Actually, the future is now. Rupert Murdoch wants his FOX employees to go green. Regardless of that, new documentaries are popping all over the place to dispute the half truths of man made global warming hysteria. He's in company of other elitists who want a global carbon tax and control over world resources by large agencies like the United Nations. Many of these elites have been accused or really involved in corruption. The whole future is unknown by man. Only God knows the whole future. There has been much controversy in the alternative media in the pass few years. It's bigger than just Alex Jones and GCN. Many are blaming Eric for not exposing Tim White. I disagree with White on many issues, but he has been a striaght shooter for many years. Folks like Heneghan still hold onto Gore as a hero. Gore is not only a promoter for New Age Gaia Movement. Gore is the one who refused to vote in questioning the election of Bush. His family has been involved in Big Oil for many decades. He's anti-gun, pro-abortion, and hate conservative values. He's not on the authentic side at all. Raw Story on May 14, 2007 said that Rudy Guiliani would earn more than $100 from his companies. He has been more rich after 9/11 than before.
By Timothy