Monday, January 30, 2012

Discussions about Economics in 2012

Note by Me: Ron Paul is pro-BP too.

By Timothy




the reason healthcare is a mess here and not in the rest of the developed world is because of free markets. health is not a supply/demand item...broken legs and cancer don't follow free market fantasies. what does happen is that costs go up, providers have to charge insurers more to cover the uninsured who can't afford it, insurers protect profits by raising premiums and cutting benefits, less people can afford them so more uninsured and around we GO AGAIN. true competition = public option


The people are the government and the government is the people. When Republicans say they want to limit the control government has over our lives what they are really saying is they want to limit the control people have over their own lives. Citizens must be able to protect themselves from private industry and government is the tool we use to do so.
The money supply tripled yes, and yet prices haven't risen anywhere near as much. The monetary base started expanding in late 2007. So, it's been 4 years. lol That's quite a lag. How long does it have to be before you conclude you don't know what you're talking about>
1% ers see taxes on their wealth as (class warfare). When they bribe congress to increase taxes on the poor and middle class its justice. ECONOMIES ARE BUILT FROM THE GROUND UP NOT THE TOP DOWN. Small businesses are the engines of the economy. Its spendable cash in the hands of as many people as possible. Rich people suffer from illusions of purity,and grandure. Destine by God to rule over "what they view as" the rabble in the middle class, and the poor they see as scum.


First, what's the difference between the individual mandate and a tax? The constitution certainly allows for wealth redistribution if it allows for differential income tax rates, which it does.
Second, health insurance is very much like fire insurance in that the best way to prevent the spread of epidemics is for everyone to have easy access to healthcare.
O'Donnell was being an a___  here, but he was right. Schiff had no real plan for health care. He says he's for allowing the total free market, but when pressed what that actually means - eliminating Medicare - he backtracks and has no solution.
In his world no one would receive education, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc.


conditions in Red China weren't that good before Capitalist reforms either.
but that was more related to that it's a Right-wing Totalitarian dictatorship that oppresses essential human rights and necessities to live free, far more than had anything to do with Socialist economics.
but its Socialist economics were not implemented in a Democratic enough way either, similar Soviet failures by Stalin.
they wanted more political freedom, more Free Speech & Free Expression freedoms & less censorship. they wanted human rights violations & worker exploitation by Capitalists in China ending.
this summer, investigations have revealed that the student protests are happening again for the same demands! they struggle for freedom was not silenced!


students wanted Liberalization (Capitalist) & political reforms to continue for more Free Speech & Expression Rights.
but they didn't want Capitalist Globalization happening to China's economy & they didn't want Capitalist reforms too quickly.
they wanted a few minor recent reforms undone & returned to Socialism. but they wanted to continue reforms toward elements of Capitalism gradually. they wanted Labor rights restored, preserved & enhanced. they did want some Capitalism.


after China became State Capitalist, the horrible sweatshops & student oppression happened.
Capitalism brought economic inequality, class structure and class privilege injustices.
Socialism wasn't properly reformed to Capitalism. not in proper ways. that created a kind of watered down Socialism lacking Worker protections.
then the 1989 student protests at Tiananmen Square that were horribly silenced by Right-wing Communist regime.


delusional, uninformed on Public Healthcare. you wouldnt pay our bills or Healthcare. we'd ALL pay each others' care. i pay YOUR care equally to you pay mine, regardless of income.
i make over $160,000/yr, three jobs, mostly two business jobs & extra for govt job. if worried of unequal cost, i likely make more than you so i'd pay far more of your care. but that's not how it works! we equally pay & equally reimbursed. you dont get Public Healthcare nor elementary Macro-economics.


@chewbaca1989 it's very simple: ronpaul wants more and more and more deregulation and more tax breaks for the wealthiest. well, we've seen the proof, several times now. it NEVER EVER "trickles down".
no regulation as ronpaul wants will result in greater corporate control, an unaccountable beast that will not reinvest in America, will not give a d___ about your liberties nor workplace rights and safety, and WILL use credit agencies and private security to monitor you and your behavior.


it's you who's ignorant of a long list of essential knowledge of political & history, dvorshka!
Nazis were Nationalists & Social Darwinists for traditional Conservative culture, Free Market "Survival of the Fittest", eliminate "weakling inferiors" thru Natural Market laws, weed out Weaklings using Predatory market.
Fascism was rational reaction by wealthy racists to protect Private Property, privilege & luxuries. Hitler believed in Conservative Authoritarian privatized govt!


Economic Darwinism like Social Darwinism is a predatory belief. It's got it's roots in Psychopathy and Narcissism. It's all about a pathological élite enslaving everyone else by debt and deception. Banks will give you a loan but never advertise their own stocks' dividends. You've got to ignore this bullsh*t and learn how to make money work for you, not work for money. There'd be less opportunities for these con men. Why dont they just broadcast Give us all your f_______ money and F____ You All?!


they did love it. this was their economics.
they used it in German domestic products & services industries within Germany (and other countries, after Nazis invaded and occupied) to starve "the weak", too Poor & Disabled to work for good income.
Hitler was Austrian, he lauded the rich Austrian inheritance nobility, direct descendants of medieval feudal Crusaders, the brutally sadistic Teutonic Knights, who practiced "only the Strong survive", the "weak" must starve or be cremated.


He misses the biggest problem of all. After the GLB Act the bankers on Wall Street earned billions of dollars in commission selling worthless private label mortgage-backed securities and they never broke a single regulation doing so. That's why they get to keep the cash. Paulsen's buddies. The GSE lending standards were higher than the private market, enabling private bankers to tap into the subprime market. Shiff is either lying or embarrassingly misinformed.


Two things Schiff is ignoring:
1) The Nasdaq bubble was not the same as the US GDP, nor was it very influential to real economic growth.
2) The Nasdaq bubble only burst thanks to the financial deregulation of the Clinton administration by repealing the Glass-Steagal act and passing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley act.
Ironically Peter Schiff supports deregulation so he would have supported the bill that eventually led to this Nasdaq bubble. But in no way was it the end of the US economy!


i thought this old guy was great because in some videos he talks against the war and especially the evil financial system, but now im hearing that tsome of the fundamental rights of a civil country(i.e. education and health care) are negated!! OMG and such a man would be permitted to be president of the united states? Well, u know after Bush im not surprised anymore, all is possible in this country inhabited by morons. BTW a lot of respect goes to the host, this is how a journalist should do!!!


Ron Paul has been shouting about bankruptcy and inflation for decades. It keeps not happening. The funny thing is that he believes this because of an economic doctrine formulated over a century ago which, even at the time, was warning of the same thing, and it has never happened. Market cycles have gotten easier and crisis fewer with regulation, contrary to his ideology.
The Fed sets inflation targets, usually at 3% a year, and they hit it every time. They know exactly what they're doing.


Welfare states are pretty successful. I'm an anarcho-socialist and even I admit that. I think we can always do better but there is no denying that socially democratic or socially liberal welfare states are the most successful in the world by utilitarianistic standards, by average wage, by life expectancy, etc.


Paul problem, and the whole libertarian philosophy, is that it puts too much trust in voluntary altruism...its just nonsensical the way they maintain this dark world view all the way thru concerning government agents until it apply to people doing what they want with their own money, then magically people are magnanimous creatures.



09:46 AM on 01/12/2012
Ron Paul is part of the oligarchy, as are all the Repugs and 90% of the Dems. In his (too) long political career, Ron Paul has done nothing but help enhance the oligarchy. The idea that a Randroid Libertaria­n would be "against" the oligarchy is laughable.
Grumpy Old Dude
My s/n is an Acronym
05:10 PM on 01/12/2012
Please quote me accurately­....I said that I don't trust him! I don't trust anyone that claims what I paid into my entire life is not Constituti­onal, I'm living on it now! But the deal breaker for me, is his defense of the right of private property owners to discrimina­te against people! His belief that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was wrong makes him a scary little man!