Monday, May 14, 2007


Dear Lenny,I am surprised at your tone.I shall reply to your question only, not to the rantings of "Mary."

----- Original Message -----

From: Lenny Bloom To: Eric Jon Phelps Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:20 PMSubject: Fwd: Alert on Eric + TimmyANY REASON WHY YOU ARE STILL IN TOUCH WITH JESUIT COADJUTOR WHITE? HE IS ALSO FBI DIV 5


Tim White is not a Jesuit Coadjutor or Division 5 of the FBI. Your source for that information must be from the men below.Concering Heneghen, he is a notorious Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor evidenced by his continued defense of that "global warming" disinfo specialist and false candidate for the US presidency, Al Gore---who in turn is tied to the Pope-serving Schiff family by marriage. As Vice President to the murderous Jesuit Coadjutor Bill Clinton, Gore was a party to giving our high-tech, military technology to the Red Chinese in preparation for our Sino-Soviet-Moslem invasion. It is this same Al Gore that Tom Heneghen continues to defend. Further, Heneghen's defence of French Intelligence, as though it is an independent intelligence agency, is pure poppycock as the French Knights of Malta rule the SDECE even as the American Knights rule the CIA. All intelligence agencies have been united into the Black Pope's International Intelligence Community. Anything contrary to this is disinformation predicated upon ignorance or lies.I dismiss Webb and Flocco as being in the same camp with Heneghen. Shall I enumerate? Maybe later as we have reviewed the details before.Captain Eric May is without question a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor. His intimacy with the Jesuits is from his own mouth. I have the emails---provided by Tim White.Remember when you asked me to co-host the Cloak with you?

I agreed with one stipulation: that you disassociate from Webb, Heneghen and Flocco. This you refused to do---which was your choice since the Cloak is your show. But now you are attacked by this "Mary"(who is she anyway---just what has given her opinion such weight?), she defending these three, supreme disinformation specialists and you attack my association with the Tim White, who as no money and has been in Canada for over a year now working odd jobs and using a library computer? This is the same Tim White who attacks the Jesuits relentlessly! This is the same person defended by the courageous and former NYPD detective, James Rothstein. Have you ever had Jim on the show? He is the one who revealed on public radio that Frank Sturgis made a 22-page written confession to Archbishop Cooke in 1971 concerning his part in the JFK assassination. He also revealed that Cardinal Spellman was overseeing the pedophile ring in New York City that was untouchable, Spellman controlling DA Robert Morganthau. It was Rothstein who saved the life of Marina Lorenz who was testifing at the HSCA in the 1970s, arresting Frank Sturgis who was about to kill her. And this "Mary" attacks the brave and courageous Rothstein?Lenny, the Coadjutors are Heneghen, Webb, Flocco, and May, not Tim White. It was White who exposed EverGreen Air as being behind the 911 airborne attack. A former Seal Team Six member on my email list is quite familiar with that outfit and has talked with White about this extensively. Further, it was Tim White (and another individual who is now in prison) who exposed the pictures of Johnny Gosh all over the internet. In conclusion, when Tim White begins to advocate the doctrines of these accomplished Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors, then I will disassociate from him and label him as another shill for the Jesuit Order.

Until then, I will continue to associate with this man as he has taught me much about the political power of Rome, especially in Denver.I trust this has been written and has been received in the right spirit between us. You have been very good to me in giving me liberty of speech on your show. I hope it will continue.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


The John Birch Society and the FBISent: Friday, April 27, 2007 3:40 PMSubject: Fwd: Concerning disinformation on the John Birch Society and the FBIjust LOOK at all the names he has in this and ESPECIALLY that red flag word,RECRUITED. He has the name W Cleon Skousen(member of the Council For National Policy-CNP) John Rees(who just so "happened" to be an MI6 agent) the Elks Magazine(the Elks Lodge is a Masonic organization--I have an issue and it's LOADED with Masonic symbology) J Edgar Hoover(a 33rd degree MASON) Robert Welch(a 32nd degree MASON)---I can go on and on here but I'm presently short on time.The person who Perna does NOT mention here is the CO-FOUNDER of the John Birch Society,Robert Waring Stoddard,who was a member of the Council for National Policy,a Knight of Malta AND a member of the Council on Foreign Relations AT THE TIME OF THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY FOUNDING.More as I have the chance.Tim White , Viet Nam Vet(USAF),Concerned Citizen


From: Vyzygoth IV To: Eric Jon Phelps Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 12:53 PMSubject: RE: Alert on Eric + TimmyJoined at the hip with the Bloom-Flocco-Webb-Heneghan crew at one time was a Mary Schneider, whose e-mail address you gave me years ago. She had posted something in your group about an homeowner's insurance policy that included an exclusion of liability in damage done due to war.I wanted proof of such a statement and contacted her via e-mail asking for the insurance company or a scan from which i perhaps could find out more.She had a bunch of excuses, produced nothing, which led me to believe she was, frankly, full of dung.Well, this Mary is that Mary Schneider, a whack job that fits in with the above. And what's really interesting is that every one of them writes in the same childish manner with the caps and the underlining and the exclamation points. This has also made me wonder if all four are doing their own writing or just went to the same remedial English class that apparently had no positive effect.Yeah, I'm thinking: "I told you so . . . "v

Dear Vyz,

I remember her now. I attacked her and told her to never contact meagain.Thanks for the clarification and for "telling me so." Brother Eric

Dear Eric,I've sat here and had a few thoughts. It seems strange how all this is kicking off when we have a few significant events happen recently. We have the release of your 3rd Edition VATICAN ASSASSINS and the destruction of Greg's Radio Show. We see both you and Greg on the Bloom show the other day and now this? Is there an attack being set up in order to try to limit your air time? It seems to me this Mary Schneider supposedly linked to the American-French-Alliance (Haha) wants you gone. As you know I listen to Tom Heneghan and the clique as i'll call them. I understand these people are fighting simply for one of their factions of the Elite, an example is Al Gore Jr. Their simply amongst the lower down scale of the Pyramid and definately have elite ties. Its good to know some of the bickering between cliques who're part of the conspiracy themselves. Your points on Heneghan are correct. If this Tim White is poor and others are in Jail then this would give them more weight. Its similar to Fritz Springmeier being locked in Jail and Jordan Maxwell walking around with illusional Venusian Freedoms. So when it comes to the bloodlines I would rather listen to Springmeier than Maxwell even though Maxwell claims Fritz stole his work, PROVE IT!The problem is that people like yourself highlight that these Mary, Flocco and company as agents of the Intelligence community. They do not wish this to happen as it hurts their particular agendas currently going right now. We can still listen to people like Heneghan as long as we truely understand the conspiracy from pinacle levels. We can learn many things from these people still, an example is Eric May and his Baghdad information which has proven true. To be honest I feel Eric May is far less of a problem compared to Heneghan.

We need to remember that many of these types of people simply do not understand that the top control is all ONE regardless of their little fights. If Al Gore Jr wasn't anything to do with it then why would he promote known myths about Global Warming? Why doesn't he bring up topics of the Electric Universe, Sun, other planet environments? Why is he furfilling one area of the Iron Mountain Report which ultimately leads to GLOBAL GOVERANCE and we all know who will rule this. Yes they MAY have tried to whack him out over Chicago in 1998? But one faction of a bunch of Gangs wishing someone dead is nothing new. A neighbour down the street can do this to another do this mean anything? No. We need to realise that if the true elite controlists wished Al Gore Jr dead HE WOULD BE DEAD AS A DOORNAIL ASAP. Al Gore Jr does not even come close to the power of the KENNEDY family. JFK was far more powerful than Al Gore Jr and look what happened to him. They did NOT fail to kill him off and the others as we all know. We need to remember Senator Paul Wellstone and how an enemy of Bush he was, wheres he? DEAD! All they would do is utilise PERMINDEX once again and Al Gore Jr would be destroyed. If SDECE is protecting America then why is it in such a dire mess? Its all a dame big movie of illusions to appease its different levels of intelligent actors within it.Thankyou

-Craig OxleyP.S

These people cannot call me FBI Div 5 or British SIS as I've used some of their work.

Antisionist: Nice to see Daniel's and my suspicions have been vindicated by Eric Phelps. Let's not forget that since late 2006, Szymanski has been questioning the validity of the Wanta story and he claimed in a recent article that Christopher Story of has claimed that the Queen of England is pro-America in regards to it's financial stability. And despite this, the cloak recently added a hyperlink to the latest article from world reports. However, the cloak has had Skolnick and Heneghan report rightfully that America has no more gold and that the Queen of England has played a part in looting it.


Eventually the truth shall see the light of day.No matter what happens, I know this forum will continue to connect the dots together.Best,
