the more likely it is that RU-486 will fail. It is found that there is a 17 percent failure rate at 50-56 days and a 23 percent failure rate at 57-63 days. In addition to the heightened risk of failure (and subsequent surgical intervention), abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and vaginal bleeding also increase with advancing gestational age. Planned Parenthood claims that it provides RU-486 to women up to 63 days gestation, but RU-486 in this fashion fails 23 percent of the time. If a woman is provided RU-486 at 63 days gestation and it fails, Planned Parenthood will then get her for the 2nd surgical abortion. It causes Planned Parenthood to make money. Recent video releases by Live Action proves that protecting young women does not appear to be high on Planned Parenthood's agenda. ACOG or the American College of Obstretricians and Gynecologists promote the misue of RU-486 (or mifeprex). The ACOG promotes misoprostol to be used vaginally instead of orally. ACOG promotes the misuse under the guise of effectiveness. RU-486 to its proponents, is more effective at terminating the pregnancy if misoprostol is taken vaginally. Even the FDA admitted that the vaginal use isn't safe or effective. Some complications have been reported to the FDA if misoprostol have been administered vaginally. 8 known RU-486 deaths have been reported in America.  7 of those women had used the ACOG-promoted vaginal use of misoprostol. The AUL havbe drafted model legislation that only ensurers that physicians are present and examine a woman before providing abortion drugs. It also requires abortion providers to go along with the FDA protocol. All abortion drugs beyond just RU-486 are regulation. Physicians are required to follow the procedure in a drug label to make sure that states are regulating to the maximum potential. While a state can't provide more restrictions on an abortion drug than the FDA has outlined. It can ensure that an abortion provider follows the FDA's approved regimen. There is court documented evidence that proves that abortion providers are not abiding by that protocol.

In our time in 2011, there is this new attack on the poor and unions. This new reality is many people being fiscally conservative. I rather be ideologically compassionate than ideologically consistent. Ideologically purity is fantasy since all humans aren't perfect. Being independent can make more authentic reforms a necessary reality. The budget is very Reagan like. The corporate domination of society continues. This exposes once again with the Left/Right Paradigm. The safety net is under attack like never before. The deceiver Joe Scaraborough (who tries to intimidate people on his MSNBC show like the "conservative" token) believes that we must cut Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare. He conveniently omits that we can tax slightly the top 1% of income earners in America, end this American Empire, ban derivatives, and other solutions to get our revenues necessary to build up the nation. Some Democrats are just going alogn with this new reactionary reality. Even Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (or chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus) have concerns over the President's budget proposals. We don't need Reaganonomics in the 21st century for that stuff harmed communities nationwide of numerous backgrounds. The new pro-Wall Street budget is a continuation of the class warfare against the poor and middle class. The banksters already have much of our pension funds, retirement, bailouts, and foreclosures. This is why the budget have over 1 trillion dollars spent for the Pentagon, the CIA, and Homeland Security (to serve the military industrial complex via private corporations). In foreign land, puppet governments are proped up by the West all of time (sometimes these puppets are overthrown to be replaced by American puppets in their place). The state spends 56 billion dollars to allow American air travelers to be porno scanned and sexually dropped so that firms (represented by former Homeland Security Michael Chertoff) can make profits by selling the scanning equipment. The war mongering machine is off limits for cuts, but domestic services are promoted to be radically cut. U.S. Secretary of State Robert Gates don't want to cut billions of aid to Israel and Egypt. In our day, those disagreeing with governmental policy are equated with terrorists. The Republican Party's myth is that the poor are to be blamed for our economic troubles. The poor work all of the time. The mainstream media and the elites promote the lie that entitlements are equivalent to welfare. The oligarchs want their wealth preserved and have foreclose on homes, jobs shipped overseas, and get rid of the benefits from retirees.

In Egypt, the new head of the New Ward Party is Minor Fakhri Abdel Nour. He was educated by the Jesuits in the College de la Sainte-Familie. There are news about John Wilkes Booth and Jesse James. They exist in the history of the Civil War and times after it. They have links to the Knights of the Golden Circle that I have known for years. Booth is said to be a member of the KGC. Some even believe that Booth survived the death in the tobacco barn. One person is called Izola Forrester (or Booth's granddaughter) in her 1937 book called "This One Mad Act." She believed that the KGC aided and abetted Booth's escape from Washington, D.C. The man shot and killed in Garrett’s barn was James Boyd, a former confederate agent working for the War Department. He bore a passing resemblance to Booth aside from his red hair and moustache. Booth’s hair was jet black and he had shaved off his moustache at the home of Dr. Samuel Mudd shortly after escaping from Washington. No friends of Booth were told to witness the body of Booth supposedly. John May said that he had removed a tumor from Booth's neck months before Lincoln was assassination. He saw the corpse and said that corpse wasn't like Booth and he didn't believe that the dead person was Booth. Later, he changed his mind and agreed with the official story of John Wilkes Booth's death. National Detective Police agents Andrew & Luther Potter had been on the trail of Booth from the beginning. They looked at the corpse and said that has a red moustache that is different from the real John Wilkes Booth. It is said that Both was in Texas under the alias of John St. Helen. Jesse James was a Freemason and a suspected member of the Knights of Golden Circle. The KGC promoted the Confederacy and spread all over America. They opposed Lincoln when Lincoln promoted subsidies for mining, building the transcontinental railroad, and develop national infrastructure. Abraham Lincoln sold bonds directly to the people while European bankers wanted more centralized control over America.

By Timothy