Friday, January 27, 2012

Debates, Symbolism, and Life

The Republican political process has been interesting. The recent CNN debate in Florida mainly consisted of Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich debating each other for the nomination. Romney was the aggressor in the debate, because he tried to defend himself against Gingrich’s views on him. For example, Mitt Romney said to Newt Gingrich that he isn’t anti-immigrant since his relatives were from foreign nations. Immigration is a very serious issue. Republicans and Democrats are working hard in attempting to court the votes of Hispanic people. Rick Santorum attacked both Romney and Gingrich as not being conservative enough basically. Santorum said that Romney promoted a government top down health care system, yet he wants to abolish Obama’s new health care law. He called Romney a hypocrite. Romney in response said that his state has the right to devise whatever health care system that his state wishes (and his system allows people to have access to private insurance and it forces people to pay a fine if they refuse to get any form of health care). The truth is that Mitt Romney and the President Barack Obama’s health care plans are very similar. That’s just the truth. Ron Paul offered humor in the debate by challenging his competitors for a 25 mile bike race in Texas during the summer. Mitt Romney told the neo-conservative Laura Ingraham that the economy is improving and he wants to use the same free market fundamentalism as a way to promote his economic ideologies. Ron Paul discussed his views on how individual initiative and not government intervention is the best means to improve American society. Newt Gingrich wasn’t the aggressor in the debate. Newt seems to lose the debate despite winning the debates in South Carolina. Mitt Romney accused Gingrich of having financial investments in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (in response to Newt taking about Romney's Swiss bank accounts). Romney voted for Paul Tsongas back in the early 1990’s, because he was a more independent political figure back then. Mitt Romney used advice from a debate coach to be prepared to not only execute words, but respond to Gingrich’s attacks. The establishment media supports Mitt Romney to be the Republican candidate for President blatantly. Romney said that anyone advocating in his company of trying to colonize the Moon by 2020 will be fired. Newt Gingrich is using a new ad to call Romney out. Gingrich accused Mitt Romney of being dishonest on various issues. The bigger picture is that all of the candidates believes that if you just tax the wealthy more and end nearly all regulations, the sun will shine (then the clouds will end and the glorious return of tranquility will reign in the land). Frankly, they are wrong since economic prosperity is caused by fair taxation, progressive thinking, and radical solutions. Some people from the NY Times believe that Romney, Gingrich, and Santorum would add billions or trillions of dollars money to the national deficit in one year. If an injured man is suffering, then the government should help that person out. So, universal health care is vital for us to promote.

There is a video proving that military helicopters are conducting covert exercises over the U.S. Bank Building in Los Angeles, California. Videos prove that 5 military helicopters were buzzing over downtown LA. They were doing special ops urban warfare drill according to the LAPD. The footage was captured by CBS Los Angeles. The deal was that CBS Los Angeles showed a huge Black Hawk helicopter hovering over the U.S. Bank Building. There were 4 other OH-6 choppers called “Little Birds.” The CBS reported noted seeing the Black Hawk conduct a drop off in a nearby park before taking to the sky above LA again. The helicopters staged the incident at Dodger Stadium during the whole exercise. The helicopters were seen flying low over the Staples Center as the LA Lakers played inside. So, the LAPD and the elite military units were conducting anti-terrorism training over Downtown LA. The former U.S. Army aviator David Duran told CBS affiliate KCAL9 News that the training was likely a dry run for a future mission. “They do a lot of mockup training,” said Duran. “But it’s always best to get the closest terrain layout to what the objective is.” “If it’s a mountainous terrain, they go to the mountains; if it’s a desert terrain, they use the desert; if they’re in a coastal terrain, they use the coast,” said Duran. “If it’s an urban terrain, you know, whatever’s needed.”  There was a statement issued on Monday by the LAPD. The state reads that the exercises (which are closed to the public) are: “…designed to ensure the military’s ability to operate in urban environments, prepare forces for upcoming overseas deployments, and meet mandatory training certification requirements.” The LAPD said that training sites are being selected to ensure the event does not negatively impact the citizens of Los Angeles and their daily routine. This is odd since the drills occurred near civilian locations. The exercise represents another example of recent military drills that are going to hit heavily populated areas all over America. This has been going on for over 20 years. In the 1990's was when the Patriot community exposed this reality in another level. During April of 2011, residents of Brickell, Miami witnessed at least 3 large Black Hawk Like helicopters conducting military exercises over their heads. Some initially believed it was a movie shoot. Similar exercises have occurred in Boston back in August of 2011. So, it’s fine to promote freedom and not a police state.

There is a bill that would ban food products made with aborted baby cells. It’s a commonsense and reasonable bill. The person who introduced the bill is the Oklahoma state Senator Ralph Shortey. He’s a Republican, who introduced this bill in his state legislature. It will ban food products developed using aborted fetal material. Last year, there has been an outcry last year over Pepsi and other companies contracting with a company. Senomyx uses fetal cells from babies victimized by abortions to test and produce artificial flavor enhancers. In May of 2011, Pepsi ignored corners and criticism from pro-life groups. Thousands of pro-life human beings disagreed and opposed PepsiCo contracting with biotech company Senomyx (even after it was found to be testing their food additives using fetal cells from abortions). Pepsi now faces action form its shareholders. Senator Ralph Shortey told KRMG Radio that he doesn’t’ want aborted fetal material to be placed in artificial flavor in order to enhance flavor. To place dead fetuses in food is sick. “There are companies that are using embryonic stem cells to research and basically cause a chemical reaction to determine whether or not something tastes good or not,” he said. “As a pro-life advocate, it kind of disturbed me that we would use aborted embryos or aborted human fetuses to extract stem cells and use them for research to basically make things taste better.” I can’t believe that people are criticizing this commonsense legislation, but many folks are. Mainstream media outlets are criticizing the bill. Debi Vinnedge (or the Executive Director of Children of God for Life) believes that the media’s criticisms are groundless. The articles consisted of an onslaught by the mainstream media. The media expressed disbelief or crass remarks in trying to denigrate Shortey over his bill. “This is perhaps the worst case of irresponsible reporting by the mainstream media that we have witnessed in this millennium,” Vinnedge said. “A simple fact check would have revealed that Senator Shortey is correct about how some of our foods are being produced.” The focus is on San Diego based biotech company Senomyx, who states on their website that, “We created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor.” What they don’t tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 (human embryonic kidney cells) taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors, Vinnedge says. There is one of over 75 patients on file in which the aborted fetal cells are utilized, Senomyx states in U.S. Patent number 7,297,543: “…The invention provides a preferred mammalian cell lines, e.g., HEK-293 cells that stably express T1R2/T1R3 and G.sub..Alpha.15 under inducible conditions. These cells are useful in cell-based assays for identifying compounds that elicit or modulate sweet taste.” Pro-Life people say that Senomyx has entered into agreements with various food giants (like PepsiCo, Nestle and Cadbury Adams LLC, a division of Kraft Foods) in which the companies pay Senomyx for the research and development of the flavor enhances (and then continue to pay royalties on the products sold). Some of these companies have products in the market now in America using Senomyx flavors, but PepsiCo’s products are still in the development stage. That is why Children of God for Life has begun a massive worldwide boycott of PepsiCo beverages when they admitted that would be the focus of their Senomyx research collaboration. Vinnedge said that PepsiCo could have requested Senomyx could have utilized morally acceptable cell lines. Campbell Soup even severed ties with Senomyx, because the public was outraged over the situation. Vinnedge wanted PepsiCo to be boycott as Vinnedge mentioned that PepsiCo misled the public (and created a public relations nightmare for them). Senator Shortey is right to outline his bill to the public. The mainstream media is wrong on not reporting on this issue, because we shouldn’t be cannibals and eat parts from dead unborn babies at all. Children of God for Life wants other state to join Oklahoma’s efforts as well. Over 30 pro-life groups supported the PepsiCo boycott. A shareholder resolution filed late last year with the Security and Exchange Commission by a concerned stockholder would require that PepsiCo “adopt a corporate policy that recognizes human rights and employs ethical standards which do not involve using the remains of aborted human beings in both private and collaborative research and development agreements.” PepsiCo attorneys responded with a 36 page plea to the SEC in an attempt to quash the information. Both sides are currently awaiting the SEC ruling. So, life is more important than 21st century style cannibalism.

The truth about 9/11 is known. It’s interesting to note that Colleen Rowley (The Time’s “Person of the Year”) was a 9/11 whistleblower about what the government knew about various terrorist threats. She was never called to testify to the 9/11 Commission. One major figure in the 9/11 Commission process was John Lehman. John Lehman was the former Secretary of the Navy during the Reagan administration. He was also a signer of the September 20, 2001 letter from the Project for the New American Century calling for a war on terror against Iraq. This is a conflict of interest to say the least. The reason is that it is unjust to allow a neo-con (who wants a preemptive war against Iraq) to exist as a leading figure in the 9/11 Commission. A lot of people don’t realize that Lehman scapegoated the valiant New York City firefighters by saying that they didn’t do enough. Lehman omitted that the feds removed potential evidence from the crime scene over the protests of the same firefighters. FBI agents allegedly had advance knowledge of dates, targets, financial transactions as well as the names of the perpetrators of the impending terrorist attacks. But these FBI agents claimed that they were ignored or legally obstructed. Experienced FBI agent John O’Neill claims that his investigation of Osama bin Laden was opposed and obstructed by the White House. And FBI agent Ken Williams, who investigated terrorist suspects at flight schools in Phoenix, was reallocated halfway through his investigation. John O’Neill resigned from the FBI. He was found dead in the World Trade Center on 9/11. He was Head of Security for the World Trade Center in New York. Now, the official story believes that 9/11 was a complete surprise attack in America by a bunch of radicals. The truth is the opposite. The truth is that 9/11 related attacks were known about by the federal government for years. Efforts to prevent the attacks were suppressed by federal agencies. The war games on 9/11 were not coordinated by Muslims, therefore all of 9/11 wasn’t a product of Osama bin Laden at all. 9/11 was allowed to happen by the same people who created this war on terror & police state existing today in 2012. There are still unanswered questions about 9/11 as well. Why could the “black boxes’ couldn’t be found from the planes, yet a paper passport of a hijacker somehow survived the fireballs and was found in the streets of lower Manhattan. Why numerous warnings from allied governments were supposedly ignored (at least a dozen countries, possibly more, warned the US that 9/11 was coming)? How does a flight school dropout managed to execute a high speed, high G fighter pilot maneuver into the nearly empty, under reconstruction part of the Pentagon despite the refusal to rent him a single engine plane the previous month (they said he had no flying skills)? There are similar to questions like these previous ones. We live in a new era. Many libertarians are very strong supporters of civil liberties and the militarist Empire. They are right on those issues, but their economic views will rarely limit toxic pollution (which harms the biosphere) or promote help for those living in harsh poverty. We don’t need 1 trillion dollars in budget cuts to harm our land. Don’t you realize that the words that Ron Paul and Alex Jones speak are very similar to the words from the John Birch Society? Patriots have exposed the origin of the JBS. Members of the JBS even slandered President John F. Kennedy as communist. What we can agree on are the principles of human freedom, peace, universal health care, our civil liberties, and being against any form of oppression against any human being.

Quantum of Solace is a famous 2008 film from the James Bond film series. Quantum in physics is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction. One example is that a photon is a single quantum of light or the light quantum. It’s the 22nd Bond film from the series. It was produced by Eon Productions for MGM and Columbia Picture. It came after 2006’s “Casino Royale.” James Bond takes on Dominic Greene (played by Mathieu Amalric). Greene was a member of the Quantum organization. Green poses as an environmentalist, but he intends to stage a coup d’état in Bolivia to get control of the nation’s water supply. Bond takes extreme measures in the film since his lover was killed named Vesper Lynd. Camille Montes works with James and she desires revenge as well. The end of the film shows Greene as being murdered with 2 bullets in the back in his skull and motor oil in his stomach. Bond and Camille kiss before they part. Symbolism and esoteric influences are throughout the film. There are deeper meanings in the movie indeed. The inventor of the James Bond’s novel series was of course Ian Fleming. James Bond is 007. 007 was the signature of the occultist, mathematician, and aide to Queen Elizabeth I, Dr. John Dee. Yes, Ian Fleming loved the occult. He said that: “…Everything I write has precedent in truth…” Ian Fleming had direct associations with Aleister Crowley. He even based some of his characters like LeChiffre (or the villain of Casino Royale) on Crowley. This is proven by a review of a Fleming from Times Online writer Ben Macintyre. Aleister Crowley was the famous occultist who is loved by some musicians, occultists, and likeminded individuals. Crowley was a drug addict, done sexual rituals, and was called the world’s “wickedest man in the world.” Crowley’s Thelemic mystical doctrine dealt with the words of “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” It's a famous philosophy. That means that in Crowley's mind, that man can do what he wants to do as a part of his own will (even evil). Crowley participated in orgies, used the Ouija Board, and other actions. Ironically like Dr. John Dee, Crowley worked for British Intelligence. Alchemy is a part of Dr. John Dee. Dr. Dee viewed himself as an alchemist. Today’s Hollywood’s pictures regularly use occult/alchemical symbolism to represent not only the anti-God themes, but the pro-human godhood views. In other words, Gnostic themes regularly exist in Hollywood. These images are called archetypes that the pro-Gnostic Carl Jung studied. The beginning of many Bond films showssilhouettes of females dancing (some in a swastika or eye image). People realize that the swastika symbol comes from the ancient cultures of India, Mesopotamia, and the ancient Americas as representing the image of the sun (or the sun wheel). Carl Jung studied the symbol of the swastika all of the time. He believed that archetypes are universally a part of the collective unconscious. In other words, these archetypes are universal parts of human imagination. Alchemy in esoteric terms refers to transformation pretty much. During the Middle Ages, alchemists wanted to transform base metals into gold. Not only that, the alchemists also believed that the elements of nature can transform man into a higher, fully conscious, and godlike being. This transformation fulfills the Great Work among man for thousands of years. This Great Work deals with all things of the Universe sent into perfection, harmony (or the solace) under the gaze of the “All Seeing Eye.” The eye represents the divine image of intelligence. It’s found universally in secret societies and intelligence agencies (like MI5/6, DARPA, etc.) that influence global geo-politically policies globally. The transformation of the human world and consciousness into divinity is alchemy too (or turning physical matter or prima material into the divine). Today, some folks believe in this process and promote transhumanism as a means in trying to get that goal accomplished. Jung believed that the archetypes of the subconscious being can be explored to have harmony in the psyche of a person. In the Bond film, James Bond struggles between his internal struggle (the death of his lover and revenge) and his external struggle (his battling against the Quantum terrorist group trying to get secretive world domination). The PM’s office in the film shows Sacred geometry images, shapes, and swastikas. There are Masonic columns and the Labyrinth image there as well. Vesper means evening or night in Latin. James Bond finds out that Quantum has infiltrated British Intelligence. Quantum is similar to intelligence agencies that use fronts like environmentalism as an excuse to promote global domination. This is similar to the globalist WWF organization (headed by the Saxe-Coburg Gothas and European bloodlines) that uses the issue of environment as an excuse to dominate lands inside of Africa. Greene at one point in the film blames government as the problem, and touts privatization, while demonizing “government.” The IMF use privatization and structural development programs to control the lands of the Third World in real life. Dominic Greene is an apostle for the Green Movement, and claims to support numerous environmental causes, and brings to mind someone like Al Gore. Globalists promote the idea of the Georgia Guidestones (which wants millions of human beings to die in order for us to return to “Nature”). Bond goes into Port au Prince, Haiti and gets Greene’s identity. Greene wants to control the natural resources in Bolivia like oil, water, etc. Greene used his phony Tierra Project to engineer a fake water crisis to be blamed on global warming and environmental degradation. In real life, global corporate groups use global warming or climate change (this doesn’t mean real environmental issues don’t exist. They do) as an excuse to gain the world’s resources. The IMF does it and the World Bank definitely does it. The Quantum is a corporation that’s larger than most government in the world. The CIA and British Intelligence ally with Greene and Bond opposes this development. Dominic wears a metallic belt with the heart with sun images on it. Greene is in on the conspiracy. Symbols of the Carbonari secret society are in the film too. The Club of Rome and other groups want a globalized war in trying to return man into Nature too. Greene discovers Bond is onto him and sends him a message by dipping and drowning Agent “Strawberry Fields” in oil. This causes M and MI6 think Bond has gone rogue and that Greene is after oil. Bond realizes he is after the control of resources. Bond leaves the Andrean Grand. It has black and white Masonic floor coloring and has a large G placed in the Hotel. G is in Freemasonry that stands for Geometry, Grand Architect of the Universe, Generation, etc. Black and white imagery refers to dualism (or the law of opposites in especially Eastern religions like Daoism and Buddhism). The law of opposites is about in Nature, opposites exist. These opposites (like the sun and the moon, light and dark, cold and hot, etc.) should unite in order for unity or harmony can transpire in the Universe. So, the film shows good and evil battling against each other (while all sides are managed by the higher power knowing all sides in the mix). In real life, some people are under mind control and confusion to not know that they are being manipulated by upper echelon individuals. Greene even admits that he deals with the left and the right, dictators or liberators. Gnostics and the occult teaches that the process involves the overcoming of one’s conscience – overcoming the dialectic of good versus evil, into a supposed higher synthesis of transcending such absolutist categories. Of course, this concept negates the idea of moral absolutes. The global elitists want their Great Work by using scientific regimentation, world control, etc. via alchemical stages. So, the movie deals with James Bond trying to live in a world ruled by mysterious figures. He seeks revenge over his inner pain, and he tries to defeat an enemy with ties to the globalists.

By Timothy