One hting that Sone doesn't seem to realize with all the talk about states rights, is that corporate power seduces government at the local and state levels. Sometimes as much, if not more, than on the federal level. Is it now in subservience to the corporate interests of the Koch brothers and similar plutocratic criminals, that a Scott Walker and the state government of Wisconsin decided to destroy the colleactive bargaining rights of working people. Isn't it at the state levels that right wing politicians, under the pretext of fighting voter fraud (one of the same pretext the Jim Crow South once used)that we see new coercive laws passed intended to obstruct Blacks, youth, working class folk from voting? And while racism is certainly an essential part of that right wing effort at disfranchisement, isn't is ultimately carried out under the pressure of corporate interests? Or what about new laws in Michigan allowing right wing politicians who are bootlickers of corporate interests to nullify democratic elecitons on the local level? Aren't these laws created by reactionary corporate puppets in subservience to corporate interests? The fundamental focus must be on curbing, or breaking, corporate power. Politicians pass laws making it easier to outsource our jobs and destroyed well being of ordinary folk because those politicians are in the hip pockets of the 1% Even in a "liberal democrat" state like Maryland, and a city like Baltimore, corporate dominance is so pervasive that Democratic politicians settle for simply TALKING PRETTY, while caving to corporate interests. So be suspicious of anyone in America today who is more angry at big government than at big business; whatever they say they end up as the servants of the latter. Our problems with big government is that big business has been turning government into a CORPORATE STATE. And that is part of what we of the 99% Movement are fighting. That's why here in Bmore we had OCCUPY the COURTS, OCCUPY CITY HALL, and in DC. there was Occupy Congress, etc. Same as when we're marching against banks, since banksters seem to own the government anyway. Occupy America, Occupy Nigeria, Occupy England, OCCUPY the WORLD. Victory to the 99%! Both here and abroad. Dr. King, you did not die in vain!!! (