My study of American eugenics shows that Charles Darwin had a cousin, Francis Galton, who put Darwin's writings of evolutional notions into actual practice by helping to establish an once unknown secret society.
I read something to that effect, that Eugenics actually started here in the USA, not Germany, and that the Germans were basically inspired by it and took the idea to a whole new level.
Good point, Kashta_Bureh. I remember watching a documentary about Adolf’s full aim of his reign, and it is understood that he was seeking massive control of the world with himself at the top. Release of some of Hitler's architectural plans showed the soil of the Earth was not even capable of sustaining all his building projects due to the excessive tons of concrete that would have been used to construct the buildings and bunkers should they had been put into mainstream production.I use Hitler as an example of the White man's ultimate goal of global domination. As Blacks we should be thankful the Allies defeated Hitler, I don't want to think about how things would be for Blacks today if the Nazis won.
I would say that we got a decent glimpse from the Jewish Holocaust. Recorded history shows that there were no set rules for complete extermination of Blacks in Germany, but some of them did undergo sterilization, beatings, and put into concentration camps to be part of experiments, to help clean, and usually killed out every three months to preserve secrecy of what was really going on in those camps.As Blacks we should be thankful the Allies defeated Hitler, I don't want to think about how things would be for Blacks today if the Nazis won.
Note bye Me: I don't agree with Kashta on other issues, but he's accurate on this one.
By Timothy
Obama's 2012 Budget - A Tool for Class War
Obama’s new budget is a continuation of Wall Street’s class war against the poor and middle class.
Wall Street wasn’t through with us when the banksters sold their fraudulent derivatives into our pension funds, wrecked Americans’ job prospects and retirement plans, secured a $700 billion bailout at taxpayers’ expense while foreclosing on the homes of millions of Americans, and loaded up the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet with several trillion dollars of junk financial paper in exchange for newly created money to shore up the banks’ balance sheets.
The effect of the Federal Reserve’s “quantitative easing” on inflation, interest rates, and the dollar’s foreign exchange value are yet to hit. When they do, Americans will get a lesson in poverty.
The fight in Wisconsin is over Governor Walker’s 144-page Budget Repair Bill. The parts everyone is focusing on have to do with the right to collectively bargain being stripped from public sector unions (except for the unions that supported Walker running for Governor). Focusing on this misses a large part of what the bill would do. Check out this language, from the same bill (my bold):
16.896 Sale or contractual operation of state−owned heating, cooling, and power plants.(1) Notwithstanding ss. 13.48 (14)(am) and 16.705 (1), the department may sell any state−owned heating, cooling, and power plant or may contract with a private entity for the operation of any such plant, with or without solicitation of bids, for any amount that the department determines to be in the best interest of the state. Notwithstanding ss. 196.49 and 196.80, no approval or certification of the public service commission is necessary for a public utility to purchase, or contract for the operation of, such a plant, and any such purchase is considered to be in the public interest and to comply with the criteria for certification of a project under s. 196.49 (3)(b).
As Mike Konczal explains, this would allow the state to make no-bid sales, overriding public interest concerns, of heating, cooling or power plants. This rider is just an invitation to corruption, and part of a familiar pattern of selling off state-owned property to fill a budget gap in the short term, with disastrous consequences in the long term. See the sale of Chicago’s parking meters. Hat tip to Ed from Ginandtacos on this one, who writes:
If this isn’t the best summary of the goals of modern conservatism, I don’t know what is. It’s like a highlight reel of all of the tomahawk dunks of neo-Gilded Age corporatism: privatization, no-bid contracts, deregulation, and naked cronyism. Extra bonus points for the explicit effort to legally redefine the term “public interest” as “whatever the energy industry lobbyists we appoint to these unelected bureaucratic positions say it is.”
EVIL greed....the republican ideology....evil greed...If anyone can find the entire show of John Stossel's 'Battle for the Future' aired Sunday night, February 27, PLEASE watch it.
It will blow the top right off of any preconceived notions about unions and wefare just like Mt. St. Helen's. I promise.
Yes....give tax cuts to the rich and kill the old, the poor and the informed...that's republican "family values"
More than half the states want permission to remove hundreds of thousands of people from the Medicaid insurance program, a move that would represent a rare cut to a national social program.
The push sets up a showdown between states struggling with fiscal 2012 budgets and the Obama Administration, which says it may lack the authority to allow such cuts. That means Congress could be forced to settle the matter.
Nearly every state has nipped at parts of the program, which currently insures 53 million Americans. Arizona stopped covering certain organ transplants,"