Monday, May 07, 2007

Other news and commentary


I was told by an expatriate Irish Protestant in Cyprus four years ago thatIan Paisley was a traitor to the gospel and a coadjutor for Rome. I did notbelieve it at the time, but after this treason with the pro-Nazi JesuitCoadjutor Jerry Adams, it is obvious.Paisley is also a friend of that pro-Masonic Jesuit coadjutor ruling BobJones University, Bob Jones III.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


Dear Pastor Keator,

Personally, I wish to know just who is on the Lord's side. This one of the purposes of my ministry. When Alex Jones, Ron Paul and a host of other suppossed patriots begin to attack Rome, then I will cease my attack upon these men.Further, comparing the Prophet Daniel to Ian Paisley is quite unfair to Daniel. Daniel was thrown into the lion's den---and all the children of Israel in Babylon knew it!

They knew of his faithfulness to the LORD and of his attempted murder by the king and his agents. Daniel NEVER COMPROMISED his loyalty to the Son of God who delievered him from "the mouths of the lions" Heb. 12:23. Before Belshazzar, Daniel rebuked the king, thus risking his life before a royal guard who would have loved to have kill him on the spot.But Paisley? First he is an advisor to that Jesuit pawn and betrayer of both the Anglican Church and the Protestant Northern Irish, Queen Elizabeth II. Paisley should be denouncing her in open Parliament as a Jesuit tool serving the Papacy. This witch actually lowered herself to have an "audience" with that "man of sinn" in Rome, JPII! How can she possibly be fulfilling her oath as the protector of the Protestant faith as per her coronation oath? Secondly, Paisley sits down with the murderer of his brethren, Jesuit Gerry Adams. I would rather die than make this agreement with the devil and betray my own people of race and faith.

The Northern Irish will die by the thousands for this once Ireland is "united!" "Home Rule" in Ireland is Rome Rule!These things Ian Paisley has done! He has betrayed us, unlike Daniel. There is no comparison dear brother!In conclusion, all the gospel preaching in the world will never stop the Jesuits unless we get civilly involved by directly opposing these exceedingly great sinners before the Lord. Thieves caught in the act of ransacking your home don't need the gospel, they need a bullet to the head.As our Reformed Calvinist brethren both preached the gospel in the open fields and fought with their swords of just defense under the banner of a legitimate government,

SO MUST WE!With much love and concern,

Brother Eric