Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Firm yet Sincere

I found something new about Mike Gravel. He said that he wants a global institution to create a global tax on people. That's one reason why I won't support him. The obsession of some with global warming has caused some to omit real environmental issues like GM foods, toxic waste, aspartame, mercury, the destruction of the rain forest, ocean pollution, etc. It's all the more reason for us to acquire the disposition of independence in our basic thinking. The illegal immigration debate in my country of America has become very emotional. Mccain used the F word against a Texas Senator when both men were yelling to each other about this issue. New facts coming out of this proposed bill does have amnesty qualities. That's one of the reasons that I don't support this bill. It's ironic that those who support this bill claim that they want those illegal people to be brought out of the shadows, yet this The Bush-Kennedy-McCain bill was proposed in secret. Although, I do believe in compassion, enforcement, and border security. It's moral to be for all 3 things. This issue isn't going away. Some of the same ones wanting amnesty endorse a North American Union. I disagree with a NAU since it violates national sovereignity, it may merge laws with all 3 nations (some of their laws are blatantly anti-Bill of Rights in Mexico and Canada), and it promote a globalist one world government agenda.

Biometrics is increasing as well. Steve Watson from Infowars.net on Saturday at May 19, 2007 wrote about proposed requiring employees to recieve biometrics if they want to work at airports. That's blatantly against our privacy. Society today is very similar to the novels of "1984" and "Animal Farm." Suddenly, supporters of this extremist policy want to subject the individuals under a fallible governmental system (especially Big Government are subject to errors). Recent, I found out about Franz Wittelsbach. Franz is not only a Knight of Malta, but he has a multiple list of titles from The Jacobite King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland to the Knight of the (Austrian) Order of the Golden Fleece. He is definitely a big player in the European world stage and many in the "alternative media" isn't writing about this man. Regardless of people hate it or not, those in nobility & Secret orders (like high level Freemasonry [including the Jesuit-influenced Scottish Rite, the York Rite, Grand Orient, Memphis/Mizraim rite, the Prince Hall Rite, and others. The late Sam Walton was a 33rd Degree Freemason. They claim to worship the GOATU, but Manly P. Hall praised Lucifer in his own book. I've seen his quote first hand], Knights of Malta, Pilgrims ,etc.) and other powerful arms (i.e. the Vatican & the Jesuits. The Jesuits trained world leaders from Bill Clinton, Patrick Buchannan, Stalin, Fidel Castro, and many military big wigs in the U.S. that are also CFR members. Famous Papal agents is [corporate chieftains] Knight of Malta Edward L. Hennessy Jr. & SMOM Geoffrey T. Boisi, K of C Jeb Bush and Arnold Schwarzenegger who is very pro-abortion & anti-gun) rule the world not Bush or Cheney. The real rulers of global policies can find their arms in WWI, WWII, the Cold War, JFK assassination and cover up, and the "war on terror." We have to get to the heart of the problem of our world, not just low level subject matter. I will be firm, yet sincere in my comments completely.

By Timothy