Tuesday, May 15, 2007


It's a new day. There is much to write about. The Republican debate is coming on Today in South Carolina. That's ironic since South Carolina is one of the most conservative states in the nation. The Republicans want a conservative candidate, but very few of the Presidential candidates are really conservative. It's almost like a phony play with the outcome already established. The long history of the real power plays relates into Europe. Cecil Rhodes (a Freemason) modeled his Rhodes Scholar group after the powerful Jesuit order. They wanted to rule the world. In the process Germany was destroyed not only for hatred of the people. Germany was a competitor in the real elites' land. That's why Britian ruined Germany in WWI and WWII (i.e. Sir Percy Cox [part of the Rhodes/Milner Group]carved up the Middle East into various nations, establishing Kuwait as a block to Iraq's access to the sea, thus controlling oil routes).The agitations created in the Middle East by the real elite (found in high Jesuits, high level Knights of Malta [including now Opus Dei and Knights of Columbus], high level Freemasons, Pilgrims, etc.) set the stage for the arrival of 9/11. Afterwards,the real power brokers want a permanent presence in Iraq similar to U.S. troops stationed in South Korea and hundreds of places globally (similar to the Roman legions of old).

Howard Hunt confessed that he wanted the Kennedy brothers dead. Also, Hunt said that he was involved in the JFK assassination as a low-level praticipant. There is stunning new news. New York 9/11 truth activist Luke Rudkowski claims WTC complex leaseholder Larry Silverstein and his daughter got a warning on the morning of 9/11 not to come to work that day. He claimed that Larry's security guards told him this. If this is true, then that's a bombshell since it confirms foreknowledge on the part of Larry. Also, I believe in free speech. Now, I don't believe in disrespecting (or assaulting) anyone regardless of what they are. All human beings deserve the same fundamental rights as any human found in the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Yet, I will defend anyone dissenting with any lifestyle or abhoring any view like abortion and pedophilia. We have alternatives to evil and sin. That real alternative is God.

By Timothy