Greetings, my Indian sister. Now you know trolls like OhREally can't read to well, and can't think at all.Didn't you read my earlier message to you before ? It was Bush who signed up bailout for banks/corporation.
By the way, do you've heavy investment in OIL ? China has high investment in solar energy and most Chinese companies are subsidies heavily by govt. Solyndra wasn't able to compete with Chinese companies because of Chinese govt investment and also because of cheaper labor cost. WHY DO YOU BLAME EVERYTHING ON OBAMA ?
I strongly believe that govt should INVEST in green tech instead of waging WAR for oil. However you try to hide the truth, all the wars are for OIL.
Today is the last day of INTENSIFIED action by Occupy Baltimore honoring Dr. King's legacy. It began on MLK Day. I spoke at one of the gatherings.
Baltimore is an interesting city. It was predominantly white when I was born here, for part of the 1970s.
It is now predominantly Black, and with a mainly Democrat centrist liberal city government. Yet the REAL POWER here is the power of corporations--that is, mainly a handful of wealthy white capitalists who own 98% of the wealth in a predominantly black, and increasingly also Latino town.
The economic conditions of most people--white, black, Hispanic or what have--is a disgrace.
The liberal democrat city government expresses sympathy (at least in public) but buckles to the corporations every time.
They KNOW that there's much sympathy for us in this town. They know that trade unions, teachers, ACLU, some civil rights organizaions, the Baltimore Afro-American Newspaper, some progressive black and white churches and synagogues support us.
And they know we're in a JUST STRUGGLE. But under pressure from the corporate bigwigs, the politicians shut down the encmapment at Mckeldin in the Inner Harbor. But now it's spreading through the city!
And it's more MULTIRACIAL than it was in the beginning. I pointed this out when I spoke to the gathering in front of the new youth facility (a facllity costing $100 million), and also indicated that the fight for economic justice and human dignity of Dr. King was now the legacy of the Occupy Movement.
Regardless of what happens in November, I think we can win. And we must continue even if Obama is re-elected, not to mention if one of those Republican reactionaries is elected.
Long live the revolutionary legacy of Dr. King! Victory to the 99%!
Teachers actually pay more than 15%. So, ole Mitt Romney would be paying a smaller per centage than a teacher.More news on how Romney EVADES taxes:
On Tuesday, Mitt Romney finally acknowledged what we’ve long suspected: that, despite earning millions of dollars a year, his tax rate is approximately 15 percent — the same as it would be if he were a teacher earning $50,000 a year.
CLASS PRIVILEGE of the 1%. Down with plutocracy!
Too bad that Dr. King openly spoke out against conservatism. And if Dr. King--a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST--found Barry Goldwater & Ronald Reagan repellent, can anyone imagine what he'd think of TODAY'S reactionaries, who are beginning to make Goldwater and even Reagan look like moderates?Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.would support the 100%, he would want everyone to earn their own way. I think he would support Senator Santorum's social conservative platform.
Dr. King would probably be sharing a jail cell with some of our friends in the Occupy Movement.
Doesn't make sense that they would support taxing the hell out of the working class, denying people medical benefits or pensions, especially if you realize if they're not millionaires, they'll bear the brunt of it. That is until you realize there's something else behind them support policies and politicians who support doing exactly that. What's behind them willing to suffer? The belief that minorities, i.e. blacks and hispanics are receiving all these entitlement programs, which of course, isn't true. However, they're willing to cut off their nose to spite their face.I'm not a democrat, I am an independent. I'll vote republican if republicans showed better leadership. Now, look at newt he was just showing the true face of racist America, calling blacks name and exalting genocide of NATIVE Americans. Why will anyone who has some logical thinking will a racist ?
By the way, you should be living in your lala land if you think investments shouldn't be taxed. So if I have 100 real estate properties and rent them, I don't pay any taxes ? Some of the stock also pays dividend, according to you that shouldn't be charged taxed either ? This shows how ignorant you are. Probably, you are another key board millionaire. LOL! some poverty stricken euro-Ameri-can't will support republi-can't just because they have veils(called religion) around their eyes.
You are just a joke, because you say ONLY hard working people with jobs need to be taxed but the billionaires should invest in caveman island and relax. Very good.....that shows how messed up poor republicans are.
Truly twisted, ignorant and hateful people. Thank God they're the minority and not the majority.
Your stupidity is obvious. Coretta Scott, like Martin King, came from a middle class black family, and was an educated woman. She probably wouldn't have known what a food stamp looks like. At any rate, there are more whites who subsist on welfare and food stamps than blacks. Not that I blame them. I blame the 1% for the poverty of both blacks and whites. I blame you for the stupidity of your racism. It's the 21st Century. Isn't it time you left the 19th Century behind?
Surveys suggest that a LARGE part (some estimate over 40%) of Americans are sympathetic to the Occupy protests. A MAJORITY do agree with the Occupy Movement about the excessive concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands. The majority apparently agrees that the class divide has become a serious issue, and that far more economic equality is called for. One poll suggests that 65% of whites, and 75% of Blacks think so. What's interesting is that 75% of Blacks have thought so for a long time. A majority of whites have NOT thought thus until relatively recently. By impoverishing the masses of whites, the rightist plutocracy is forcing many to open their eyes, hence enabling this new revolutionary movement...the Movement of the 99%!
I think Dr. King would support the 100 percent as he said that all people are created equal. Yet, Dr. King would believe that the 1 percent has the responsible to pay fair taxes and not continue their agenda of oligarchy. Dr. Martin Luther King believed in compensatory treatment given unto the poor and minorities just before he died. Therefore, he agreed with some sense of reparations, an economic bill of rights, and proclaiming housing as a human right. This is expressed in his interviews and speeches. He always denounced the philosophy of "getting up by your own bootsraps," because the poor witness globalization, discrimination, scapegoating, massive cuts to their own services that they have worked for, and other problems in the world. These problems caused the poor to lack opportunities to allow them to radically get out of poverty. Therefore, Dr. King said that he wanted billions of dollars to be spent in order for that money to help the poor (including the radical redistribution of economic and political power. The ending of the militarist Empire is one method to achieve that goal along with other solutions like massive anti-poverty programs).Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.would support the 100%, he would want everyone to earn their own way. I think he would support Senator Santorum's social conservative platform.
So, King said that he desired individual and collective solutions in order to solve our complications. He desired a coalition of human beings among numerous backgrounds in order for a world revolution to transpire. Senator Santorum's views would be opposed by Dr. King since Dr. King wanted an active federal government to enhance the standard of living economically inside of American society. Santorum doesn't want the federal government to massively preserve the social safety net federally to maintain social justice. Yet, he hypocritically wants the federal government to massively intervene in people's sexual & personal business. Regardless of what you think about these controversial social issues, Santorum is acting like a hypocrite here.
It's 2012, so people are realizing the truth.
-By Timothy
I like you Zaius. You are a comedian. It is hypocrisy though in my eyes. The reason is that Santorum claims that to promote less federal government as a part of his campaign platform, but he believes in more federal government intervention in our personal and sexual business. That’s a fact. Dr. King’s views are important to comprehend since his words have relevance in our time during the year of 2012. Poverty, war, homelessness, education, the environment, and other issues are relevant in 1968 and in 2012. There is that historical connection between both of those historical eras. Many Republican hypocrites want big government in the military, but refuse to promote effective federal government intervention to help the poor, the elderly, the sick, and the disadvantaged along the journey of life’s roads.
Who really cares what MLK would have thought? He is dead and speculation is the equivalent of mental masturbation.
Damn him and those evil, hypocritical, republican control freaks.
The next thing you know they will want to ban the murder of infants over 150 weeks and sexual relations with livestock.
Many of them promote anti-civil liberty doctrines & a regressive foreign policy agenda. To his credit, Ron Paul opposes the Patriot Act, SOPA, and other unjust bills or unjust laws. Ron Paul is just wrong on other matters. On abortion, I am not a radical pro-abortion man. People know my views. I do believe that we can find common ground in creating programs to lower abortion rates, to have funds for pregnancy services, and finding ways to promote stronger child care services (after the baby is out of the womb). I am not a moral relativist (I don’t agree with bestiality), but the federal government has no right to dictate my moral conscience or my religious creed at all. That’s none of the feds’ business frankly.
-By Timothy