Friday, February 04, 2011

Friday Updates in early February 2011

Michael Hudson is an economist and researcher. He believes that higher taxes on the top 1% equals to higher productivity. He believes of the U.S. shows economy grows when top top tier tax rates and workers wages are high. He's the President of the Institute for the Study of Long Term Economic Trends (ISLET). ISLET deals with research in domestic and international finance, national income, and balance sheet accounting (involving real estate and the economic history of the ancient Near East). Michael acts as an economic advisor to governments worldwide including Iceland, Latvia, and China on finance and tax law. Back in Eisenhower's time as President, the marginal tax rate was as high as 90 percent. Hudson said that: "...Under the original income tax law, only 1 percent of Americans had to file income tax returns, and you had to make the equivalent of about $120,000 in today’s dollars even to be liable to file. The idea of the income tax was to get what the classical economists called unearned income. Most people who made over $100,000 at that time got it from rent or interest, or the financial sector or the real estate sector..." Hudson wants to put Main Street before Wall Street and the Pentagon. The reason is that America spends as much as every other country combined on their defense. Americans still suffer without many jobs. Some in Wall Street have record bonuses. So, low taxes on the wealthy does little to crate jobs. Even back in 1972, Hudson wrote the book called "Super imperialism, the Economic Strategy of American Empire" that exposed how the US exploited foreign economics via the IMF and the World Bank. The 90 percent marginal rate came with the income tax law and few Americans paid income taxes. The Progressive era existed and many Republicans were highly progressive from an economic standpoint. Wages increased to cause positive growth. Henry George wanted to tax the land rent in order to generate income for the people, which some people agree with his views. Others don't. Back then, most gas and public infrastructure regulated the prices and taxed their surplus. Democratic and Republican administrations made increase in living standards to make productivity better. The income tax was 90 percent was the top marginal rate back in 1913 and only 1 percent had to pay income taxes in that day. Over a given amount of income, it was probably necessary to tax it. GDP rates were high when taxes on the rich was more back then than today. Today, people want to tax the rich, etc. After WWII, there was little debt and a lot of savings even in the Third World. There was little private debt or little consumer debt after the war. Now, we have high debt proportioned to income. The problem is that loopholes exist that wealth isn't taxed efficiently. The large section of the economy is real estate. The capital gain rates is cut and now it's only 15% (causing the promotion of speculation instead of direct investment).  Most trade in stocks now are computerized lasting a few seconds, so the financial sector is a short term reality. We have a service economic system where we have unproductive income, foreclosures (where the banks get feeds in a free lunch), the country is deindustralized, etc. Neo-liberal economic propaganda (or Chicago Economics. This is known as Austrian Economists too) is exposed by Michael Hudson.

There is a 2nd video showing Planned Parenthood having a sex trafficking cover up. The video shows the Planned Parenthood covering up an alleged sex trafficking ring. The first tape showed staffers in New Jersey doing the cover up. The new tape deals with a clinic in Virginia. The Pro-life group called Live Action sponsored the undercover investigation. It features the same setup in this second video. There is a sex ring operator and one of his prostitutes visits the Richmond Planned Parenthood abortion center (in order to look for information about how to get abortions for minor girls that they allegedly illegally brought to the USA). The new Richmond video paints a similar scenario as the New Jersey video. The man poses a pimp and there is a person acting as a prostitute seeking many things. They include getting assistance for getting abortions, STD testing, and birth control for girls. The pimp says that he manages the prostitute as a sex workers who are from out of the country and as young as 14 to 15 years old. In this sting operation, Planned Parenthood officials tried their best to get abortions for the victimized girls. They've bragged about how they can undermine the judicial bypass provision in the Virginia parental notification law to get a judge to approve the secret abortions on the sex slaves. Kimberly is the staffer. She told the undercover investigators:
“But there are also ways, like judicial bypass, that we can get around that if you guys ever need it,” she says of how to get abortions for the 14 and 15-year-old girls they say are here illegally. “There’s a way to avoid that.” Kimberly told them that they can use paperwork who children who are minors. She does this in once or twice a month her. She said that they are good at handling if someone doesn't want someone else to know. The January 12 footage said that we've kind of got it all. She tried to help the sex traffickers. The staffer also advises the sex traffickers that they can get abortions later in pregnancy in Maryland and DC if they want the girls they manage to get them. When the Planned Parenthood staffer is told that the couple manage girls who are sex workers and that, “we gotta keep them safe, ” the staffer appears unconcerned, responding, “Yeah, yeah, of course” and “we see people from every walk of life.” “For awhile we were treating all the girls at Paper Moon,” a local strip club. “No judgment, no sharing of information, like, uh, nothing here.” The staffer says that the girls when informed they are not here legally are welcome to get information and STD testing at Planned Parenthood. She ends the meeting by giving the sex traffickers her card and not appearing to show any concern about their law breaking activity or that she will report them to law enforcement authorities following their meeting. The sexual trafficking of minors is a federal crime. People can be sent to 10 years to life for it (including those who aids and abets the crime). Live Action President Lila Rose expose the problems at Planned Parenthood abortion centers. She said that this is a nationwide problems where Planned Parenthood would aid the sexual exploitation of minors to circumvent parental consent laws to have secret abortions. The clinic worker even in Richmond, VA admitted that she does this once or twice a month. Covering up the sexual abuse of minors and young women is wrong even if it's an undercover investigation. Lila Rose is sharing the footage to the Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccineli in order to achieve a statewide investigation of these heinous acts. Planned Parenthood should be made accountable for their mistakes. Planned Parenthood receives more than $350 million a year from American taxpayers per year. Planned Parenthood believes these incidents are limited adn they are working with the FBI to investigate these visits. In the New Jersey case, Planned Parenthood of Central New Jersey released a statement saying the staff person, Perth Amboy center clinic manager Amy Woodruff, would be let go after the videotape showed her covering up a case of sex trafficking. Lila Rose says that Planned Parenthood didn't fire Woodruff over a hoax, but over real issues. “Soon, we will be releasing more evidence to law enforcement officials and the public showing that Planned Parenthood is willing to aid and abet sexual exploitation of minors and young women.  As our research and evidence will show, this is not only a problem for one clinic in New Jersey — it is much broader and more endemic,” Rose said. “These practices are putting minors and young women in harm’s way — all paid for by the American taxpayer,” Rose concluded. The Attorney General Paula Dow has asked the Division of Criminal Justice to investigate whether the former Planned Parenthood employee broke any laws in assisting the acting couple with securing abortions for sex trafficking victims they said they managed. “At first glance, I find these allegations to be very disturbing,” Dow said in a statement.

There are more secrets about Mormons and Masons. Joseph Smith is said to found gold plates that are about 6 inches wide and 9 or 10 inches long. Mormonism came after the anti-Masonic movement surfaced in the East Coast churches. This existed since the early 1820's and intensified after the death of William Morgan by Freemasons. Even Baptists in 1820 in Hamilton College in Clinton, NY resisted Freemasonry. In early 1821, the Presbyterian Pittsburgh Synod declared that the Masonic Lodge is unfit for Christians. Now, Joseph Smith was a young money digger. He lived in New England and New York State. Smith believed that the angel Moroni gave him a book of golden plates that shown a secret religious history of the ancient American peoples. He believed that the English translation of the plates exist as the Book of Mormon. Smith believed that matter can't be created nor destroyed. He believed God the Father as existing near a star or planet named Kolob. Some Mormons even believe in baptism of the dead too. So, Mormonism is odd indeed. Now, Masons today have used an obelisk to celebrate the Canton's Viaduct in America to mark its 175th anniversary this year. This was done by the Grandmaster of the Blue Hills Masonic Lodge John Ciccotelli stands by the granite monument set to be ceremoniously revealed commemorating the Scottish Freemasons on Sunday.

There are many blackouts in America like in Texas. This is occurring as record cold weather is coming in America. The White House wants a clean coal industry in America. Some want this policy because of the contrived man-made global warming deception in order to promote the post-industrial society in America. Our infrastructure shouldn't be ruled by big transnational corporation, but it should be ruled by citizens and the people in America. There has been outages in 4 major hospitals in Texas at Parkland, Baylor, Methodist, and Presbyterian Dallas. Hospitals are supposed to be exempt from rolling blackouts since they provide life saving equipment plus critical care to human beings. Freezing temperatures have impacted the increase of hospitals, nursing homes, fire stations, police stations, and other emergency response facilities that have been hit with outrages as demand soars. Some places in Texas rely on Mexico to supply their power. Some believe that the EPA restrict new power plants to be made with rules. China and Mexico are allowed to build dozens of new power plants per year. Now, we have some of the coldest weather seen for decades. The EPA wants to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Texas is the only state that has refused to implement a permit process. Local environmental officials in Texas were again involved in a fight with the EPA after the, “Texas Commission on Environmental Quality last week approved an air permit for the $3.2 billion Las Brisas Energy Center despite a formal EPA request that the commission delay issuing the permit until EPA’s concerns about the plant’s emissions impacts are fully addressed.” China is allowed to pollute at will, but some want big restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions. They should be environmental growth and real regulation in pollution though. I want to make that clear. Yet, there should be a balance between real environmental concerns and the need for human development in the world. I don't believe in selling our infrastructure to the highest biggest bidder or squeeze the ability of local independent utility companies to meet demand in American communities. Some believe that oil companies and other big corporations use artificial scarcity as a way to drive up prices and eliminate competition from smaller utility companies. As internal memos from the mid-1990′s that were leaked in 2005 show, oil giants like Mobil, Chevron and Texaco are deliberately reducing refining capacity to drive, “independent refiners out of business in an effort to increase prices.”  “Large oil companies have for a decade artificially shorted the gasoline market to drive up prices,” said FTCR president Jamie Court. “Oil companies know they can make more money by making less gasoline.”

The police aren't just oppressing citizens in Egypt. This has been going on in America for many years. Some police officers are threats to the American public. Rogelio Serrato is one case in the news of an innocent person killed by the police. Serrato was the wrong man. Yet, the Monterrey County, California SWAT Team killed the 31 year old father of four and left the family home a charred ruin. The SWAT Teams on many occasions go into the wrong door. It shows the carelessness with which excessive force is used. There was an instance that the police even confused the town's mayor with a drug dealer, broke into his home, shot dead the family's pet dogs, and held the mayor and his wife and children at gun point. Most cases of police brutality never make the news. Some people don't complain when they suffer police brutality. Some fear that if they expose the cops, they may have a lifetime of troubles. Most of the public tens to side with the police when someone does file complaints (and the police departments tend to be self protective). Police brutality is shown even all over YouTube. There are videos where a police person shoots a guy in a wheelchair to body slamming a befuddled 89 year old grandmother to tasering kids and mothers with small children. Fake cops love to beat up on women, kids, and old people. Some incidents are captured on video by onlookers. Many incidents of police brutality have no witnesses. Some police want to assault the public. The U.S. Department of Justice in 2009 found that 806,000 aggravated assaulted by criminals against the public (not including the assaults by the police against the public). Of the number, there are 216,814 were committed by hands and feet not by weapons. People can also get caught up in felons for silly reasons too. In America, if you push a person or grab a person's arm, you have committed assault. Many people in jail are innocent. Crooked police use emotional and psychological shock like assault by the police in order to intimidate citizens. Normal cops are proud of their authority and deference. Others are sociopaths, bullies, and psychopaths. One problem now is the militarization of society by the federal government. Some cops are militarized with military weapons (and are trained to view the public as the enemy). Civil liberties have been violated in the Bush/Cheney/Obama regimes. The TSA  rigorously enforces the refusal to discriminate between terrorist and citizen at airports and is now taking its gestapo violations of privacy into every form of travel and congregation: trucking, bus and train travel, sports events, and, without doubt, shopping centers and automobile traffic. Random searches are common place nationwide in America. No terrorism has occurred in America to promote such intrusion in our privacy and the freedom of movement. The TSA didn't catch on terrorism. They have abused and inconvenienced several hundred thousand innocent Americans though. The abuse occurs, because the elite want to occur. This is allowing the TSA to view Americans as potential terrorism. One ill and dying mother was abused as well. One elderly mother in a wheelchair was deserted. Some people have been arrested fro having pocket knives in backpacks, having bags, etc. We shouldn't have total submission to the government or the police at all. Some people resisting the TSA are in risk of being beaten or indefinitely detained. This isn't freedom nor democracy. It's tyranny. The police state in Amerika is similar to the ones in Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, the Middle East, Israel, and other places (even in former parts of the Soviet Union in Central Asia). Some of the CIA try to overthrow democratic movements in Honduras, etc. Washington is targeting Lebanon where Hezbollah has power there. The U.S. government only prefers a democracy where they are aligned with their interests. They support autocracies that they can use free elections to promote the puppets they like. America lectures China on democracy, but we have serious civil liberty problems in the USA.

By Timothy

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