Friday, May 25, 2007


Arguments flourish like a common path of water. Rosie O'Donnell vs. Elizabeth Hasselbeck are in conflict. Both are from the View show and each woman were right on some points. Rosie was correct to oppose the Iraq war. Elizabeth was right to explain her views plus willing to debate Rosie. On issues, I mostly agree with Hasselbeck, because I'm a social conservatie, Yet, Rosie has been correct to outline information describing the 911 Truth Movement in a positive light. The truth is that both women ought to focus on real issues without yelling. There's nothing wrong with yelling at time (or being angry at time), but not almost everyday. The Senate is trying to get the immigration bill passed. Its supporters include Bush, the CFR, most of the mainstream media, John McCain, Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, and even Bill O'Reilly. The bill has its problmes despite claims of people syang that illegal immigratnts come here to work and pay taxes. Not all do and that is expressed by the Ms-13 and other violent illegal immigrant gangs causing havoc in America. IN times, I like to reflect on what's good. In spring, individuals want to discover the the truth and be meek to all of humanity. In the 21st century, we see many Knight of Malta-influenced corporations and big wigs continuing this war on terror, which is actuality like a Crusade (whose end result is to pacify the Muslim world into global globalization even by unnecessary and immoral wars). While much of the public is obsessed with Osama bin Laden, few realize that he was educated by the Masonic Muslim Brotherhood or that he was financed by the SMOM/Masonic CIA. Osama is utlized as a whipping boy as an excuse for the West to further control the Middle Eastern region (which was planned even during WWI when the British booted out the Ottoman out of the Fertile Crescent).

Sarah Hall from the London Guardian on Friday May 25, 2007 wrote about the problems of imported blood into the country of the UK. Over 1,400 people died from them according to the article. Most Americans don't agree with the American Union, international toll roads, eminent domain, forced vaccinations, and abortion for any reason, yet most the Presidential candidates aren't supported by the majority of the American public. When you learn real history you start to recongnize that Secret Societies have a large part to play in the swirling events. For example, William Cody or Buffalo Bill was a 3rd Degree Freemason along with Mark Twain was a 3rd Degree Freemason as well. Knight of Malta Joseph Kennedy was a pro-Nazi and Knight of Malta Joseph L. Larkin was one of the biggest bankers during the WWII era. Even today, one of the greatest religious apostates around is 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller and Billy Graham who even believe that pagans can go to Heaven despite them worshipping many gods. Paradise to me is tranquility. Real paradise will never happen until after death.

By Timothy