Thursday, May 10, 2007

Backing Up what you say and believe

Yesterday, I saw Webster Tarpley on Hannity and Colmes. Suprisingly, Colmes was much more rude to him than Hannity. Colmes said that he was disrespecting the families of the victims of 9/11 by saying that it was an inside job. Colmes yelled that he didn't have any evidence for his points of view and what he was spewing was garbage. The truth is that government inside job occured for thousands of years from the Gulf on Tonkin, Operation Ajax for Iran, and all the way to Operation Gladio. Also, many of the victims' families do believe that 9/11 is an inside job. Dissent from the offical story is not necessarily equated to disrespecting people. Also, there is tons of evidence to refute the offical story. Mr. Rodiqrez was a witness in the basement of the Twin Towers that explosives occured before they collapsed. Professor Steven Jones offered research that thermate (an explosive) was found in the molten steel of the Towers. Norman Mineta (a White House offical) said in sworn testimony that Cheney refuse to intercept aircraft coming into the Pentagon. New witnesses heard explosives in Building Number Seven (Number Seven was the farthest from the complex, had limited fired, collapsed in own self, fell less than gravity would allow it according to researchers, and WTC 6 never collapsed. Yet, WTC 6 had more damage than Number 7). People wonder who's connected to 9/11. Well, all evidence points to intelligence (from the CIA, MI6, and Mossad) and elite individuals (i.e President Bush (his brother Marvin handled the security for the WTC), [Roman Catholic] Vice President Cheney, Larry Silverstein, Knight of Malta George Tenet, many pro-Labor Zionist Israelis (many of these men handled logistics like Menachem Atzmon. He was the man who oversaw passenger screening and airport security at Boston's Logan Airport on 9/11), General Ralph Eberhart (he headed NORAD during 9/11), and [Roman Catholic] former New York Mayor Giuliani [a British Knight. He shipped tons of steel into China and India without an elaborate investigation, so he was involved in the cover up]. There were many motives for allowing this attack to occur. One is from Zbigniew Brzezinksi's book entitled "the The Grand Chessboard" warning about a false flag attack to trigger War in the Middle East (to get resources). The CFR-authored Project for a New American Century outlined more reasons for using a Pearl Harbor-like event in fighting wars and creating a globalist system.

The more the dots are connected dealing with world power for me, the more it makes sense. The erosion of national soveriengity via the EU, NAU, etc. and other anti-liberty policies (from the Patriot Act, militarized police, anti-free speech zones, etc.) leads to me to realize that we have a lon way to go if we seek authentic liberty to flourish in America. If SS Generals (like Roman Catholic Huber, Nebe, Himmler, Heydrich, and Mueller) could create a tradegy like the Holocaust, supreme evil on that scale can happen here in the USA. The real essence of the agenda among those in power is to create a new order for the world and reestablish Lost Atlantis (with Babylon and Solomon's Temple rebuilt. Some occultists want a New Age "Christ" to say the day like Benjamin Creme). This isn't heresay. It's found in the writings of high level Freemasons and a movie called "Riddles in Stone" created by Christian J. Pinto (a Christian man from the West Coast). I'm prepared to back up what I say. I will beware of Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors coming from the mainstream media or the "alternative media" found in GCN, AFS (on of its famous authors is Michael Collins Piper whose book "Final Judgment" omits any Knight of Malta involvement plus cover of the JFK assassination), or RBN.

By Timothy