JP Morgan Chase---the most prominent controlled of the private Federal Reserve Bank of New York---is run by Gentile Knights of Malta with a direct telex from its New York office to the Vatican. Thus the Jews do not run the Fed; the Pope's Gentile Knights rule the Fed overseen by the Jesuits of Fordham University in the Bronx. Brother Eric |
Dear Eric,
Don't forget how the Royal Institute of International Affairs give their orders to the President. The Chief Executive of JP Morgan and Chase which right now is Jamie Dimon relays the orders of the RIIA to the Secretary of State which as you know is CFR Condi Rice. Rice then relays them to Knight of the Virgin, George W. Bush. This has been the protocol for decades and was only broken once just before the Operation Desertstorm. Sovereign Military Order of Malta high Papal Knight G.H.W Bush didn't quite follow his orders so the RIIA sent British Prime Minister/Bilderberger/Le Cercle Margaret Thatcher over to the United "Corporation" States to settle it. SMOM Papal Knight Herbert Bush was ORDERED immediately to Colorado where he quickly arrived asap. The meeting took place in the amazingly powerful ASPEN INSTITUTE. What happened next? The war drums were beating and the War eventually started. I believe that if Bush had of played up some more dragging his pedophile feet that he would have been removed either by smear, health or DEATH by the British SIS arm known as Permanent Industrial Exhibitions as was John F Kennedy in 63.
-Craig Oxley
Dear Eric,
Why do you wish to not speak about 'The Aspen Institute' in Colorado and how the Royal Institute of International Affairs conduct their affairs in the United States? Dr John Coleman blowed much of this open as you well know. It just would be nice to properly tie it into St Patrick's cathedral and the Maltese Knights correctly to understand the synergy. So what we need to know is how Edward Egan etc interacts with Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan and Chase. Yes both CFR and RIIA are controlled by the SMOM Inner cores but we now need more detail on the interaction between the two within the U.S. Deagle makes out the CFR is a division of the RIIA well its actually a division of the front Round Table Group. At the end of the day Americas is important but 'The City' is of far more importance being the mission control of Rome amongst the Jesuit/SMOM high minions. We're seeing Georgetown University, Fordham University, St Patricks Cathedral but then we're getting the impression that the RIIA skip straight through and we know the power of their Aspen Institute. So do you know how the interaction works out?
-Craig Oxley
Why do you wish to not speak about 'The Aspen Institute' in Colorado and how the Royal Institute of International Affairs conduct their affairs in the United States? Dr John Coleman blowed much of this open as you well know. It just would be nice to properly tie it into St Patrick's cathedral and the Maltese Knights correctly to understand the synergy. So what we need to know is how Edward Egan etc interacts with Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan and Chase. Yes both CFR and RIIA are controlled by the SMOM Inner cores but we now need more detail on the interaction between the two within the U.S. Deagle makes out the CFR is a division of the RIIA well its actually a division of the front Round Table Group. At the end of the day Americas is important but 'The City' is of far more importance being the mission control of Rome amongst the Jesuit/SMOM high minions. We're seeing Georgetown University, Fordham University, St Patricks Cathedral but then we're getting the impression that the RIIA skip straight through and we know the power of their Aspen Institute. So do you know how the interaction works out?
-Craig Oxley
Good point.
I will work on this.
Brother Eric
I will work on this.
Brother Eric
Dear Craig
You speak of number 1 but we must remember what are these Bankers working behind the Bench? Their nobodies working under the British Court System. Did out creator(s) make this Court system? NO! A mere devious set of enslaving wanting Human beings did. Therefore its meaningless. Wages are for your labour and work and they are NOT profits. I do not have a care for any SMOM International Maritime Admiralty Law. Have we all drowned in all this invisible Sea water the Crown seems to have thrown over us covertly? I'm alive, your alive
without breathing apparatus. They have a cheek these devious Papal Knights! I only hope we can crumble their illusions and enslaving systems before they get the New World Order in and totally capture us all like never before.
I'm often near a so-called Protestant (Romanised) church and my elderly
friend helps out there a lot. Trying to teach these type of peoples about the Roman Catholic Church and its control of their system simply doesn't sink in.
We have articles coming out in the Times speaking of the joining of the Church of England and RCC very soon yet they still disbelieve. When will people wake up and see whats happening.
Amazing, isn't it!
Proposals to reunite Anglicans with the Roman Catholic Church under the Pope
In some ways these people will deserve the elimination the Vatican will do to
them if they stand up when its too late.
Agreed and this is spoken of in John 15:6. These fruitless believers (if in fact they believe the gospel) will be gathered by men and physically killed as were the apostate German Lutherans during the Order's Nazi persecution in once Protestant Prussia.
The Jesuit will not tolerate a second reformation of its hypnotised sheople. I've got on the George Galloway show a few times when you'd think they would ban me. What happened when I wanted to discuss the joining of COE with RCC? I had no chance of getting on and I had the run around they would call me back
and so forth. Before they were good and did as they promised. Talk of he RCC and that was it!
Galloway the Coadjutor!
They should have given you a proper microphone at that seminar.
P.S You've again not answered about the RIIA control through Wall Street and Aspen Institute? I'm getting worried I'll have to term you a Jesuit Coadjutor haha.. or should I say Pilgrim Society Coadjutor hehe.
I attack the CFR more than the RIIA because the CFR is most visible here in Rome's Fourteenth Amendment America. No doubt that the RIIA is the mother to the CFR as it was created by the Order's Masonic footsoldiers in 1919 and the CFR in 1921. I first learned of the Aspen Institute through that dear lady, Betty Mills. No doubt it is another arm of the Order and only evil can proceed from it.
Concerning the wicked Pilgrim Society, I have concluded it is merely an extension of the Knights of Malta. SMOM Elmer Holmes Bobst, the billionaire pharmaceutical owner of Warner Lambert, was a Pilgrim, a Nazi protector, a political backer of pro-Nazi and JFK assassin Richard Nixon, and willed his estate to the Archbishop of New York upon his death.
I trust this is helpful and dispels any concern that I am a Pilgrim coadjutor!
Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric
I agree with your words on the CFR and RIIA. There no doubt in my mind that the Pilgrim Society is simply a very high inner core of the SMOM same as the Order of the Garter which is quite well known as an inner core of the SMOM. It would be nice to have further information on the RIIA workings and thankyou to Coleman for helping us somewhat further.
You speak of number 1 but we must remember what are these Bankers working behind the Bench? Their nobodies working under the British Court System. Did out creator(s) make this Court system? NO! A mere devious set of enslaving wanting Human beings did. Therefore its meaningless. Wages are for your labour and work and they are NOT profits. I do not have a care for any SMOM International Maritime Admiralty Law. Have we all drowned in all this invisible Sea water the Crown seems to have thrown over us covertly? I'm alive, your alive
without breathing apparatus. They have a cheek these devious Papal Knights! I only hope we can crumble their illusions and enslaving systems before they get the New World Order in and totally capture us all like never before.
I'm often near a so-called Protestant (Romanised) church and my elderly
friend helps out there a lot. Trying to teach these type of peoples about the Roman Catholic Church and its control of their system simply doesn't sink in.
We have articles coming out in the Times speaking of the joining of the Church of England and RCC very soon yet they still disbelieve. When will people wake up and see whats happening.
Amazing, isn't it!
Proposals to reunite Anglicans with the Roman Catholic Church under the Pope
In some ways these people will deserve the elimination the Vatican will do to
them if they stand up when its too late.
Agreed and this is spoken of in John 15:6. These fruitless believers (if in fact they believe the gospel) will be gathered by men and physically killed as were the apostate German Lutherans during the Order's Nazi persecution in once Protestant Prussia.
The Jesuit will not tolerate a second reformation of its hypnotised sheople. I've got on the George Galloway show a few times when you'd think they would ban me. What happened when I wanted to discuss the joining of COE with RCC? I had no chance of getting on and I had the run around they would call me back
and so forth. Before they were good and did as they promised. Talk of he RCC and that was it!
Galloway the Coadjutor!
They should have given you a proper microphone at that seminar.
P.S You've again not answered about the RIIA control through Wall Street and Aspen Institute? I'm getting worried I'll have to term you a Jesuit Coadjutor haha.. or should I say Pilgrim Society Coadjutor hehe.
I attack the CFR more than the RIIA because the CFR is most visible here in Rome's Fourteenth Amendment America. No doubt that the RIIA is the mother to the CFR as it was created by the Order's Masonic footsoldiers in 1919 and the CFR in 1921. I first learned of the Aspen Institute through that dear lady, Betty Mills. No doubt it is another arm of the Order and only evil can proceed from it.
Concerning the wicked Pilgrim Society, I have concluded it is merely an extension of the Knights of Malta. SMOM Elmer Holmes Bobst, the billionaire pharmaceutical owner of Warner Lambert, was a Pilgrim, a Nazi protector, a political backer of pro-Nazi and JFK assassin Richard Nixon, and willed his estate to the Archbishop of New York upon his death.
I trust this is helpful and dispels any concern that I am a Pilgrim coadjutor!
Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric
I agree with your words on the CFR and RIIA. There no doubt in my mind that the Pilgrim Society is simply a very high inner core of the SMOM same as the Order of the Garter which is quite well known as an inner core of the SMOM. It would be nice to have further information on the RIIA workings and thankyou to Coleman for helping us somewhat further.
I have listened to you for some time and you put much emphasis on Jesuits
I do agree with you in the sense of jesuits having there finger in much but what you always seem to forgo is that within the jesuits it is massively saturated with jews
Disagreed. The Jesuits are not saturated with Jews. The Jesuit General, via a change in the Order's Constitutions, only permitted racial Jews to enter the Order since 1946. The official ban was in place since 1593. True, Jesuit Superior General Diego Laynez was a racial Jew which led to the upheaval within the Order leading to the ban in 1593. French Communist and Jesuit Coadjutor Jean LaCouture covers this topic extensively in his Jesuits: A Multibiography. Today, the Company controls the New York Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which in turn controls the Fed, the Executive Branch, the Senate, the Speaker of the House and the Supreme Court. Indeed this wicked CFR is saturated with many hundreds of Jews---Jews who are traitors to their own race, men like Edgar Bronfman, Daniel Pipes, Henry Kissinger and Thomas Friedman. As I have said, these Labor Zionist, Sabbatean-Frankist Jews are indeed men of power but they are serving the devil's Papacy in a subordinate capacity. Thus, these "Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists" are merely the Pope's Court Jews as rightly stated by the late Jewish journalist, Sherman Skolnick. This is in accordance with Deuternomy 28:44, 64-68, and Luke 21:24-27. Both Moses and the Lord Jesus Christ prophesied of Israel's international Diaspora during which these Israelites would be "the tail" of all nations and continually persecuted until "the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." Jerusalem would be ruled by Gentiles until the end of that Disapora with the second coming of Messiah, the One whom "they pierced." In the light of the Scriptures we see light. Thus Gentiles---White Gentiles---rule the world on behalf of the devil; the notable Masonic Jews (Rothschilds, etc.) are merely the willing servants of the Papacy---to the hurt and murder of their own racial brethren. The political policies of the Pope's Labor Zionists ruling the people of Israel is a perfect illustration of this Biblical truth.
going back to Confiscated documents of the organization disclose that of the thirty-
nine chief sub-leaders of Weishaupt, seventeen were Jews ,
would this not change much of the tone .
Your point substantiates my point above. Indeed, there were subordinate Frankist/Masonic Jews serving that White Gentile Roman Catholic Jesuit Coadjutor Adam Weishaupt. With the alias "Spartacus," Weishaupt was leading the "slave rebellion" of the Jesuit Order (the slaves of the Pope) "against Caesar"---the Pope---due to the Order's Suppression and Extinction by Pope Clement XIV in 1773. Weishaupt was under orders from Jesuit Superior General Lorenzo Ricci to create the Illuminati (patterned after the Jesuit Order no less!) to launch the French Revolution and subsequent Napoleonic Wars. The Order committed its treasure (in danger of being confiscated by Roman Catholic civil authorities due to Clement's Bull of Suppression) to the Masonic House of Rothschild (resident in Protestant nations where the Bull did not reach) in league with Weishaupt---via Grand Orient Freemasonry---to finance that upheaval which resulted in the punishment of the Papacy, the whipping of the Roman Catholic Monarchs and the ultimate restoration of the Order by Pius VII in 1814. The Jews involved in fomenting the revolution overseen by the Jesuits were the Pope's Masonic Court Jews. But, as the Company always seeks to blame the Jews in general for the deeds of specific Masonic Jews subject to the Jesuit General, the French Revolution was then blamed on the Hebrews evidenced by Napoleon's enfranchisement of all French Jews and his cry that "Palestine" should be resettled with Jews. Thus, that Roman Catholic, White Gentile Masonic Jesuit Coadjutor from Jesuit-ruled Corsica was really our first Jesuit-controlled Labor Zionist. A most recent Jesuit priest who was a Labor Zionist following his backing of the Pope's Eurasian Jewish "Burnt Offering," was Augustin Cardinal Bea---in whose name the Masonic Labor Zionist ADL confers its highest award!
I have listened to you much in Lenny show but the more i think the more i feel you are working hand in hand with the jewish agenda .
Such a shame sir
I do not promote the radical, Masonic Jewish Labor Zionist, Jesuit Agenda. I clearly distinguish between five different kind of Zionists: 1) the Pope's Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists who were the agents of the Order during the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution with its Cheka/NKVD and Nazi Third Reich with its Gestapo/SS/SD who now rule Rome's "Kingdom of Jerusalem;" 2) the patriotic Revisionist Zionists who were destroyed by the Pope's Labor Zionists; 3) the Orthodox Talmudic Zionists who deny that the Jews have a right to be in the land apart from the physical presence of the Messiah---which is heresy according to Ezekiel 38, Zechariah 12 and 14, etc.; 4) the pro-Jesuit Christian Zionists (John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jack Van Impe, Billy Graham, etc.---all preaching or backing Rome's Crusade against Islam) who deceptively do not distinguish between the wicked Masonic government of Israel serving the Papacy and the Lord's Abrahamic Covenant-bound, racial, Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitic people who have absolute right, title and interest to the promised land of Israel according to Genesis 15; 5) and the anti-Jesuit, Calvinistic, Christian Zionists such as myself who defend the right of the racial Hebrew people to live in their promised land exclusive of all other peoples, while we attack the government ruling "the holy people" as wicked, evil and sinful as that anti-Torah government---kept in power by Rome's CFR ruling the US government---is the mere agent for the Black Pope ruling the White Pope's "Kingdom of Jerusalem."
perhaps I am wrong but maybe you are a coadjutor of Zion ?? as i find it hard that a man with such learned background you could not know this.
Again, I am not a Coadjutor of the Black Pope's Masonic Labor Zionists ruling Israel. These sinners have passed an anti-missionizing law in Israel that there can be no open, gospel preaching in that country. Yet they take money from the foremost gospel preaching peoples in the world---the Americans---without which they would not exist. These Labor Zionists, backed by the Masonic Talmudic Orthodox Jewish rabbis, persecute my anti-Masonic Jewish brethren "in Yeshua/Jesus Christ" who live in Israel, tearing down their churches and treating them dispicably while the police stand by and watch. All the while, the wicked, pro-Jesuit Christian Zionists (Hagee, Robertson, etc.) call for the financial aid and prayers of Bible-believing American people for these Jesuit-serving, Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists ruling Israel with the Gentile Knights of Malta, ratifying policies like the wicked Oslo Agreement and The Roadmap which has guaranteed war in Israel in the near future---and a subsequent punishment for America pursuant to Genesis 12:1-3.
at any rate i would love a retort
I trust this clarification is of help in your reconsideration of my position.
good day
Sincerely in Faith,
Brother Eric
I do agree with you in the sense of jesuits having there finger in much but what you always seem to forgo is that within the jesuits it is massively saturated with jews
Disagreed. The Jesuits are not saturated with Jews. The Jesuit General, via a change in the Order's Constitutions, only permitted racial Jews to enter the Order since 1946. The official ban was in place since 1593. True, Jesuit Superior General Diego Laynez was a racial Jew which led to the upheaval within the Order leading to the ban in 1593. French Communist and Jesuit Coadjutor Jean LaCouture covers this topic extensively in his Jesuits: A Multibiography. Today, the Company controls the New York Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which in turn controls the Fed, the Executive Branch, the Senate, the Speaker of the House and the Supreme Court. Indeed this wicked CFR is saturated with many hundreds of Jews---Jews who are traitors to their own race, men like Edgar Bronfman, Daniel Pipes, Henry Kissinger and Thomas Friedman. As I have said, these Labor Zionist, Sabbatean-Frankist Jews are indeed men of power but they are serving the devil's Papacy in a subordinate capacity. Thus, these "Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists" are merely the Pope's Court Jews as rightly stated by the late Jewish journalist, Sherman Skolnick. This is in accordance with Deuternomy 28:44, 64-68, and Luke 21:24-27. Both Moses and the Lord Jesus Christ prophesied of Israel's international Diaspora during which these Israelites would be "the tail" of all nations and continually persecuted until "the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." Jerusalem would be ruled by Gentiles until the end of that Disapora with the second coming of Messiah, the One whom "they pierced." In the light of the Scriptures we see light. Thus Gentiles---White Gentiles---rule the world on behalf of the devil; the notable Masonic Jews (Rothschilds, etc.) are merely the willing servants of the Papacy---to the hurt and murder of their own racial brethren. The political policies of the Pope's Labor Zionists ruling the people of Israel is a perfect illustration of this Biblical truth.
going back to Confiscated documents of the organization disclose that of the thirty-
nine chief sub-leaders of Weishaupt, seventeen were Jews ,
would this not change much of the tone .
Your point substantiates my point above. Indeed, there were subordinate Frankist/Masonic Jews serving that White Gentile Roman Catholic Jesuit Coadjutor Adam Weishaupt. With the alias "Spartacus," Weishaupt was leading the "slave rebellion" of the Jesuit Order (the slaves of the Pope) "against Caesar"---the Pope---due to the Order's Suppression and Extinction by Pope Clement XIV in 1773. Weishaupt was under orders from Jesuit Superior General Lorenzo Ricci to create the Illuminati (patterned after the Jesuit Order no less!) to launch the French Revolution and subsequent Napoleonic Wars. The Order committed its treasure (in danger of being confiscated by Roman Catholic civil authorities due to Clement's Bull of Suppression) to the Masonic House of Rothschild (resident in Protestant nations where the Bull did not reach) in league with Weishaupt---via Grand Orient Freemasonry---to finance that upheaval which resulted in the punishment of the Papacy, the whipping of the Roman Catholic Monarchs and the ultimate restoration of the Order by Pius VII in 1814. The Jews involved in fomenting the revolution overseen by the Jesuits were the Pope's Masonic Court Jews. But, as the Company always seeks to blame the Jews in general for the deeds of specific Masonic Jews subject to the Jesuit General, the French Revolution was then blamed on the Hebrews evidenced by Napoleon's enfranchisement of all French Jews and his cry that "Palestine" should be resettled with Jews. Thus, that Roman Catholic, White Gentile Masonic Jesuit Coadjutor from Jesuit-ruled Corsica was really our first Jesuit-controlled Labor Zionist. A most recent Jesuit priest who was a Labor Zionist following his backing of the Pope's Eurasian Jewish "Burnt Offering," was Augustin Cardinal Bea---in whose name the Masonic Labor Zionist ADL confers its highest award!
I have listened to you much in Lenny show but the more i think the more i feel you are working hand in hand with the jewish agenda .
Such a shame sir
I do not promote the radical, Masonic Jewish Labor Zionist, Jesuit Agenda. I clearly distinguish between five different kind of Zionists: 1) the Pope's Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists who were the agents of the Order during the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution with its Cheka/NKVD and Nazi Third Reich with its Gestapo/SS/SD who now rule Rome's "Kingdom of Jerusalem;" 2) the patriotic Revisionist Zionists who were destroyed by the Pope's Labor Zionists; 3) the Orthodox Talmudic Zionists who deny that the Jews have a right to be in the land apart from the physical presence of the Messiah---which is heresy according to Ezekiel 38, Zechariah 12 and 14, etc.; 4) the pro-Jesuit Christian Zionists (John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jack Van Impe, Billy Graham, etc.---all preaching or backing Rome's Crusade against Islam) who deceptively do not distinguish between the wicked Masonic government of Israel serving the Papacy and the Lord's Abrahamic Covenant-bound, racial, Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitic people who have absolute right, title and interest to the promised land of Israel according to Genesis 15; 5) and the anti-Jesuit, Calvinistic, Christian Zionists such as myself who defend the right of the racial Hebrew people to live in their promised land exclusive of all other peoples, while we attack the government ruling "the holy people" as wicked, evil and sinful as that anti-Torah government---kept in power by Rome's CFR ruling the US government---is the mere agent for the Black Pope ruling the White Pope's "Kingdom of Jerusalem."
perhaps I am wrong but maybe you are a coadjutor of Zion ?? as i find it hard that a man with such learned background you could not know this.
Again, I am not a Coadjutor of the Black Pope's Masonic Labor Zionists ruling Israel. These sinners have passed an anti-missionizing law in Israel that there can be no open, gospel preaching in that country. Yet they take money from the foremost gospel preaching peoples in the world---the Americans---without which they would not exist. These Labor Zionists, backed by the Masonic Talmudic Orthodox Jewish rabbis, persecute my anti-Masonic Jewish brethren "in Yeshua/Jesus Christ" who live in Israel, tearing down their churches and treating them dispicably while the police stand by and watch. All the while, the wicked, pro-Jesuit Christian Zionists (Hagee, Robertson, etc.) call for the financial aid and prayers of Bible-believing American people for these Jesuit-serving, Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists ruling Israel with the Gentile Knights of Malta, ratifying policies like the wicked Oslo Agreement and The Roadmap which has guaranteed war in Israel in the near future---and a subsequent punishment for America pursuant to Genesis 12:1-3.
at any rate i would love a retort
I trust this clarification is of help in your reconsideration of my position.
good day
Sincerely in Faith,
Brother Eric