Kushite Prince Says:
January 22, 2012 at 12:23 pm
Jesse is the biggest Uncle Tom in the entire world! This guy is a disgrace to black people worldwide.
rbrownes Says:
January 16, 2012 at 4:08 pm
This whole thing just shows me that black people still don’t know white people or the situation we’re in today. Why do we agree to do these things with white people. White people aren’t forcing Janet Jackson or Terrell Owens to do these things. Why do we allow ourselves to be maneuvered into these situations. I saw Janet say that she was surprised/disappointed with Justin. Why was she? I really don’t get mad at white folks when they made a big stink over this white man uncovering Janet’s breast when if he had done this to a white woman, probably would have been some small fcc fine and nothing else would have been said. My question is why do we allow white folks to manipulate us like this? The picture with lebron james looking like some kind of beast with his mouth wide open and a blonde on his arms. Why did he allow this? These people are not being taught ANYTHING about white people/white racism. This is because most of us want to hide from the reality of racism by pretending it does not exist. So these kinds of things will happen over and over again. I don’t see anything that can be done about it. This is white folks stuff and they do what they want to. I watch that show 2 and a half men. There is so much subliminal x-rated stuff said on that show that it’s bordering on being criminal. So, I don’t get mad when they do these things to black people. Black people need to stop allowing themselves to be put in these positions.