Spirituality and Religion in 2012
I love spirituality and I love real religion. I can recall back years ago of me believing in God. Through the ups and downs, my faith is maintained in my heart. The reason is that despite pain and the evils in society, a just God still vigorously exist to give hope to the Universe. This hope permits justice, this hope can insipire change, and this hope can permit human righteousness in the world. My faith will not be shaken and my thinking will be attuned to the dictates of the will of the Lord. In our time, there are moral and religious issues that should be discussed. I like to thank my family, my friends, and my acquaintances for giving me inspiration. There is an increase in shoplifting by 6 percent in the year 2011 alone. Some people are desperate and others are succumbing to temptation. Some people in the younger generation and the older generation have enacted unnecessary violence during the holiday season of 2011. People have been shot and killed over shoes, video games, and other merchandise. These incidents of violence have occurred all across America in the rural areas, the urban areas, the suburbs, and the exurbs. This represents a spirit of greed not the real ethic from the Good Samaritan. The words of Jesus Christ from Luke 12:15 are clear that: "…Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth." Not to mention that Loving your neighbor as yourself is a great commandment from God that folks need to adhere to. Generation Z are special people. They have been totally immersed with digital technology, even more than Generation Y (that I am a part of). Even people like us in Generation Y have been taught about typewriters, and other now archaic subjects back in 1995. Generation Z are people born in the 1990's and the early 21th century. Some of the younger generation possess a low attention span, because of the fast pace of information (being digital) and entertainment (that is readily repeatitve & hugely lack substance) geared to Generation Z. In our time, we should be concerned with public matters. Even the four gospels mostly ignored the thirty years of Jesus' life and focused mostly on the last 3 years of his public life (that included the preaching of the Gospel & opposing the injustices in the ancient Roman Empire). The Roman Empire permitted unjust wars, infanticide, religious liberty oppression, and other evils. Public matters are a reflection of society. If there is poverty, we should oppose it. If workers receive unjust wages and immoral working conditions, we ought to promote fair wages for all workers (and just conditions inside of jobs). If there is any form of evil discrimination against any human being, we ought to battle against it. Jesus Christ is right to say that he came to preach the good news for the poor. The prophet Isaiah was right to show compassion to the poor and the oppression for economic inequality ought to be greatly opposed. In our time in 2012, we should be an example and stand up for mankind. Materialism and hatred against a person looking different are things that we ought to disagree with. We should stand up against oppression in the Earth, in the air, and under the sea. God would want us to help human beings. The real teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth aren't related to the rich & wealthy interests of the closet sun worshipper Constantine. His teachings are related to the poor, to the activist seeking freedom, and the selfless human beings that desire justice, peace, & righteousness for all of the human race.
Spirituality and 2012 are linked. Many people believe that the end of the world will come in December of 2012. This comes from the Mayan calendar as a part of the end of the 12 cycles of time called the b'ak'tun. There has been paranoia and falsehoods about this issue. Yet, you can find that the Scriptures issue a host of accurate prophecies. Many astrologers and soothsayers claim to know the future. Yet, many of them have made obscure and inaccurate prophecies all of the time. Even Israel's history is shown in Deuteronomy 28-30. It shows that Israel would come up in the ancient times, and they were evicted from their land during the course of human history (until the latter days when Israel is here again). The Old Testament describes much of Jesus' life like his birthplace and the events of his death on the cross. Even the Psalmist back in ca. 1000 B.C. talked about the piercing of Jesus' hands and feet. The Psalmist outlined the exact words that he mentioned on the cross (as found in Psalm 22. This verse talked about soldiers gambling for his garment and the offer of vinegar to drink). The prophet Isaiah described Jesus' unjust trial and his burial in a rich man's tomb (Isaiah 53). And those are only a few of the Bible's prophecies of Christ's First Coming. The prophecies prior to his Second Coming outlines brutality in the world, religious deception, and other occurrences that sounds like a newspaper in 2012. Religious deception or heresies include the following: baptismal regeneration, infant baptism, sacramentalism, Mariolatry, veneration of relics, popery, antinomianism, universalism, contemplative mysticism, etc. It's interesting to note that the Bible doesn't give an exact year or date about the end of this age. So, we should know the signs of the time. Although, we can't use an extreme method of date setting that will not only cause confusion, but place false hope among human beings (about the 2nd coming and the end of the age). We have to be ready at all times for we don't know when the time of the end shall come. God always have love for sinners and he will save those who repent. Peter is clear and correct to point out the following: "…The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance…" (2 Peter 3:9).
Spirituality and 2012 are linked. Many people believe that the end of the world will come in December of 2012. This comes from the Mayan calendar as a part of the end of the 12 cycles of time called the b'ak'tun. There has been paranoia and falsehoods about this issue. Yet, you can find that the Scriptures issue a host of accurate prophecies. Many astrologers and soothsayers claim to know the future. Yet, many of them have made obscure and inaccurate prophecies all of the time. Even Israel's history is shown in Deuteronomy 28-30. It shows that Israel would come up in the ancient times, and they were evicted from their land during the course of human history (until the latter days when Israel is here again). The Old Testament describes much of Jesus' life like his birthplace and the events of his death on the cross. Even the Psalmist back in ca. 1000 B.C. talked about the piercing of Jesus' hands and feet. The Psalmist outlined the exact words that he mentioned on the cross (as found in Psalm 22. This verse talked about soldiers gambling for his garment and the offer of vinegar to drink). The prophet Isaiah described Jesus' unjust trial and his burial in a rich man's tomb (Isaiah 53). And those are only a few of the Bible's prophecies of Christ's First Coming. The prophecies prior to his Second Coming outlines brutality in the world, religious deception, and other occurrences that sounds like a newspaper in 2012. Religious deception or heresies include the following: baptismal regeneration, infant baptism, sacramentalism, Mariolatry, veneration of relics, popery, antinomianism, universalism, contemplative mysticism, etc. It's interesting to note that the Bible doesn't give an exact year or date about the end of this age. So, we should know the signs of the time. Although, we can't use an extreme method of date setting that will not only cause confusion, but place false hope among human beings (about the 2nd coming and the end of the age). We have to be ready at all times for we don't know when the time of the end shall come. God always have love for sinners and he will save those who repent. Peter is clear and correct to point out the following: "…The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance…" (2 Peter 3:9).
Mitt Romney is the man to beat in the Republican nomination process. He is supported by the establishment. If he wins Nevada, then it will be very difficult for the other Republican candidates to defeat him. Newt Gingrich still wants to defeat him. All 4 Republican candidates for President are in the race. This race is more interesting than in even the 2008 Republican nomination process. There has been ups and down. More and more Republicans are allying with Mitt Romney, because of electability. They believe that he is the only man capable of politically defeating President Barack Obama during the 2012 election. Now, the leadership of the Evangelicals wants to support Mitt Romney. Some “wolf in sheep clothing” Evangelical leaders are trying to convince their people to accept the lie that Mormonism is just a branch of Christianity (or that it’s harmless). I believe in unity to fight against injustice, but I don’t believe in unity to support a false religion that wasn’t even created by Jesus Christ at all. I want to mention this. Just because a man disagrees with a religious belief, doesn’t mean that a man desires to express bigotry toward that creed. I don’t agree with some views, but I don’t hate people who adhere to those specific ideologies. In this generation, some folks falsely equate any form of dissent as bigotry (when we have the subsequent freedom of speech right to express our views forthrightly). LDS President Hinckley said that: “Mormon beliefs about God and Jesus Christ make them Christians, no matter what critics say.” This is false since Mormon teaches a total different view about God and Jesus from orthodox Christianity. The Mormon god and his son (Jesus Christ) are flesh and blood humans. They (according to Mormons) lived Perfected lives on other planets in other lifetimes in order to give them the justification to rule the Planet Earth. The Scriptures are rather clear that the Father is Spirit. The Father didn’t need to be perfected since he was perfect since the infinite past. In Mormonism, the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus by the Father having sex with Mary, which is blasphemy to say the least. Mormonism denies that the Father and the Son are Omnipresent, omniscient, or omnipotent. Mormonism denies that the Father and the Son existed in the eternity past. Mormonism was created by the Kabbalist & Freemason Joseph Smith. Mormonism teaches baptism for the dead and they teach that a good Mormon can potentially become a god (which is one secret doctrine of many high level Freemasons). Mormons teach that people who earn godhood via good works can now live on a planet near the great star Kolob to create spirit babies. The religion of Mormon believes that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers (and that Jesus became the savior of the world by a vote of a council of gods). So, Mormonism teaches that the Father God was once a man, which goes against mainstream Christian dogma. It is another blasphemy for some Mormons to teach a restorationist ideology. This means that the gates of hell did prevail against the Church and teaching that all power and authority were lost until God chose Joseph Smith to be his holy prophet to restore all things and lead this last dispensation of time. I am not fascist. So, I don’t agree with suppressing people’s religious liberty rights if they are a Mormon (or any other background). I just don’t agree with the Mormon religion in a peaceful fashion. Glen Beck is another neo-con (like Romney) and Beck is another Mormon. People already completely realize Glen Beck’s controversial & reactionary ideologies (plus commentaries). The time is too late to play some games. It’s fine to promote equality and equality of opportunity of everyone of every background. Yet, we should not compromise our core beliefs and our core ethics in order for us to promote some watered down theology. True spirituality and true religion is strong and solid as a rock. Now, the Presidential race will be interesting. Even some conservative establishment figures have criticized Romney over his comments on the poor.
Pastor Joe Schimmel is correct to point that out Emergent Movement is one of the biggest threats to authentic Christianity. There is nothing wrong with love and tolerance. Yet, true love would mean that we have to posses moral boundary lines. Not all actions are legitimate to follow. Moral absolutes are a reality in the Universe. It is not wrong to promote moral absolutes like don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery, and don’t perform injustice against other human beings. The Emergent Church is a recent movement. For the past 25 plus years, this movement desires Christians to compromise their core beliefs (in order for these Emergent people to achieve popularity among worldly society). That’s the Emergent Church’s game plan plainly speaking. The Emergent Church is very slick indeed. The New Testament is clear to say to us that we ought to not trust false prophets (that act as ferocious wolves). Rick Warren is one of the famous members of this Emergent Movement. That movement refuses to judge evil and sin in society. Yet, Jesus is clear that we should “Judge righteous judgment” as found in John 7:24. Rick Warren is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and once supported the dictatorship of Syria. He once said that: “…The biggest mistake the churches make is we think that sermons will produce spiritual maturity…” Spiritual maturity can increase with sermons and spiritual truth presented by real churches all of the time. Other leaders of this movement include Brian McLaren, Tony Campolo, Rob Bell, Dallas Willard (who believes in Universalism or anyone can be saved no matter what they do. Does this mean that Satanists, unrepetant murders, unrepetant pedophiles, and atheists can be saved before they die? The answer is of course No. All of these people aren't morally equivalent to each other, so I want to make that clear). Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Bono (who is praised by Tony Campolo. Bono does some legitimate actions, but he acts like the world in other ways like drinking recreational alcohol, cursing, being lustful toward young girls, etc. in recent years), and others. Emergent theology is nothing more than New Age ideology mixed with Christian phraseology. It’s interesting to note that prophecy predicted this distorted theology. The New Testament is clear is that in the latter days, many folks will listen to doctrines of devils departing from the faith. Rob Bell said that the human breath is divine, which is a heresy. Some of them deny the existence of Heaven and Hell. Tony Jones questions the existence of God by saying that: “…God is not a provable commodity. All the evidence in the world does not prove God.” If he questions the existence of God in this instance, why is he a Christian? the mathematical formulas of language, fractals, the mathematical/engineering/scientific composition of DNA, logic, and other forms of evidence definitely confirm the existence of God. For all monotheistic religions is made up of people worshipping and believing in the existence of one supreme God. It’s easy to see that Ephesians 5:11 mentions that right of believers in God to expose the works of darkness (or criticize false doctrines and heresies in a peaceful, strong fashion). People have talked about Masonry, Islam, Mormonism, and other religious groups, but the Emergent Church is slicker. Rob Bell questions the existence of Heaven and Hell. The reason is that the Emergent Church uses the mainstream media and popular culture as a means to promote their views (while claiming to be the real Christians). God is filled of love and peace. Likewise, God is also a God of Judgment and strength. Now, this doesn’t mean we express unjust hatred or deviousness toward human beings that disagree with us. We just show the truth in a logical, faith-filled, and spiritually enriching fashion. Also, we should speak up and continue to live our lives in a just fashion. Pastor Joe Schimmel has a DVD on this issue entitled, “The Submerging Church: How the Emerging Church is Drawing Multitudes Awa from Biblical Christianity.” It’s a 2 Disc set filled with 180 minutes of information. In 2012, we have many challenges. It’s a great time to be alive, but we can’t be naïve about religious snakes that use worldly culture as an excuse to promote a soft version of real Christianity.
In Christian theology, Jesus is viewed as God. This is a controversial aspect of Christianity since many folks would disagree with that view. It is important to note that Jesus Christ isn’t the Father. Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God that preexisted 1 A.D. The apostle John in John 3:18, John 5:22-23, etc. wrote that Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son of God. Jesus in the New Testament said that he had was the I AM before Abraham. The Pharisees in his day hated him for it, because they considered him just a man and presuming to be God was blasphemy to the Phraisees. Those people knew that Jesus was claiming to be God when Jesus Christ said that before Abraham was I AM. The late Greek scholar A. T. Robertson wrote the following on this issue: “…{Before Abraham was} (prin abraam genesqai). Usual idiom with prin in positive sentence with infinitive (second aorist middle of ginomai) and the accusative of general reference, "before coming as to Abraham," "before Abraham came into existence or was born." {I am} (egw eimi). Undoubtedly here Jesus claims eternal existence with the absolute phrase used of God. The contrast between genesqai (entrance into existence of Abraham) and eimi (timeless being) is complete. See the same contrast between en in # 1:1 and egeneto in # 1:14. See the contrast also in # Ps 90:2 between God (ei, art) and the mountains (genhqhnai). See the same use of eimi in # John 6:20; 9:9; 8:24, 28; 18:6….” The idiom with prin in the positive sentence Even the Old Testament writers realized that God has a Divine Son who was equal with him in nature: “…Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?...” Luke 10:22 is clear that you can’t know the Father without knowing the Son. John 1:1 means something. That verses says that the Word was God or the Son of God is God. Even Hebrews 1:8-9 mentioned that the Father called Jesus Christ God and says that his throne or reign will last forever and ever. Jesus in the book of Revelation said that he is the Alpha and Omega or (first and the last). Almighty God is very personable with humanity. God is infinite and sovereign over human history. God is course a God of love, judgment, and justice. In other words, Almighty God believes in the right of a human being to fight for justice and fight for the compassion among all peoples. God loves everyone, but of course God hates evil and any form of bad conduct. God is definitely knowable as evidence in John 17:3, Jeremiah 9:23-24, and 11 Cor. 4:6.
Religion has been exploited to promote ecumenicalism. There is nothing wrong with respecting someone of a different creed. There is nothing wrong with having peaceful discussions and peaceful coexistence with any human being of any background. Yet, one strong aspect of the Christian experience is promoting standards. Without foundational standards, Christian theology falls apart. In other words, if a person denies the resurrection of Jesus Christ, denies the Virgin Birth, and denies Jesus Christ as being the Messiah (and the Son of the living God) that person isn't a Christian. It's as simple as that. Even the apostle Paul wrote that if Christ didn't rise from the dead, your faith is in vain. That sums up Christian theology. In America, some professing Protestants and Baptists desire to unite with Romanism for the sake of social issues. Yet, one key part of Catholicism is the acceptance of the union of church and state. Historically, Baptists and other Christians disagreed with this union as detrimental to religious freedoms and political rights. The Anabaptists especially strongly opposed the union of the church and state. They are right. I believe in the complete, unequovicable separation of church and state. For if the state can dictate religious policy, sooner or later, your religious rights can possibly be tramped upon. An injustice anyway is a threat to justice everywhere. So, if a Muslim is restricted of their religious liberty rights, then all of us are affected by this injustice. Especially, if you're an atheist, your rights will definitely be violated under a pro-Dominionist theocracy. The Jesuits today works with many neo-evangelicals now to promote an agenda of not only Ecumenicalism, but attempted control over all of Christendom pretty much. The Jesuits never ended their goal (which is a global empire over all Christians with the Middle East as its control center). Jesuits and Catholics heavily control the Operation Rescue movement. So, it's our job to not express hatred toward Roman Catholics. It is show sound judgment and real information about the errors and superstitions of Roman Catholicism. In 2012, these Culture "Warriors" regularly work with the Papal Empire. CFR member Newt Gingrich is slick with his language, but people are on to him. Gingrich calls President Barack Obama as the biggest food stamp President in history, which is false. The Council on Foreign Relations or the CFR was created to promote globalization. CFR head Richard Haas admitted that he wants national sovereignty to be submerged to global bodies Gingrich is in the Hudson Institute. Newt supported NAFTA and the WTO. This Hudson Institute group had board members by the names of 33rd Degree Freemasons (like Jack Kemp, and Trent Lott) including CFR members (like Jeane Kirkpatrick, Ward Wood, Michael Novak, and Theodore Forstmann).
On the other side of the coin, there are those who believe in unbelief, and an anti-religious feeling of doubt. The other side of the coin deals with the Left side of the Left/Right Paradigm. Secret Societies like Freemasonry have members that had huge religious power like Norman Vincent Peale (the late 33rd Degree Freemason was the ex-Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of the Grand Lodge of New York, Past Grand Prelate of the Knights Templar and Shriner), 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller, Prince Hall Freemason Jesse Jackson, the late Joseph Smith (or the founder of the Mormon religious clique), and so many others. Usually, tons of 33rd Degree Freemasons are in religious bodies, businesses, and other parts of local communities. Their lists are found in various Masonic documents and Masonic notebooks. Inside of Masonic suitcases, there are documents. These documents show notebooks (or writings of Masonic concepts during their meetings), Masonic books, papers about members, papers on ceremonies, and other documents detailing community projects.
The prophet Daniel said that knowledge shall increase during the time of the end. He was right. Daniel lived during the period of the Medo-Persian Empire. An angel told the prophet Daniel, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” (Daniel 12:4). The Psalmist said, “Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever” (Psalms 119:160). Here are some examples of these inventions. There are recent inventions that are blowing away previous inventions indeed. There is a camera on a military drone with a 1.8 gigapixel camera (according to the Digital Trends site). The camera is part of the Argus IS drone helicopter package. It is 900 times the resolution of a standard 2-megapixel camera. The drone can lock on multiple targets simultaneously from altitudes as high as 20,000 feet. A nano-ear is capable of detecting sounds six orders of magnitude below the threshold of human hearing to detect sounds made at the bacterial level (according to an article from the Popular Science magazine in January 11, 2012). The invention uses an optically-trapped gold nanoparticle as a listening device. The particle is 60 billionths of a meter or roughly a thousand times smaller than a human hair. Popular Science magazine also reported that micro rockets can zip around the human stomach that is powered by hydrogen bubbles. team from the University of California, San Diego, has created the tiny self-propelled motors that can move around in an acidic environment without the need for any external fuel. The power is supplied by hydrogen bubbles produced by a reaction between an acidic solution and the zinc that the micro rocket is made of. Scientists There is an X-Ray laser that can super heat aluminum foil to 3.6 million degrees. It's called the Linac Coherent Light Source chamber. It's found in the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory creates and measures 2-million-degree matter, which can be used to watch biological molecules at work and to understand the processes of nuclear fusion. FOX News from February 13, 2012 reported on how the first bionic leg that fuses to the body is to be fitted in Australia. It's used for a woman. The woman lost her leg after falling beneath a train on the London Underground in 1996. It's supposed to fuse to muscle and bone. Orthopedic surgeon Munjed Al Muderis described the procedure as “the future for amputee patients.” We still have spiritual deception in the world. There are those that believe that infanticide is great like Peter Singer or even that partial birth abortion is holy. I of course disagree with these views. Freemasonry is another spiritual deception since it promotes false interpretations in the Blue Lodge (but outlines its true occult Mystery Religion ideologies in the higher degrees). Reginald Haupt’s outstanding exposé book of the secret religion of Freemasonry, The Gods of the Lodge proves the deceptive nature of Freemasonry indeed. The good news is that the Gospel and Yeshua the Messiah is powerful enough to save souls & inspire people to do what's right in the world.
At the end of the day, all of us should subsequently worship God, praise Almighty God, and do action to help our neighbors. It can be simple deeds and complex works, but doing something right fulfills our spiritual walk.
We should all be careful about those people who are really an oil company shill. We have to be careful that religious liberty isn't exploited to promote a union of church and state. Some reactionaries today even want to totally do away with the Departments of Education (which is a Department helping low income Americans including the middle class with Pell Grants, etc.), Interior, Housing, and Commerce. The Interior Department controls about 20 percent of total U.S. land area including much resource rich territories. One goal of the corporate elite (in the 1%) is to privatize national wildlife refuges, national parks, national monuments, the Bureau of Land Management rangelands, and all other Interior holdings. Some folks even like Ron Paul (who has taken money from oil companies according to the Federal Election Commission) want to repeal the federal tax on gasoline, they want to get rid of the federal gas tax, they promote nuclear power, and they desire get rid of the EPA. Polluters will answer to property owners in court for their crimes not to Washington (if the reactionaries had their way). The reality is that human rights will always trump property rights. A man's life is more important than a man's property. Folks caring for a child after the child came out of the womb are more important than a corporation owning tons of power in a corrupt fashion. We need some regulations on energy to prevent BP-like oil spills, Fukushima type disasters, and other disasters. We need freedom for the people, not the freedom of the elite to crush the rights of innocent human beings. The police state is still here with their arms of the DHS, DEA, FBI, CIA, the Pentagon, the Prisons Bureau, and other groups that act in a controversial fashion. It was the FBI that harmed human rights with spying and the COINTELPRO program. It was the CIA that had involvement in the Iran Contra scandal, which related to drug running plus shady deals among foreign countries. Yet, it's bigger than Ron Paul since even Ron Paul is right on some issues. It's about a system that permits a warmongering empire and the violations of our basic human rights. It's about us trying our best to oppose a nefarious beast system. It's about us to not only being social aware of the circumstances of the world, but to use actions to help out our fellow people efficiently (plus effectively). That's reality. The reality is that the free market alone without regulations (or the discredited laissez faire Austrian economic philosophy) can never solve every problem, especially poverty. No one believes that the government is perfect or ought to be worshipped. The government can be used as a tool to make good deeds a reality in the world though. It's hypocritical for a person to claim to oppose corporatism, but support the pro-corporate laissez economics that the global elite loves to support. That is why you need social programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid as a means to assist the workers of America, the elderly, and the poor living in the USA indeed.
"Runaway Slave" is a new made by a man that wants to continue the Left/Right Paradigm. His message is that the Democrats are wrong and the Republicans are correct. So, black people must be Republicans according to the mindstate of these deluded reactionaries. C. L Bryant is the leader of the documentary. He's a Tea Party Republican. The Tea Party is known as for its extremist rhetoric. He works for Freedom Works. The reality is that both parties aren't perfect. Henceforth, black people have the right to join whatever party he or she wishes. I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat (as I don't agree with the President Barack Obama's military strikes in Libya, his refusal to oppose the Patriot Act, his refusal to end the federal war on Drugs that damages communities nationwide, his pull back on anti-smog legislation, his drone attacks in Pakistan, and his refusal to adequately address poverty. At least the Poor Peoples Campaign of 1967-1968 addressed the issue of poverty in an elaborate, cogent fashion). I am an Indepedent. In this generation, black neo-cons and their ilk try to use the Great Society as an excuse to demonize any government program. Don't worry; I will discuss the Great Society later (and refute the lies of numerous reactionaries about this issue). They view the problems in the black community as solely the government's fault (or black culture even, which is blatantly racist in my opinion) instead of the white supremacist system (and corporate corruption. See, they refuse to expose evil corporations. They also refuse to expose white supremacy, which is a great enemy of black human beings). The government isn't perfect, but the government can be utilized as a constructive avenue to be part of the solution. The content in the film is purely pro-Republican rhetoric. This film didn't expose the Patriot Act or the criminal actions of President George W. Bush administration. "Runaway Slave" claims that most African Americans were Republicans before 1960's. The truth is that shift transpired under FDR, because FDR allowed executive orders to begin some desegregation in certain occupations. John F. Kennedy gained most of the African American vote, because his platform promised the black community of dealing with equal housing, civil rights, and job opportunities. There are legitimate criticisms about JFK on this issue, but there can be no mistake that both parties have their fair share of dirt. Also, JFK promoted landmark civil rights legislation, he desired health care for the elderly and he proposed other progressive legislation. The Lyndon Johnson Great Society program cut poverty in half from 1960 to 1970. Between 1960 and 1973, these efforts cut poverty in half, from 22 to 11 percent. Meanwhile, between 1965 and 1976, the richest 1 percent had gone from owning 37 percent of America's wealth to only 22 percent. All of the Great Society programs weren't perfect (as fathers should be given real respect in American culture. Too often, fathers aren't given their due in terms of their contributions to family structure). This doesn't mean that all public programs to help fight poverty ought to be eliminated. Mostly middle class programs like student loans, school lunches, job training, veterans pensions and Medicaid (three-fourths of which goes not to the poor but the elderly and disabled) are vitally important. Such programs ought to be maintained. Also, welfare isn't slavery as the silly Runaway Slave movie says. Some people legitimately need it and mostly white Americans (who make up about 65 percent of US population) have welfare not black Americans (who make up about 13 percent of the US population). Welfare is criticized by reactionaries, but the documentary will not criticize crony capitalism, corporate welfare, and the outsourcing of jobs overseas. The documentary presents the racist picture of black people collectively acting as dumb slaves to the Democratic Party. The reality is that blacks have a great deal of intellectual maturity to make up their own minds. With the comments from Gingrich, Romney, Ron Paul, and other Republicans alone, I understand why most black Americans aren't Republicans. Calling black Democrats plantation slaves (as Runaway Slave presents. The man is a preacher) is just as wrong as saying that all black Republicans are sellouts. A black person doesn't become free by worshipping Republicans or worshipping Democrats. A black person is free by birth and can be more mentally aware by independently finding solutions without party genuflection. That is why public help and private help can solve problems in America (like good nutrition, a support system, positive adult supervision, mentors, a strong educational apparatus, community building, etc.). Runaway Slave talks about educational choice. On the other hand, the documentary wants to cripple public education, which will not create true educational choice. Real educational choice is allowing full, functional, and growing public and private schools to exist (or to allow parents to make decisions and to allow the system protect public education at the same time). They talk about abortion, which I have no issue with. I reject abortion on demand. Yet, I believe in helping a baby when it's inside and outside of the mother's womb. Some Republicans reject any public money for child care, educational services, and other avenues of assistance to women.
Many reactionaries use the arguments from Daniel Patrick Moynihan as an excuse to promote the lie that culture is the major reason for poverty in America. Moynihan wrote his report called "The Negro Family" in 1965 in which he blamed the black family and black culture as the primary reasons for the poverty conditions among many African Americans. This is false since the report omits the economic inequalities, racism, etc. that play a big role in poverty. Daniel blamed the victim instead of the system for poverty in the first place. The reactionaries cry about affirmative action when mostly white women benefit from it (and some parts of affirmative action have been effective in giving minorities educational and occupational opportunities). The scholar and sociologist Dr. Stephen Steinberg wrote an excellent article proving that socioeconomic factors have a major role in the poverty in America (in the article entitled, "Poor Reason: Culture Still Doesn't Explain Poverty"). The reactionaries bash culture as a means to ignore America's racial history (and to deny white supremacy as a serious factor on why many people of color suffer oppression even in the 21stcentury). America is responsible for slavery and Jim Crow. Also, even single poor families had support systems to assist children back in the 1970's. So, the argument of Daniel P. Moynihan (and even black reactionaries) is that black single female households are one of the biggest reasons for the bad conditions among some poor African Americans. I do agree that the black father should have a big role in the lives of a family. As Cornell West wrote in the 1980's:
"...My aim is not to provide excuses for black behavior or to absolve blacks of personal responsibility. But when the new black conservatives accent black behavior and responsibility in such a way that the cultural realities of black people are ignored, they are playing 'a deceptive and dangerous intellectual game with the lives and fortunes of disadvantaged people. We indeed must criticize and condemn immoral acts of black people, but we must do so cognizant of the circumstances into which people are born and under which they live. By overlooking this, the new black conservatives fall into the trap of blaming black poor people for their predicament. The ideological blinders of the new black conservatives are clearly evident in their attempt to link the moral breakdown of poor black communities to the expansion of the welfare state. For them, the only structural element of political-economic life relevant to the plight of the black poor is the negative role of the state and the positive role of the market. An appropriate question to these descendants of slaves sold at the auction block is, Can the market do any wrong?
They claim that transfer payments to the black needy engender a mentality of dependence which undercuts the values of self-reliance and the solidity of the black poor family. The new black conservatives fail to see that the welfare state was the historic compromise between progressive forces seeking broad subsistence rights and conservative forces arguing for unregulated markets. Therefore it should come as no surprise that the welfare state possesses many flaws. I do believe that the reinforcing of "dependent mentalities" and the undermining of the family are two such flaws. But simply to point out these rather obvious shortcomings does not justify cutbacks in the welfare state. In the face of high black unemployment, these cutbacks will not promote self-reliance or strong black families but will only produce even more black cultural disorientation and more devastated black households...." (Unmasking Black Conservatives from 1986).
That is very important, but single parent households are not the major reason of America's crime. There has been an increase of single parent household from 1970 to 1992. Yet, the crime rate has decreased from 1970 to the present. The reality is that the black fathers should be respected. Although, crime and poverty in our communities are primarily caused by socioeconomic conditions, economic inequality, unemployment, underemployment, income problems, lack of housing, bad health care, and educational problems (not black single mothers).
To assume that all single families are this monolithic block of producing only struggling children is an old canard. Moynihan believed that the poor were victims of their own vices, which ignores political and economic institutions that caused the terrible conditions in the ghetto in the first place. Even Adolph Reed said that poverty has to be solved not by blaming the victim for everything, but to advocate decent jobs, adequate housing, and egalitarian education. You will notice that the anti-poor crowd refuse to advocate real solutions like restoring the safety net, resurrecting real affirmation action, having modern-day cosmopolitan public housing, rescinding mandatory sentencing, ending the war on Drugs, enforcing anti-discrimination laws, and creating job programs to help the poor. The enemy just wants to blame the victim. So, the 1965 report was a racist report in blaming the victim of oppression than the oppressor (which is white supmemacy and its system of racism against human beings).
Not to mention that pro-life individuals are from across the political spectrum. No pro-life person of any color should be forced to be a Republican for the sake of political expediency. They can talk about in 1960 when there was more 2 parent households. Yet, in 1960's, we had a large number of lynchings in the USA, discrimination, woman not even paid the same wage as men, murders of innocent black people by white, racist thugs, violations of our free speech rights, and other restrictions to our humanity. I don't want to revert to the time of Jim Crow segregation. I don't want to return to a time where I can't eat in whatever place I want and I can't go to a certain location based on my skin color. I don't want to revert to a time where a person of another background was forced into the shadows & closets of society (with authoritarian, draconian restrictions of human sexuality). That is not what really America should be all about. True Americans respect the diversity of humanity. Now, we have problems and we should have more 2 parent households (about 70 percent have no 2 parent household not 90 percent as the film claims). Still, we should never revert to a time of oppression in America. I don't want the nuclear family destroyed either, but I don't want privatization to harm our environment. Austerity as Runway Slave promotes will harm the community than help. You will notice that the Runaway Slave documentary wants blacks to be mental slaves under the Republican Party (with their Southern Strategy rhetoric). Glen Beck calls all liberals communists and Rush Limbaugh has spewed his deception before too. These are the people that some black conservatives (not all of them) love to follow. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Why does the film refuse to promote civil liberties, labor rights, and opposition to the war on terror? We know the reason. The New Deal and the Great Society programs caused the redistribution of wealth. The super rich elite hated this and use policies now to try to end the social safety net as we know it. What people like CL Bryant don't realize is that their economic policies are the same policies supported by the wealthy class, not the people. We support the people not the 1 percent (with their CIA killing people all across the world, especially against people of color). Cultural improvements (like the growth of black families, the rejection of any form of degradation of black people, and the fight against poverty) are necessary in any community, but not only that. There needs to be a redistribution of economic and political power to help all people as Dr. Martin Luther King had spoken about. Many of the segregrationist Democrats are now Republicans today. The film won't expose white supremacism and real racism in society. You can never have a real society until you defeat white supremacy. The film won't even talk about the Third World being oppressed by Western imperialists.
"...The need of black conservatives to gain the respect of their white peers deeply shapes certain elements of their conservatism. In this regard, they simply want what most people want, to be judged by the quality of their skills, not by the color of their skin. But the black conservatives overlook the fact that affirmative action policies were political responses to the pervasive refusal of most white Americans to judge black Americans on that basis."
― Cornel West, Race Matters
Martin Luther King III said, "It is disingenuous to imply that my father was a Republican. He never endorsed any presidential candidate, and there is certainly no evidence that he ever even voted for a Republican. It is even more outrageous to suggest that he would support the Republican Party of today, which has spent so much time and effort trying to suppress African-American votes in Florida and many other states."

Reformation.org has done some great research on Adolf Hitler. Hitler's parents were Alois Schicklgruber and Klara Polzl. The mother of Alois Hitler was Maria Anna Schicklgruber. Klara was the third wife of Alois. Alois was an illegitimate child. Alois in the age of 39 assumed the surname Hitler. There are rumors (as popularized by Fritz Springmeier) that Hitler had Rothschild ancestry, but historians now doubt that Alois' father was Jewish. All Jews had been expelled from Graz under Maximilian I in the 15th century, and were not allowed to settle in Styria until the Basic Laws were passed in 1849. Alois was born in 1837 and he died in 1903. Some believe that Maria Anna worked in the home of Baron Rothschild. Yet, it is true that the super rich families intermarry with each other (like the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Saxe-Coburg Gothas, the Black Nobility families, etc.). They intermarry with each other in the Old World and in the New World. I don't agree totally with Reformation.org's views on Jewish people since real Jewish people today do indeed live in Israel (like the Yemeni, Ethiopic, Sephardic, the Lemba, the Mizrahi, and other Jewish tribes. These are real Hebrew peoples). As the Reformation.org site mentions, the elite families want a monarchial like system in America with the old powers of the kings and queens still active in the world (in a feudal system). It's a fact that many Nazis and Hitler had links with England and MI6 (or British Intelligence). Some people from British Royalty (during the 1930's and the early 1940's) were once sympathetic towards the Third Reich. Alois Hitler even worked in England and married the British woman Bridget Dowling back on March 12, 1911. Alois's son from Bridget was named William Patrick Hitler. Adolf Hitler left Liverpool for Munch in May of 1913. He worked in WWI to fight for the Germans, but some believed that he acted as an agent of British Intelligence. The depression in Germany, the harsh measures from the Versailles Treaty toward Germany (the Germans had to pay insurmountable reparations), and other events caused Hitler to immorally rule Germany. President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Hitler worked with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Top English aristocrats loved Hitler and Hitler could speak English. The British Intelligence MI6 agents worked with both sides of WWII. Admiral Wilhelm Canaris worked with MI6. He was the head of Abwehr or military intelligence. Canaris was involved in the MI6 planning of Operation Barbarossa. Martin Bormann was a top aide to Hitler and he was another MI6 agent. MI6 agent Sir William Stephenson was one of the most powerful intelligence leaders in the world during WWII. He helped America to be involved in WWII. He worked in the offices of Rockefeller Plaza, NYC and in Bermuda. WWII allowed Israel to be a nation. The Holocaust and the events of WWII allowed the Brits to expel the Turks from Palestine. Then later, Israel was formed (in the midst of agitators like al-Husseini, etc.). For the record, not all Brits are like this. Tons of Brits from across the pond have been dedicated to promote liberty, truth, equality, and justice for all peoples. So, I want to make that absolutely clear. The Middle East is now heavily impacted or influenced heavily by Papal elites and rest of the Western globalists indeed.
By Timothy