Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Comments by others

Craig: People keep your eyes open with the links on this site right now. I've just been trying to find the Eric Phelps audio thread within this Jesuit area. Guess what? Its totally deleted and I have not done this? I was still allowing it to be filled whilst placing the audios also in the audio forum??????????????? So who the hell has deleted it???????????? So please let me know if more goes missing?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Some anti Alex Jones threads were pointed out the other day but may have been merged as I have done this on that cretin. BE AWARE HOW DARE THEY, THOSE LONG ROBED THIEVES, TYRANTS, MURDERERS AND POPISH PERSONS....

wolveshater: I agree something is up Craig, last evening I was blocked from your site right after posting a letter by Ron Paul from 1984. I had attempted to also post a six page letter by his assistant then got booted out. I could go any where else after that except here.

Craig: Well it seems as my work is becoming more popular the Intelligence crowd may be trying to clamp down somehow here. Before many people simply didn't want to hear this type of information as they wished to stay stagnant in bunkum mystery and disinformation drawing them in like fish to a baited hook. Now it seems more people are waking up. We have David Icke helping somewhat by also finally mentioning the Jesuits even though it wasn't a lot it makes a big difference if he says anything as he has loyal followers in the masses. I've noticed more people listening to my information. Then of course I carry some of the infighting information on here between lower down in the Intelligence Agencies so its no wonder I may be a target right now. I know I had much grief after I started to go on that Galloway show and I simply couldn't get back on when they knew I wanted to talk about the Roman Catholics, I should have fooled them. Don't worry folks my work will carry on no matter what until I'm scrubbed from this wonderful planet Earth which unfortunately is wrapped in a most terrible system (latin = SEWER) by the SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA. Such a shame and even poor animals have no freedom and more so soon. I see poor swans tagged on both legs pecking at the plastic and metal. ITS DISGUSTING HOW WE LIVE. WE ARE SOVEREIGN SPIRITUAL BEINGS!!!!!!!

JagDRS: I too have noticed an accumulation of oddities the past several months, many of them annoyances (like the problems accessing the Prviate Message section). I've also seen something recently (in the Orgone forum) where a the time/date stamp of a person's post changed at least twice over the period of several days BUT the poster themselves (as best I could tell) had not been editing the post. One day it indicated the post was posted at 11 somethign PM on 5/6.... a few days later it indicated the post happened at something AM on 5/7.... then a few days later it went back to PM on 5/6....?As of yet I have not noticed any posts that have gone missing. Part of the problem here is, the way this particular forum software works, it is very difficult & tedious to follow and keep track of any one thread in particular.... especially when it gets to that time of the day each day when Craig mass loads a bunch of new thread, it soon becomes very difficult to keep track of all the threads I'm interested in Anyway, llate ast night I too noticed problems getting on this site. I was on and reading some stuff one minute, then the next minute.... I wasn't really blocked, per se', but it looked like the response time through the web to this site became verrrrrrrry slow. For a few hours, I was regularly getting "server not found", at other moments it would take several minutes just to back up or go forward in the forums from one screen to another. Speedwise, things seem back to normal since first thing this morning (Sunday). Craig, just from a data point of view, I do hope you have some sort of backups... even if it's just you burning some CDs of important files/directories every now and then. It would be one thing to lose all of the chit-chat dialogue between us posters, but another thing all together to lose the main content (web links, stories, articles, audios, videos, those email exchanges you most, and the like)


Mark Brewer: I got mine today [4/23]. It appears to be more well documented that the second edition [which I got from Texe Marrs in 2003]. While I take issue with some of Eric's claims, and always have, the book is still must reading for people who want to understand the power of the papacy.As for Kinko's, I have had trouble with their staff in the past. They generally are some of the rudest employees out there and they also overcharge. Mom and pop shops are much less expensive when it comes to printing.

Minuteman Matt: My Vatican assassins III just came in the mail i really enjoy this book I can't stop reading it i dont know what is better the book or erics seminar allthough in his book he was missing a few things like how mexico kicked out the jesuits for a time being and hes missing alot of things on the bush-clinton crime family allthough i think he was mainly trying to stick with Jesuits. I think it might be good to add all the groups that the Jesuits use as tools.It is a nice book I have been showing it to my mom and now she believes me alot more but shes kind of scared of this knowledge.


Dear Friends and Brethren,

For the record, I consider Dr. Peter Ruckman to be one of the greatest Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors to ever deceive the Church of the living God. His position on the AV1611, the Word of God for English-speaking people, is indeed cultic---espousing that the English "corrects" the Greek. His utter hatred of Calvinism (without which there is no AV1611 Bible or Geneva Bible) and his Jesuit Armenianism betray his hatred for the Protestant Reformation. I will be posting on my site the work of Pastor N.C. Turner who was a follower of Ruckman for over ten years---just like myself. It is our intent to expose this notorious Bible-rejector in totality before he dies! Any man who says that "he is just as saved as the Pope" is indeed a rank heretic, while professing to believe the Book that broke the Spiritual and Temporal power of Rome over Europe.

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric
