Saturday, February 19, 2011

‘Experts’ pushing HPV vaccines told to omit death toll


‘Experts’ pushing HPV vaccines told to omit death toll

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Medical ‘experts’ pushing HPV vaccines told what not to say about them, including their death toll
Ethan A. Huff,
Natural News
Feb 19, 2011
Two British doctors recently wrote a piece in the BBC urging the U.K. National Health Service (NHS) to switch from Merck’s Cervarix human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) Gardasil HPV vaccine, in its mass vaccination program for young girls. And the two “experts” admit that they only say publicly what helps the vaccine to be well received by the public.
“We, as consultants in sexual health, have been told to say nothing publicly that would damage the current (HPV) vaccine campaign,” they state in their piece.
Drs. Colm O’Mahony and Steve Taylor insist that because Gardasil allegedly protects against genital warts as well as HPV, it is superior to Cervarix, which NHS currently administers to young girls. As long as Gardasil is the same price or cheaper than Cervarix, then NHS should use it, wrote the doctors. And if it is more expensive, then Cervarix is the next best option, they say.
But what is missing from their recommendations is the fact that Dr. O’Mahony has been on the advisory boards of both GSK and Merck, and has received “lecture fees” for his services. This clear conflict of interest may be the precise reason why no mention is made in the BBC piece about the countless thousands of young girls that have become debilitated or died from both Cervarix and Gardasil.
  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Neither Cervarix nor Gardasil has ever even been proven effective. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has known since at least 2003 that HPV is not even linked to cervical cancer, which is the whole reason it is supposedly being pushed in the first place ( And besides its ineffectiveness, the vaccines are responsible for causing permanent neurological damage, seizures, severe headaches, muscle pain and weakness, joint problems, autoimmune diseases, heart problems, paralysis, pelvic pain, vision and hearing loss, menstrual cycle changes, and swollen lymph nodes, among many other things (
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The HPV vaccine scam is precisely that — a scam. It is nothing more than a money-making scheme whereby drug companies work to persuade states and even countries to mandate that all young girls receive the vaccine before entering school.
To learn more about the dangers of the HPV vaccine, visit:
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