On the Daley Dynasty - Obama & Chicago's New Mayor Rahmbo
Nixakliel - 02/24/2011 - 03:28
Rahm Emanuel had to get a large portion of Chicago's Blacks [& perhaps Brown] votes in order to crack the 50% mark [I was hoping he'd fall a bit shy so at-least there would be a run-off]. Yet because 'their' Pres Obama [who they don't really know] said vote for Rahm [who they know even less about]- they voted against both Black & Brown candidates who they knew were unquestionably eligible - in favor of Rahm- who should have been ineligible... But when the IL Supreme Court over-turned the Cook County Court ruling that Rahm failed to meet Chicago's residency requirement- I knew that- The Fix Was In [From the movie 'JFK' - Jim Garrison's meeting w Mr X when Mr X says- 'When you see violations of basic rules & protocols - its a clear indication that a high level plot is at work...']. This alone- plus the fact that Rahm [along w Slick-Willie] had a major part in the so-called Blue-Dog strategy of running people w GOP lite politics as so-called moderate / centrist Dems- should have been enough to give Chicago Blacks pause in voting for Rahm [let alone Wayne Madsen's piece on how Rahm was behind attacks on key CBC members w the intention of filling their spots w his allies mainly from his ethnic group- but how many Blacks have heard of Wayne Madsen]. But because Blacks [especially in Chicago] have been dazzled by Obama-mania [IE hooked on Obama-laid]- as some {poor}Black woman said 'Since Obama said vote for Rahm - that's enough for me...'
But Then many Chicago Blacks helped keep the Rich Daley Sr/Jr dynasty in power for some 42+ yrs, even though Daley Jr helped put at least 13 Black & Brown people on Death-Row, who were later shown to be Not Guilty; -&- Also helped protect the notorious ex-CPD Lt Jon Burge [a guy who has probably perpetrated even more evil against Blacks than even Mark Fuhrman] from legal prosecution for over 20+ yrs. And whose daddy [Rich Daley Sr - also the daddy of Obama's new Chief of Staff] was implicated in the notorious 1919 Chicago Red Summer Race Riots - where Bridgeport's Irish gangs [Daley Sr was one of their leaders] invented Drive-By Shootings by driving thru Bronze-ville & gunning down Blacks. But the corrupt Chicago Daley-Dem Patronage Poly-trickal Machine, regularly paid off key Black Poly-tricians [& some key Black Revs too] to keep Blacks voting for the Daleys- So now expect more of the same from Rahm- especially w Obama in his corner. There's has been only 3 times that Chicago Blacks have even bucked [but no permanent break from] the Chicago Dem Machine in mass. Twice was due to Chicago Machine Dems blatantly & highly offensive provocations against Blacks IE: In 1970 after the notorious Dec 1969 execution / assassination of Fred Hampton [while he was sound asleep in his bed] & Mark Clark in a COINTELPRO joint FBI / CPD / Cook County Sheriff task force raid [Boss Daley Sr was Mayor & head of the mainly Irish gang called the CPD]- resulting in Blacks voting GOP against Dem Cook-County Sheriff Hanrahan [this helped launch Big Jim Thompson's career - lot of good that did us]; -&- In 1979-80 when Bilandic [Daley Sr's successor] openly insulted Blacks by deliberately failing to clean streets in Black areas during the severe 1979 Blizzard [Chicago Blacks got pissed off & crossed over & voted Independent for Jane Byrne]. The 3rd time was the election of Harold Washington. But the Obama factor has effectively negated that possibility this time around.