The upcoming Bilderberg Group will be held in Istanbul, Turkey. Jim Tucker is an expert on the meeting. He has even be almost arrested by the members there. Jim also was shot at. Turkey is a nation with strong anti-Big Brother laws. The Bilderberg Group is a powerful "third party" group made up of politicans and political leaders plus bankers. Royals are there from Europe as well. They propose policy and some some occasions they create policy. The Bilderberg Group (who endorse the euro) is more powerful than the CFR. That's obvious. They were invented in the 1950's by the Pilgrim Society since the Pilgrims (also SMOMs and high Masons) are leading members of this organization. One of the biggest plans for the Bilderberg Group is population control. Also, many elites publicly want the human population to decrease rapidly. I found something recently out. Some of them want carbon tax credits. What that will do will send money into specific corporations. In truth natural CO2 isn't a pollutant, but can increase plant life. Additionally, the solar system is warming without any intervention by man. Global climate change has occured throughout world history and man's influence in climate change is very small compared to the whole universe. You Tube on Wednesday at May 09, 2007 discussed on how David Rockefeller met with Saddam Hussein. Hussein was definitely funded and aided by the West. Lately, the West fought against the leader of Iraq to control the nation and develop a new system in the Middle East.
Bruce Willis said that he believes that Oswald didn't kill JFK alone. It's obvious that when multiple bullets came into multiple locations and a picture of Oswald (near a door when the President was about to be hit), Oswald never killed JFK alone at all. I would agree with Bruce that some of the same killers live today. The real killers stretch from the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, high level Freemasonry, and other Secret noblemen orders that murdered JFK and covered up this death (i.e. J. Edgar Hoover and Earl Warren were both 33rd Degree Freemasons and were in the Warren Commission. Freemason Clint Murchinson of Texas hated Kennedy trying to end the oil tax breaks to his oil companies. He benefited from the Vietnam War when JFK wasn't here anymore.). Well, there is going to be a Pro Life march in Ottowa, Canada. Canada is usually more left than us Americans. In fact, we Americans are more conservative than Canada and Europe. Also, Scheidler beat NOW in a court case. It's good to be refreshed in your thinking.
By Timothy