Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Bro. Eric,

My question is, what movtive do the Jesuits have in allowing Keith Olbermann to so blatantly attack President Bush and the government on open TV, especially since the CFR controls MSNBC? Aren't the reporters and news anchors subject to the Order, and if they don't report as they are told, they'll be out of a job?

-Bro. Carl

Dear Brother Carl,

A most excellent question.We must remember that the Order has used Bush, Rumsfeld, and an host of other coadjutors to deliberately blunder this war. It could have been won years ago. Conversely, this "urban renewal" was never intended to be won, but rather to be continued for at least thirty years---according to CFR Newt Gingrich and CFR mulatto Condi Rice. To what end, they will never say.The Order knew, via its CFR think tank, that the American peoples would be worn out from this war after at most five years, calling for a pullout so as not to repeat "Spelly's Thirty Years' War" in Vietnam. Since "Egan's War" against the Moslems must continue, the whole nation must be united around the banners of this American-led Crusade (waved by Fox News) against the "Moslem infidels" in the words of Rome.So how can the American peoples be united around the banners of the Cardinal's Crusade?

First, Bush's ratings must go through the floor---as they are now, less than 30%. Secondly, there must be a token effort to withdraw the troops---as has recently happened with the CFR-controlled Democratic Party. Remember, both parties are now behind the amnesty to be granted for the alien Latino Roman Catholic invaders, as well as the funding of "the war in Iraq" via credit extended to Congress by the Order's Federal Reserve Bank to be used by the Order's Pentagon-led, Military Industrial Complex.Now, 70 percent of Americans are against the war; the lines of demarcation have been drawn. The next event on the Order's agenda is the controlled detonations of several mini-nukes (5-10 according to Endgame)---as mentioned in the movies "Wag the Dog," directed by Roman Catholic Jesuit coadjutor Robert DeNiro, and played out in The Sum of All Fears (detonation in Baltimore) and True Lies (detonation in the Florida Keys). With these detonations (possibly one also in Washington, D.C., with the capital in shambles the military command then moved to Denver) blamed on "the terrorists," all "true Americans" will unite to fight and die "defending freedom." The resultant Nazi fascism will be what the Order has wanted since WWI with the minting of the Mercury-head dime sporting a Roman fasces on the reverse. Bush and company (or McCain and/or Guiliani and company) will be vindicated in their demand to stay in the war, while the anti-war people---without the knowledge we have---will look like fools. Then the empire will be put on a total war footing (Goebbels' "Total War" Doctrine) to become a two-front war, to end in defeat due to high treason by the American Commander-in-Chief and his Joint Chiefs of Staff, and foreign invasion partitioning the Empire as was done to Germany.If I was the Jesuit General, this is the course I would pursue.

On another note, I just finished watching "The Good Shepherd" for the third time. As you know it is about the CIA's Counterintelligence wing led by SMOM James Angleton with his right hand man, the Jesuit Fordham trained SMOM Italian Roman Catholic Raymond Rocca. Thus the Jesuits controlled the apex of CIA power via Angleton and Rocca. It was here at this pinnacle that the Order united the CIA with the British MI5/MI6, with the Soviet KGB, with the Israeli Mossad, with French Intelligence, with the Shah's SAVAK, INTERPOL, etc. This is the Black Pope's International Intelligence Community financed by the Black Pope's International Drug Trade with its trillions laundered through the Black Pope's International Banking Community run by the Knights of Malta. This is the picture described in VAIII.As stated previously and in VAIII, the Cold War was a Hoax intended to continue to destroy true nationalists of every race and nationality on every continent. The CIA was used in the Western Hemisphere and the KGB was used in the Eastern Hemisphere; both worked together and were manned by ex-Nazis SS/SD. The duped American taxpayers financed both sides. Two other purposes of the bogus Cold War was to create the false enemy called "the Soviet threat" so as to justify the creation of Cardinal Spellman's Military Industrial Complex to be used by the Black Pope's "Holy Roman" Fourteenth Amendment, Socialist-Communist, Corporate-Fascist, American Empire.

(Remember 33rd Degree Freemason, anti-Jew, Henry Ford built the infrastructure of both Hitler's Nazi Reich and Stalin's Communist Empire. And of course, both Hitler and Stalin worked together; Hiter's boss was Jesuit Coadjutor Martin Bormann and Stalin's boss was Jesuit Coadjutor Alexander Poskrebyshev.) Another purpose of the Cold War Hoax was to build the Soviet Union and break the USA. This is why Japan never waged war against the USSR though an enemy; this is why Stalin declared war on Japan four days before Japan's surrender entitling Russia to the spoils of war; this is why all Russian spies for the CIA were betrayed by CIA Angleton to KGB "defector" Golitsen, these anti-communist, nationalistic spies being then tortured and shot; and this is why Angleton tortured true Soviet "defectors" (poor men thought there really was a Cold War!), one of them being Yuri Nosenko. Nosenko was tortured by Angleton and Rocca, on and off, for three years. And this torture is portrayed in "The Good Shepherd." Here, in our Jesuit-theater video, this real Russian KGB defector looks into the eyes of Angleton's secret handler, Jesuit SMOM Rocca, and utters:"Soviet power is a myth. A great joke. There are no spare parts! Nothing is working, nothing. It's nothing but painted rust. But you, you need to keep the Russian myth alive to maintain your military industrial complex. Your system depends on Russia being perceived as an awful threat. It's not a threat. It was never a threat. It will never be a threat [or so it seemed in 1963]. It is a rotten, bloated cow."

This line written by some Jesuit temporal coadjutor directing the film, is pregnant with truth. General Patton was stopped from marching on Moscow via assassination (a poison injection on orders from OSS chief, SMOM "Wild" Bill Donovan), and General Vlasov was betrayed by both Hitler and Eisenhower, and was later hung in the Order's inquisitional dungeon in Moscow---the Lubyanka. After the JFK assassination, guess who the Knights blamed---Jesuit-trained Castro and his allies, the Order's USSR financed by P2/SMOM David Rockefeller.May all of us American veterans have a most sorrowful Memorial Day as we remember how were used to fight the Pope's WWII, the Pope's Korean War, the Pope's Vietnam War, the Pope's Gulf War, the war against Orthodox Serbia and now Rome's Crusade against Islam. May we remember our wounds, physical and mental, repent of our delusions of "fighting for our country," and never send one more son or daughter to fight the foreign wars for the Jesuit Order's Father General ruling the White House.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


Brother Nicholas Rivera: CFR 9/11 conspirator Joseph A. O'Hare SJ gave a speech at a symposium held at Apostate Baptist Baylor University whose president was Jesuit-trained at BostonCollege.Fast forward to the last question toward the end of the video for an example of slick Jesuit casuistry in response to the only direct question asked. Jesuit O'Hare never answers the young man's question and he denies his Order is Counter-Reformation. Jesuit O'Hare also mentions 9/11 and asks the question when is the war going to end. What a rat he is! He was in on it being a presider of the CFR ordering his lackies and abject slaves in the CFR including but not confined to SMOM George J. Tenet, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice, Dick Cheney who is a Master Mason (3rd Degree York Rite/Blue Lodge) according to the Harry S. Truman Lodge in NYC http://web.archive.org/web/20040218000533/...ghest_mason.htm SMOM Frank Carlucci (Carlyle Group) and Richard Myers of NORAD etc. to comply with this Jesuit attack on its and I will be connecting the dots in my upcoming book AMERICAN REICH and the chain of command beginning with the Luciferian Black Pope down to Rudy Guiliani and everyone in between.
-Brother Nicholas

Craig: Hows your book going? How will it be released? Will it be ebook or Paper back? It will get much promotion from me. Your work is of the most importance.

Brother Nicholas: Dear Craig-Oxley,I will be taking the info I've contributed to the board (for some reason I can't go to my prior posts due to an error or something) and my email posts and put them all together in a comprehensible order. I need to find written books and other source materials to back up my thesis. Most of the info I've researched and contributed has strictly been from the Internet. I have written the Introduction and only now having graduated from college do I have more time to write the rest. I continued to send posts this year but did not make time to work on the book. I'm collecting photos and saving info that I've found helpful. I am currently reading "The Pink Swastika" which I will use as a source about how the Third Reich was founded on homosexuality. I read that the "Hitler Youth" were full of pederast sodomites and we know Joseph Ratzinger was one of them. According to Leo Zagami, Ratzinger has a male lover in his 20s so no surprise there. I'm comparing the Nazi Germany of the mid-20th century to the Jesuit-controlled Fourteenth Amendment American Empire and it's Vatican War machine. I have plenty of evidence and info but I have to piece it all together. It will be a massive undertaking but it is crucial and time is of the essence. There is very little of it before the U.S. is an openly full-fledged dictatorship with a concordat with the Unholy See if the situation is left unaltered. This expose is dedicated to my fellow countrymen and it is intended to make them aware of the Jesuit conspiracy against them. I will be addressing Jesuit control of the military-industrial complex, the Order's assault on health, the bodily constitutions of Americans which have been targeted especially since the Order illegally amended the U.S. Constitution and thereby creating a new country and new citizenship which they have made their huge reduction and rule through their provincials who view the U.S. as ten provinces and not free, sovereign States which is why secession is only solution at this point.Brother Nicholas

I would definitely go with an E-Book format.Bro. Nicholas

Alexandria: Nicholas--I heard that a concordat was being negotiated, but that was like 25 years ago. Any word on that?

Craig: Would be a nice addition to having Vatican Assassins III. I think if people study these works along with Dr John Coleman's work they will be laughing.

Brother Nicholas: Dear Sister Alexandra,You are referring to the year 1984 when that honorary 32nd Degree Freemason and Knight of Malta Ronald Wilson Reagan (first, middle, and last names 6 letters each evidence of what I call the trail of the beast you can see this is the work of the Antichrist dynasty-the Papacy) reestablished diplomatic ties to Rome (betraying Abraham Lincoln who was assassinated by the Order and as a result U.S. ties to the Unholy were severed in 1865 after the U.S. government found out that John Surratt (who was advised by Jesuit Bernadine Wiget) was hiding out in Rome recognized Vatican City as a sovereign state and therefore the Papal Caesar as a sovereign or king. http://www.reformation.org/reagan-and-pope.htmlThis recognition was the prerequisite for a concordat with the Unholy See. Since then Fourteenth Amendment America has been ripe for a concordat which would give the Jesuits' Vatican say in both civil and ecclesiastical matters in the U.S. so basically they would openly control temporal and religious matters. The CFR Fascist Republican Party I believe has proven its loyalty to "Ignatian spirituality" which is Luciferianism but since the Order controls both parties they put in a Jesuit president as a CFR Communist Democrat- I am convinced CFR member William Jefferson Clinton Blythe III is a Jesuit. Clinton's brother Jesuit citizen of Hell Robert F. Drinan (who started the abortion agitation spearheaded by the Masonic/ SMOM Religious Right and the Knights of Columbus which serves the Order since it fosters ecumenism. I am against the murder of the unborn and the Charismatic ecumenical movement) defended his perjury (during his staged impeachment trial) to a grand jury and showed his utter contempt for the laws of this land because they believe they are above them. I will describe this in detail in a future post and in my book.

Nazi Germany made one in 1933 with the Vatican in the persons of Eugenio Pacelli (who would become Hitler's Pope Pius XII, Papal Chancellor SMOM Franz Von Papen and Jesuit Ludwig Kaas (he was a Jesuit according to the second edition of VA)Hitler had his own faith-based initiatives program just as Fourteenth Amendment America. In fact, Eleanor Roosevelt as well as JFK rejected Cardinal Spellman's push for school vouchers but Skull and Bonesman George W. Bush (who has a life-size likeness of himself in the Masonic museum in Los Angeles as shown in the film "Megiddo I: The March to Armageddon" which briefly exposes the Jesuit Order and in the second installment about the New Age rightfully exposing Jesuit Pierre Teilhard Chardin as the father of the New Age Movement and popularized the evolution lie through the Piltdown and Peking man hoaxes he was directly involved in creating.Here are links to both.Megiddo: The March to Armageddon

Megiddo II: The New Age (in 3 parts)

Part 1 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6468335733049415398

Part 2 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=846711885637533975

Part 3 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4625054721884456908

The White House Office of Faith and Community Initiatives is part of the Jesuits' Department of Homeland (from the German Vaterland translated as Fatherland) Security openly led by a Papal Court Jew Michael Chertoff when his controllers are SMOM (Emilio T. Gonzalez head of the Immigration Services) and the Jesuits of Georgetown or those trained by them like lay Jesuit John C. Gannon and Georgetown Jesuit-trained Michael P. Jackson. I have a photo that illustrates my point. gnition was the prerequisite for a concordat with the Unholy See. Since then Fourteenth Amendment America has been ripe for a concordat which would give the Jesuits' Vatican say in both civil and ecclesiastical matters in the U.S. so basically they would openly control temporal and religious matters. The Fascist Republican Party I believe has proven its loyalty to "Ignatian spirituality" which is Luciferianism but since the Order controls both parties they put in a Jesuit president as a Democrat- I am convinced CFR member William Jefferson Clinton Blythe III is a Jesuit. Clinton's brother Jesuit citizen of Hell Robert F. Drinan (who started the abortion agitation spearheaded by the Masonic/ SMOM Religious Right and the Knights of Columbus which serves the Order since it fosters ecumenism. I am against the murder of the unborn and the Charismatic ecumenical movement) defended his perjury (during his staged impeachment trial) to a grand jury and showed his utter contempt for the laws of this land because they believe they are above them.

I will describe this in detail in a future post and in my book. Nazi Germany made one in 1933 with the Vatican in the persons of Eugenio Pacelli (who would become Hitler's Pope Pius XII, Papal Chancellor SMOM Franz Von Papen and Jesuit Ludwig Kaas (he was a Jesuit according to the second edition of VA)The White House Office of Faith and Community Initiatives is part of the Jesuits' Department of Homeland (from the German Vaterland translated as Fatherland) Security openly led by a Papal Court Jew Michael Chertoff when his controllers are SMOM (Emilio T. Gonzalez head of the Immigration Services) and the Jesuits of Georgetown or those trained by them like lay Jesuit John C. Gannon and Georgetown Jesuit-trained Michael P. Jackson. I have a photo that illustrates my point. I hope this is helpful and please continue to ask questions since it will help me focus on articulating my argument. God bless dear sister.

-Brother Nicholas