Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Life is full of classifications. Recently Howard Hunt on his death bed said that LBJ was involved in the JFK assassination. My personal opinion is that isn't totally the truth. LBJ certainly benefited from his death, but it's bigger than just LBJ. The truth is that the Knights of Malta (via Permindex and the CIA. Clay Shaw and Louis M. Bloomfield are notorious Knights), high level Freemasonry, and along with Labor Zionist Mossad were involved in the assassination of JFK (plus its cover up. The Mossad was created by the SS/CIA through SMOM Reinhard Gehlen. JFK wanted no nuclear missiles in Israel. Low level Freemason LBJ after 1963 gave billions of dollars to Israel to fund its infrastructure. This set the stage for the Six Day War and the proposed rebuilding of Solomon's Temple as advocated by many high level Freemasons like Albert Mackey. The same, evil leaders that founded Israel were some of the same ones killing the Sephardic Jewish people, allowing Polish Jewish people to die, and colloborating with the Nazis as proven by Ben Hecht plus other authors. There are still patriotic Jewish and Arabic people living in Israel though). Frankily, many in the "alternative" media refuse to write about this information and especially the Knight of Malta link to the JFK assassination (from SMOM Lee Iaocca's covering up the limosine, etc.) This is strange and I wonder why? I guess I know why.

The hate crime law is still proposed here. We're lucky in America. In some countries in Europe, Australia, and Canada we could be arrested for some of things we can say and type in public. This legislation according to Ted Pike says that so-called saying "intimidating" speech against certain groups is a federal offense. Hate crime laws, especially federal ones, violate free speech. If some hurts a man or kills a man for whatever reasons, there are sufficient laws to prosecute that criminal. The legislation's name is HR 1592. Proponents of this law says that it won't be used against preachers, but preachers in Europe have been sent to jail with similar legislation.

By Timothy