Friday, February 04, 2011

Flying Dutch's words in the Economy in 2011

The US has a third world powergrid, because nobody invested into it for decades and decades, a lot is pre WWII or 100 years old, it's unbelievable.
Obama wants to make it impossible to invest in power plants, by putting aheavy CO2 tax on,..the result will be that the US economy will be killed off and you might get starvation eventually as many parts are starting to see massive poverty while you don't have acces to power anymore eventually.
Absolutely crazy...this is so sick. It doens't have to go this way,. the US could make all right decisions and rebuilt quickly.

That budget cutting, austerity is just another Neo Malthusian emntal ilness, it's like it's in fashion or so.
But all countries that are doing it go deeper into the mud..logically...when tax revenues go down and the economy is shrinking.

-Flying Dutch

Britain in battle over stagflation
New figures set to confirm that growth has slowed, while unemployment and oil prices rise – a severe problem that blighted the 1970s.

Stagflation is the worst combination economically you could have. Usually if your economy is slowing down, prices go down, but this time you see prices exploding while the economy is falling down...the result of stmuli, bail-outs and austerity at the same time.This schizophrenic economic model the British economists exported to the World, which is not working.

-Flying Dutch