Some Mexican troops have vehicle searches on U.S. soil. Homeland Security is try to tell American citizens to spy on each on each other as they classify domestic extremists as a national security threat. In the mean while, a truck of 12 uniformed Mexican soldiers armed to the teeth have searches of vehicles on U.S. soil. This act violates American sovereignty. Surveillance footage captured the incursion at the Anzalduas International Bridge. The clip shown at least a dozen armed soldiers in Mexican military uniforms cross into U.S. territory in high speed. “The vehicle travels down the bridge toward the U.S. Customs checkpoint. Its driver makes a U-turn just before reaching the lines of cars there. It then starts back south toward Mexico. The men pull over and search a vehicle for a few minutes then resume their trek south,” reports KRGV. So, the Mexican troops spent about 10 minutes in U.S. soil to have an impromptu search of vehicle. They searched the trunk of the car and the soldiers headed back into Mexico. The car that was searched headed south. This confirmed that it was traveling from the United States into Mexico. It raises the possibility that the Mexican soldiers had targeted American citizens for the search. There are agents of a foreign power having law enforcement duties inside of the U.S. This would normally be sufficient to cause an international diplomatic spat in any other country. When KRGV interviewed Chief Leo Longoria of the Mission Police Department, he defended the Mexican soldiers by saying they might have been unsure that they were crossing into the United States, before stating “we applaud their efforts." Longoria politely asked the soldiers to “coordinate those approaches, particularly coming into the United States,” failing completely to acknowledge that the action was an illegal violation of U.S. sovereignty. The video footage clearly show the fact that Mexican troops crossed into U.S. territory. Mexican authorities lied to KRGV by insisting it didn't happen. This isn't the first time that the Mexican military violated the U.S. border to conduct operations on American soil. In March 10 of 2010, residents of Falcon Heights (or a south Texas border town) saw a Mexican helicopter hovering over a house shortly after 6 pm. The chopper conducted surveillance for about 15 minutes before flying back to Mexico. “They had armored individuals in the chopper, open ramp, very military looking, in style and preparation,” said Zapata County Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez Jr. “It’s proof the Mexican military sees no boundaries,” reported local KRGV News’ Stephanie Stone, adding that the incident wasn’t the first of its kind and wouldn’t be the last. “The markings I understand read ‘La Marina’ which is equivalent to the Mexican Navy,” said Gonzalez. KRGV contacted almost a dozen of government agencies to attempt to get answers. After contacting the FAA about the chopper, KRGV were told to talk to the Customs and Border Protection. The person said that they knew about the incursion, but were apparently unconcerned. State and local authorities didn't return phone calls about the incident after they were also contacted by KRGV. “A U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman says that a Mexican military helicopter crossed the border into south Texas late Wednesday afternoon before returning to Mexico without landing,” an Associated Press report later confirmed. Some believe that Mexican military helicopters have went in American lands 2 times a year. Texas Congressman Ted Poe complained about this issue in the House. He said that the federal government is lax in guarding the American borders. Poe is wrong to support the new draconian law in Arizona that violates human civil liberties. In 2007, the U.S. Border Patrol warned its agents to look out for Mexican military units crossing the U.S. territory that could pose a threat to their lives.
The Koch Brothers are spending money to get rid of California's Clean Air Act law. This is how extreme they are. David and Charles Koch are billionaire oil men from Kansas. David lives in New York and he donates to museums and opera. Charles lives in Wichita and donates millions of dollars to colleges. They use their philantrophy as an excuse to promote free market, libertarian politics. Now, they want their agenda to spread into California. Koch Industries' wholly owned subsidiary Flint Hill Resources (or based in Kansas) tossed in $1 trillion to help win passage of Proposition 23 (or the initiative to roll back California's 2006 law to reduce greenhouse gases). The reason they want this is because Koch Industries is deep into fossil fuel. The Koch brothers believe in little to no regulations of the environment. Like other big-money players in Proposition 23, Koch Industries runs the risk that it no longer would be the massive corporation it is today if Californians were to vote down the initiative on Nov. 2, and permit regulators to implement AB 32 and reduce carbon emissions. They want this policy to go nationwide since they are a part of the oil and gas business. “They’re concerned that similar job-busting, economy-harming laws might travel to their own state,” Yes-on-23 spokeswoman Anita Mangels said. Koch Industries has the 2nd largest privately held company in America. They control oil wells, refineries, pipelines, and the production of chemicals and fertilizers. It sells consumer products like Brawny paper towels and Quitled Northern toilet paper. It has holdings in Georgia-Pacific or the forest products firm. Georgia-Pacific lobbied the federal government on rules seeking to limit emissions of cancer formaldehyde from wood products. Those ruled emanated directly from California. In 2007, California adopted regulations that by 2012, are expected to slash formaldehyde emission by more than half. The California Air Resources Board is the very same agency that would implement AB 32, the greenhouse gas law, if voters turn down Proposition 23. California’s role in the formaldehyde rule singed Koch Industries, but a Koch-backed group, Citizens for Congressional Reform, helped spread the term limits movement from California to other states. Koch promotes tax funded vouchers for private school tuition. He failed to do that in Claifornia. They spend money to the Cat Institute in Washington, the Pacific Research Institute in San Francisco, and Reason Foundation in Los Angeles. They desire a no climate tax pledge. I have no major issue with this since we should promote improvements in the environment, but we live in a recession. Taxes should be in tangible things that can spread revenue. Yet, the Koch brothers are extreme in promoting lower personal and corporate taxes, minimal social services for the needs, and less oversight of industry (especially environmental regulation). President Barack Obama offered the back of his hand to Americans for Prosperity, noting the group has a “harmless sounding name.” “You don’t know if it’s a big oil company, or a big bank,” Obama said at a Democratic rally last month in Texas. So, the Koch brothers represent the oil industry and formaldehyde.
It's great for Egypt to have a chance of liberation, but we should be careful of shady characters in Egypt too. Many Egyptians celebrated in Liberation Square. Hosni Mubarak ended his reign. Vice President Omar said that Egypt isn't ready for democracy. Omar Suleiman is the temporary head of Egypt. The Armed Forces Supreme Council really run the state. Mohammad El Baradei said that this time is the greatest day of his life and the country has been liberated. Te military runs Egypt now. Some want to see the further about whether Egypt will be an autocratic government or not. The military ruled Egypt since the 1952 Egyptian Revolution when officers overthrew King Farouk I. Omar Suleiman was Egypt's spy chief until Mubarak appointed him to Vice President on January 29. He served on the Armed Forces Supreme Council that will run the country according to Al Jazeera. Suleiman's ascent to VP has been a long tiem in making. According to a 2007 WikiLeaked US diplomatic cable titled ‘Presidential Succession in Egypt’ – “Egyptian intelligence chief and Mubarak consigliere, in past years Soliman (sic) was often cited as likely to be named to the long-vacant vice-presidential post. Many of our contacts believe that Soliman, because of his military background, would at least have to figure in any succession scenario.” Suleiman has been an intelligence man in Egypt as like a CIA figure. He has been accused of viciously stamping out political opposition (plus killing, jailing, and brutalizing public dissenters during his 17 years as intelligence chief). As far back as the Clinton years and in the Bush regime, the U.S. used rendition. Rendition is about kidnapping suspected enemies of the state or "terrorists" and send them to Egypt (where they were interrogated and tortured). The head of the Supreme Council of the newly liberated Egypt is Defense Minister Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantwai. He was called Mubarak's poodle or puppet according to a WikiLeaked 2008 diplomatic cable. Tantawi was loyal to Mubarak. The cable assesses Tantawi as having “opposed both economic and political reforms that he perceives as eroding central government power.” Other Council members include Defense Minister Lt. General Sami Anan, chief of staff of the Egyptian army, and Air Marshal Ahmed Shafiq, the new prime minister – all stalwart Mubarak supporters. The Egyptian people deserve real freedom and justice, not another puppet regime either. Real change in Egypt will take some time. We can't trust war machines for real liberation or revolution. We should trust honorable people in creating a reformed, more tranquil society. Military junta violate the legislative power and the power of people. There is an uncontested military class ruling and running the 18 member Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. The Council now is having a suspension of the Constitution, the dissolution of the Parliament, and the imposition of a ban on labor strikes. That is why labor strikes are existing now. Elections will probably come in 6 months time. They won't fore go the estimated $2 billion in annual U.S. aid the Egyptian government receives. Some want money to fund NGO groups to shape the foreign policy of Middle Eastern nations. Protests are occurring in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, etc. So, we should be wise to understand the truth about these interesting developments.
Thousands of people in Wisconsin are protesting for workers' rights and against draconian budget cuts. For days, these protests have occured. This has been done in cities and towns all over Wisconsin. Governor Scott Walker have threaten to use the National Guard against peaceful protests, which is fascist in my mind. Walker wants pay cuts to nearly 175,000 state, local university employees. He wants to outlaw the right of people to strike like that Ohio Governor Kasich. Walker wants to use the National Guard if necessary to implement his demands. The police estimated that 13,000 people demonstrated outside the state capitol in Madison on Tuesday. This far exceeded the expectations of the public sector unions who called the rally as a lobbying effort to sway a handful of Republican legislators to oppose Walker's bill. Hundreds of high school students marched in the protest as well. The Madison's demonstration had over 1 thousand people in the capitol. Large protests have taken place in Milwaukee, Eau Claire, and Superior. The bill wants to require workers to almost double their deductions for health care and retirement benefits. According to various analyses, these added contributions would equate to anywhere from an 8 to 20 percent pay cut. The bill would make strikes among state workers illegal, giving the governor unilateral authority to fire workers who are involved in an organized action to stop or slow work (or people who are absent for 3 days without the approval of the employer). The bill would end the right of unions to negotiate pensions, retirement, and benefit. It would prohibit the union dues check off for government workers. These changes would also apply to childcare workers, home health care workers, and employees of the University of Wisconsin system and its hospital arm. The bill would end health insurance coverage and retirement benefits for temporary workers hired by the state like certain categories of student labor. These cuts are so massive, that Wisconsin workers and youth are protesting this evil. Even the ex-Wisconsin Governor and Democrat Jim Doyle in 2009 wanted massive cuts to the state budget, a 5 percent across the board funding cut to state agencies, and reducing aid to public schools by 290 million dollars (plus the laying off of hundreds of state workers and imposing a two year pay freeze on the remainder). You fight against this evil. Walker is an extremist. Even Democratic governor in New York, California, and other states are using draconian cuts too along with the White House in the federal level. Blue dog Democratic propagandist support this mess too. Scott Prinster of the Department of the History of Science and Jacquelyn Gill of the Geography Department oppose these measures. We have the lowest per capita of federal employees before 1962. The House Republicans wants 650,000 jobs gone and plus 325,000 jobs too if their proposal succeed.
In popular culture, the elite want to promote new trends and new people. Even beyond Beiber and Lady Gaga, one of new people in the world is named Jessie J. She is a very young woman from England that shows pop music. One of her singles are called, "Price Tag." She made other controversial videos too. In the popular culture world, materialism, symbolism, and deeper meanings are common place. Indoctrination beyond just making money are parts of the music industry today. "Price Tag" is one of new songs. Jessie J is a part of the new generation of pop artists. She wrote songs for Miley Cyrus, Justin Timberlake, and Christinia Aguilera. So, she is intelligent. As a performer, her bio describes her as follows: “Mix a bit of Rihanna with Gwen Stefani, add the charisma of Pink, and you will start to get an idea of what kind of girl Jessie J is.” Illuminist, MTV, etc. love people like her. She just follows the world and receives a pay check. Her first single was called, "Do it Like Dude." The song was originally intended for Rihanna. It shows female doing a dance competition and some act like men. There are decadent, lesbianism, bisexuality, female crotch grabbing (promoting the stereotype that real men do these things when real men don't have to do this act to promote manhood), etc. People like Viligant Citizen believes that "Price tag" promotes Illuminati symbolism, MK-Ultra mind control programming, etc. Many of Jesse J's photo show a blank stare with a peace sign net to one eye. She shows the OK sign and wears the Mickey Mouse ears hat. Real research know that Walt Disney covertly promoted mind control and the occult even in his early cartoons. Mickey Mouse is a classic image of mind control programming to the researcher Fritz Springmeier. The video may appear to fight against the love of money in music. Yet, there is cognitive dissonance in the song. One teddy bear with one eye open exists. This represents the loss of innocene and a corrupted childhood. Fritz Springmeier wrote that teddy bears with no limbs represents the helplessness of mind control victims versus their handlers. The video shows Jessie J as a ballerina and pop stars help in a string. It's common knowledge that numerous pop stars in real life are puppets of the corporate establishment. They promote what the elite wants to promote in especially Western society. Jesse J is in a doll house, which is common in mind control. She shows a one eye doll as well. B.o.B. or the famous rapper of the younger generation is featured in the video. The video shows what the mainstream music industry is today. It indoctrinates people. The elite use pop music to mold the minds of the youth to adopt the attitudes and values they believe in. It doesn't matter if record sales are dropping since the establishment owns most of the world's resources. So, we have the right to not be ashamed to exposing the world and being hip to what the game is all about. I don't believe that every musician is a part of the Illuminati (there is nothing wrong with listening to real, uplifting music either), but I do believe that even pop artists are manipulated by those truly in power though. People are talking about and exposing the machine behind the industry using evil tactics. This same machine was involved in the slave trade, the military industrial complex, and other evils. The good news is that more and more people are waking up. The truth can never be suppressed.
By Timothy