Edgar: Tony Alamo will be on with Greg live tonight. 12:00am EST or 9:00PM PST.http://libertyarchives.com/schedule.html
(click link in top left)or this may work directly to listen:
right now there's a guy on slamming the Vatican according to Bible prophecy.
Bro. Eric,
Could you direct me to some reliable information on the drug industry in Colombia and how the unrest there is tied in with the Jesuits and the NWO plan? Just how does the Bush clan fit in?
There is much written on the cocaine/drug industry in Columbia. If Rome did not approve of that trade, then Rome would not have a Concordat with that country. The Concordat was written with Jesuit oversight as "the Jesuits are the penholders of the pope."The Bush connection to this international drug trade is well documented in Webster Tarpley's George Bush: The Unauthorized Autobiography. Col. James "Bo" Gritz's Called to Serve further proves Bush's oversight of the drug trade out of the Golden Triangle.
Do you think George Bush will exit the White House in January of 2009? For if they do away with the US constitution, the two-term presidential limit will be disbanded.
Yes. It appears that since the Archbishop of New York featured apostate Episcopalian and CFR member John McCain at the 2006 Al Smith Dinner in New York, McCain will be the next president. Roman Catholic Guiliani is too dirty, especially with his involvement in 911 and the Nafta Highway. "Hellary" is unelectable along with "Obama Bin Laden." This confines the election to the ponies of the fascist/pro-papal crusade Republican party backed by fascist Fox News Irish Roman Catholic Jesuit coadjutors Hannity and O'Reilly. Mormon Romney is out; Gingrich is a possible VP candidate, but the running will be between Guiliani and McCain. Hence, when McCain is "elected," the war will continue under this former Navy officer/POW---as per the dictates of the Cardinal in the Powerhouse---St. Patrick's Cathedral.
Will the North American Union be set up in similar fashion as the EU?
Yes, but the NAU will not endure; the EU will endure. The NAU is similar to Hitler's absorption of Austria. He built the Autobon for the primary purpose of troop movement; thus, this is the same purpose of the Nafta Highway. At the end of the Crusade, North America will be partitioned, Europe will be further cemented together over the deceptively induced fear of "Soviet Russia" and "Red China." "What they did to North America cannot be allowed to happen here in Europe" may well be Rome's fascist line of propaganda. Notice the new president of France is indeed a fascist.
It seems to me that what would start all this rolling would be a major crisis of some sort.
Yes. If you are viewing "24" or "Jericho" on the one-eyed monster, they are unfolding their entire scenario. The Chinese are now in the picture as invaders of the US working with high-level US government traitors.
Craig: Do not forget Francis K Fong and Ming Shing Shoo who are the leadership of this dirty Secret Red Chinese Police on U.S Soil.
Thanks, Bro. Eric. Sorry to use you as an encyclopedia.
That's OK. I know you will use the info for the glory of God, not "for the greater glory of God."
Bro. Carl
Brother Eric
Craig Oxley
wolveshater: I have Called to Serve by Bo, He gave it to me in Boise around 1992. Bush is a drug dealer, So is Clinton, Hell they all are drug dealers. Compromised by Terry Reed also tells the drug cartel truth as well about Bush, Clinton, Olly North. Mike Levine's great white lie is very good as well
It is a conclusion based on several overwhelming facts. First, Carto is a Roman Catholic fascist parroting the same line that as did Father Stampfle's Mein Kampf and the Nazi SS/SD. His Liberty Lobby that produced The Spotlight was based in Washington, D.C., during which time he received several visits from SMOM J. Peter Grace and SMOM Edward Bennet Williams. Carto was the personal friend of Grace and Williams, thus we know him by the company he has kept, as both Grace and Williams are now deceased.Secondly, Carto was a part of the CIA conspiracy, called a "limited hangout," which sacrificed CIA agent E. Howard Hunt as a "renegade CIA" agent who participated in the JFK assassination. Carto's anti-Jew Spotlight accused Hunt of being in Dallas the day of the assassination (which he was) for which reason Hunt sued Liberty Lobby in 1985. The defense attorney for LL was none other than that great Jewish Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Mark Lane---the man who moved JFK's killing shots from the driver and/or the storm sewer up to "the grassy knoll." Carto's Mark Lane won the civil case as reported in Lane's Plausible Denial. Hunt lost but was never indicted by a Grand Jury which indictment would have been quite easy via the transcripts of the Civil Case. Thus, by blaming Hunt, the CIA was off the hook; the limited hangout was a success thanks to Carto and Lane. Hunt, on his deathbed, never revealed any CIA agents involved in Dallas that day. He only fingered LBJ and a few Cubans never saying a word to his son about Frank Sturgis---who made a 22-page written confession to Cardinal Cooke as to his part in the JFK assassination.Thus, Carto worked with the Knights of Malta within and without the CIA in participating in the limited hangout of Hunt. And since the real list of SMOM is secret, I have the right to call him a Knight. His deeds and personal friends with which he kept company confirm the conclusion. Carto, to this day, continues on the fascist trail via his RBN in blaming the Jews for what the Jesuit Order can only do. I suspect that Carto had much to do with the recent removal of Greg Szymanski from RBN.Thus Willis Carto is a Knight of Malta as is Robert Maheu and Rudolf Guiliani though none of these traitors openly admit to their membership.
Such a confession would be fatal to Rome's conspiracy against us.Jewish Holocaust denial/revisionism is a Jesuit ploy to hide the truth of one of the foremost purposes of Pius XII's Nazi Third Reich. He brought Hitler to power in 1933 and through the Roman Catholic Center Party's backing of The Enabling Act, Hitler then entered into a Concordat with the Pope. Any priest who resisted Hitler was thrown in Dachau Concentration Camp outside of Munich.
Hitler spoke in the Reichstag of "the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe" and was aided by American Masonic industrialists Thomas J. Watson, Sr., the head of IBM which leased the Hollerith census machines to the Nazis in preparation of the roundups of Europe's Jews, and Masonic Henry Ford, the backer of both the Nazis and Stalin's Bolsheviks. Thus, the elimination of the Eurasian Jews was a Jesuit conspiracy involving Hitler, Stalin, FDR, Churchill, Mussolini, Hirohito and Franco. But we must never forget the Lutheran Holocaust via Hitler and Stalin as well as US and British Bombers, the Orthodox Holocaust via Hitler and Stalin working together (for which reason Stalin told his agent in the German Army who sent a final warning of the planned invasion of the USSR on June 22 of 1941 (the very same day Napoleon invaded Russia) to go "F------- your mother." And we must not forget the European Protestant holocaust via Churchill, Hitler, Stalin and FDR. Protestant Czechs were the first to be sent to Auschwitz via Priest Tiso. Then, there is the Buddhist Japanese holocaust via FDR, Churchill and Hirohito as Japanese physicists aided the Jesuits in building the atomic bombs on the ground at Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing over 100,000 Japanese. This was payback for expelling the Order for nearly 250 years and Masonic Hirohito played a key role in the mass-murder of his people.
It was for this obedience that SMOM Jesuit Edmund A. Walsh instructed Masonic MacArthur not to prosecute the Emperor at the Japanese War Crimes trials in 1948. I trust this is overall picture is helpful.
Sincerely in Faith,
Brother Eric
FYI, Dr. David Ray Griffin is from Claremont Theological, a freemasonic-funded college related to the jesuit College Claremont; i.e. DRGriffin's work is funded by secret societies...As someone who worked on the 96th floor of the WTC and, as someone who was told to attend a meeting there that morning by someone in a partnership with CFR members... I've had to do my homework to make it this far.If you doubt my references, here's a video link which explains in parallel:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=53...=Jordan+Maxwell (about 9-11 minutes into the presentation, which was in 1993, JMaxwell explains the funding and symbolism of the Claremont agenda... they're (Francis) Bacon(ians).Those of the Bacon philosophy (extended from Aristotle's death in 322 B.C. and Demosthenes in 322 AD) are the perpetrators of 9-11. Dr. David Ray Griffin is one of them, to his own admission he "wasn't interested" in 9-11, until he was "asked" to write about it... it's part of his job, he's a professional "researcher".