Friday, January 31, 2025

The Mid Air Collision Disaster.


There is a massive tragedy. It involved an American Airlines jet and an Army helicopter that had a mid-air collision. This happened on Wednesday night. Authorities are trying to recover wreckage and bodies. The American Airlines passenger jet carried 64 people. Search and rescue operations are underway in the Potomac River. An investigation is being launched by the U.S. Army and the Department of Justice. Areas around Washington, D.C. are restricted airspace. Right now, according to NBC Washington, more than 30 bodies have been recovered. The waters in the Potomac are freezing. The horrendous event took place near Arlington, Virginia. The question is why the Army helicopter was flown so near the Reagan National Airport near a commercial airplane. Many members of the figure skating community were abroad the jet according to the U.S. Figure Staking organization. Russia's state news agency said two world champion Russian figure skaters were on the plane. A full investigation's conclusion will take weeks and months.

We all send condolences to the families of the victims of the midair collision. Some of the greatest skaters on Earth have passed away from this tragedy. Once again, Trump has not only politicized the sad event, but he has lied greatly again in trying to divide the American people. This disaster is not about Republicans vs. Democrats. It is about innocent people being dead by 2 flying objects crashing together. Donald Trump said that racist comment that DEI politics caused the collision. This is a lie as no independent investigation has existed to determine the cause of the crash. Also, Trump blamed Biden for the crash which is a lie as former President Biden has nothing to do with the crash too. 

Trump forced out the FAA chief at Musk's insistence, imposed a hiring freeze that reportedly included air traffic controllers, fired the TSA head, and gutted a key aviation safety committee, and the air traffic controllers are understaffed now. DEI has nothing to do with unqualified people getting jobs. DEI is about promoting diverse, qualified people to have jobs as America is the most diverse nation in human history. Ironically, Trump has hypocritically promoted less-than-qualified people in his cabinet, but he is obsessed with blaming tons of things on DEI in a racist fashion. Trump is a racist who has skepticism over any qualified person of color in a major position of power. The Bush/Harris administration drove down close calls, grew Air Traffic Control, and had zero commercial airline crash fatalities out of millions of flights. Any pilot job has strident qualifications and training.

Tulsi Gabbard wants to the DNI leader, Patel wants to be the FBI Director, and Robert Kennedy Jr. wants to be the head of the Department of Health and Human Services. All 3 Trump supporters had many bipartisan grilling by Senators. Gabbard refuses to answer the question of whether Snowden is a traitor or not. I have more respect for her if she said it one way or another. The truth is that Edward Snowden wasn't perfect, but he wasn't a traitor desiring to destroy America. Snowden sincerely wanted to expose the illegal government surveillance programs against the American people. NSA mass phone surveillance has been ruled illegal, and reforms existed now. A court ruled recently that the 702 surveillance violated the Fourth Amendment. Gabbard defended her meeting from the controversial 2017 meeting with Syrian dictator President Bashar al-Assad. Gabbard defended Trump when Trump wanted to overthrow the legal election of 2020. How can Gabbard claim to support the American people when her loyalty is to Trump who desires to be a dictator on Day One and promotes policies antithetical to freedom and justice? Gabbard has blamed NATO for Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine and rejected the conclusion that Assad used chemical weapons in Syria.

Senator Bennet grilled Robert Kennedy Kr. on his past rhetoric during the Health and Human Services hearing on Wednesday. Robert Kennedy said that he cited a study to believe that COVID-19 targeted black and white people but spared Ashkenazi Jewish people. That is bigoted nonsense. Robert Kennedy Jr. admitted that Lyme disease is a highly military-engineered bioweapon which isn't true. Robert Kennedy Jr. on tape said that no vaccine is safe and effective. His own cousin Caroline Kennedy called him a predator. Vaccines have a very high bar to be approved by governmental authorities. It takes years for the government to allow vaccines to exist in society. Robert Kennedy Jr. believes that no restrictions on regulating raw milk should exist. If Robert Kennedy Jr. is confirmed, kids could have an increased risk of having polio and measles.

By Timothy