The whole concept of King William of Orange fighting the Stewarts...how many know that in this great battle which Protestantism will become the state religion and King William of Orange of the house of Hanover from Holland, coming to fight the evil Catholic Stewart dynasty. They do defeat James Stewart, James II that is...but how many teachers will tell you that the man in the world with the most Stewart blood was William himself? He had more Stewart blood in him than James. In fact his wife, Mary II was the daughter of James Stewart, the man they were fighting. And of course the Stewart's are connected to the Vatican. They're fighting for them. But the Vatican and William of Orange of Hanover have the same bank accounts in the same bank in the Bank of Belgium. Both of them, they have their finances in the same bank. The same bank funded both sides in the famous so called glorious revolution in England. Why is it that on paper to this day, people in Northern Ireland will march on July 12, and there are people marching as they do in Holland? Because they believe Protestants dominated the Stewarts. And yet they're both groups of the same family and the battles they were engaging in were purely ritualistic.
William of Orange III was indeed the son-in-law of James II. In fact William allowed James II to escape to France. But the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 was no ritual and William won a victory that was most providential. He was attacked by both Jesuit coadjutors James II and King Louis XIV. These kings had Jesuit confessors; William had no confessor at all as he was a Bible believer. His damnable wife Mary was still close to the Order, but King Billy did his duty.Although a royal of the Stewart dynasty, William was the savior of the Reformation in England. We need nobles on our side! This is a glorious fact of English history that cannot be denied.
Sincerely in Faith,
Brother Eric