Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
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Dear Brethren and Friends,
As the Pope's "Holy Roman" Fourteenth Amendment, Socialist-Communist, Corporate-Fascist, CFR-directed American Empire is about to become another Nazi-fascist monster in league with Rome's Masonic leaders of Islam, I have made a personal decision that may not sit well with many of you.Remembering the great novel Ivanhoe authored by Presbyterian Calvinist Sir Walter Scott, I am reminded of the climax of that most delightful work with honorable Ivanhoe dueling with the wicked Knight Templar Brian DeBois Gilbert who was responsible for the arrest of the beautiful and chaste Rebecca the Jewess. Accused of witchcraft and about to be burned at the stake, it was the White Gentile Ivanhoe who came to her rescue "as a matter of honor," slew the Templar and secured the Jewess' release.Well, the Jesuits are now the new Knights Templars about to accuse the Jews of North America of "witchcraft," a charge of which they are, as a body, not guilty. That charge may range from the JFK assassination (via Arlen Specter and Jack Ruby) or 911 (Larry Silverstein) or even the war in Iraq (CFR/Paul Wolfowitz).
The Order "has many strings to its bow" which to "play," but rest assured the accusation will surely come and Rome's Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists ruling Rome's "Kingdom of Jerusalem" will play an active part.This well-planned event will be intended to incite the American peoples to persecute the resident North American Jews, all six and a half million of them. There are over twelve millions of foreign Moslems who have been purposely settled in the major cities with the largest Jewish concentrations ready to be used as "the sword of the Pope's Church." What was done in Europe during the 20th century via the fascists of Roman Catholic Spain, Roman Catholic Bavarian Germany and Roman Catholic Italy will surely be attempted here in predominately Roman Catholic North America in the 21st century. The alternative radio pundits are nearly all, to the man, anti-Jew. The major CFR-controlled media is not yet openly anti-Jew, but its masters in the CFR are in dead earnest about fulfilling the Jesuit Oath with their brother Bonesmen, and thus bent upon a merciless and bloody Jewish roundup to culminate in a systematic elimination of whom the scripture calls "the holy seed."When that day arrives the time for speaking and writing will be over for me. As a White Gentile Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Baptist Calvinist, I must now apply the principles of the Word of God in defense of the Lord's beloved Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitic people yet to inherit the promise given to Abraham---and David. The Bible is clear in Ephesians 2:11-13. I was once an "alien from the commonwealth of Israel," but through Messiah Jesus I have been "made night by the blood of Christ" to that commonwealth.
Romans 11:30 is clear; I have obtained mercy from God through their national unbelief. Therefore I OWE THE JEW a defense, not because of their ungodly religion, BUT BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE. This debt will be paid by giving them physical protection, solicited or unsolicited, during their coming persecution. By protection I mean setting out to attack and kill without mercy their murderers. I mean total war against these Jesuit-ruled monsters, going to mortal combat only, taking no prisnors---as did the Dutch sailors known as the "Wild Beggars of the Sea"---in protecting the Lord's physical brethren who will one day look upon the One whom "they pierced." The glorious death the Lord shall bless me with in protecting his racial brethren will be rewarded at the judgment seat of Christ in accordance with Genesis 12:1-3. One thing is for sure:
I will never stand before the Son of God---that promised Seed of David who loved me and personally died for my sins as though he committed every one of them---ashamed of not protecting his elect nation, the Jewish people. When the Department of Homeland Security, ruled by Georgetown Jesuits such as SMOM/CFR member John C. Gannon, is rounding up the Jews for shipping to North American Auschwitz in Alaska, every one of those servants of Rome will be a legitimate target for execution "by any means necessary." That holds true for every and any other government agency or foreign national military force who dares to defile my land with the blood of innocent Jews. There is a time for WAR according to King Solomon. When that day arrives---and it most assuredly will, my heart will have been settled upon the fate that awaits me as a result of defending the Hebrew race of whom Almighty God warns in his Scripture of Truth:"". . . for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye" (Zechariah 2:8).
Sincerely in Faith,
Brother Eric
Alexandria: The RCC/Jesuits hate the Jews with a purple passion.
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