Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Deception is all over the place. Yet, I won't go out and lose hope or give up. We're humans here and it's our duty to not give up. Brian Ross and Richard Esposito from The Blotter on Wednesday at May 23, 2007 mentioned that Bush authorized a plan to used covert action against Iran. I wonder about Rudy Guiliani. Everyone knows he's a fake. Everyone knows that he's a phony conservative, yet Sean Hannity is still sucking up to the man. I really don't get it. Rudy is the man who knew that the Towers were going to fall, but did nothing about it. Rudy is the man covering up the abestos effecting firefighters and allowing steel to be sent overseas after 9/11 immediately (without any investigation). Even though medical groups confirm there is no reason to have the partial birth abortion to protect the mother's life or health, Sandra Day O'Connor is sucking up to support PBA . The vast majority of Americans oppose partial birth abortion and this issue isn't debated that much anymore. Sucking a baby's brains out has nothing to do with choice.

Lately, some believe that all religions are the same. This opinion is New Age hogwash (New Age was invented in the modern era by high level Freemasons, Jesuits, and Rosicurcians). The reason is that the worship of many gods, the embrace of repitative rituals, etc. have nothing to do with some religions. It is legitimate to believe in one God if you want to. To say that nothing creating something is against the laws of science period. Also, those who bash certain religion forgot that the atheists in the 20th century butchered more people than any other creed in that time period. For example, Atheists Stalin, Mao (an ally of Freemason WEB DuBois. Dubois unforunately later in life support Margaret Sanger, abortion, and far left causes. Mao was a murderer of over 60 million people including Bible Believing Christians), Castro (trained by the Jesuits), Pol Pot, and others killed over 100 million human beings. It takes more faith to believe in nothing creating something than something creating something. Recently, Professor Steven Jones found new evidence proving that explosives brought down the Twin Towers. He found newly uncovered globules or spheres that were discovered at the WTC site and other info refuting the offical story. In fact, Michelle Malkin used to question the offical story. I can't lost momentum now. I'm only in my 20s so I have a long way to go. I will write for more decades to come.

By Timothy