Saturday, January 21, 2012

On the Eve of the South Carolina Primary

The recent debate in South Carolina among the Republicans was the most angry and emotional debate for the 2012 Election season. Newt Gingrich was strong in his debating skills since he’s a very intelligent man. Yet, even intelligent men are inaccurate on various issues. Just because Newt Gingrich uses a lot of emotion doesn’t mean that Gingrich is right. Newt Gingrich responded to CNN’s Peter King’s question on the claims of Gingrich’s ex-wife (she claimed that Gingrich wanted her to be included in an open marriage. She refused). Gingrich denied the charges of his ex-wife. He believed that King was unfair since that question was the first one. Gingrich viewed the question inappropriate, because he felt that the question shouldn't be utilized in the first portion of the debate. The audience in South Carolina stood up and applauded Newt Gingrich’s statements. Gingrich’s words represented the reactionary backlash. Gingrich wanted to be the Republican spokesman for their dissatisfaction of mainstream society. Gingrich attacked the mainstream media as trying to unfairly criticize Republican candidates in order to protect President Barack Obama. The debate discussed about many issues that dealt with economics, foreign policy, trade, abortion, and of course the President Barack Obama. Rick Santorum was very aggressive in criticizing Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and Newt Gingrich. Santorum said that he’s the only man that can most effectively defeat Barack Obama in the 2012 election with his knowledge of manufacturing. Rick Santorum debated Ron Paul on abortion. Each wanted the same goal, but Ron Paul wanted the states to handle the abortion issue (while Rick Santorum desired the federal government to take a leading role in handling abortion since the Declaration of Independence says that we have the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness). Gingrich said to Santorum that America is a grandiose country and we need grandiose proposals to make the USA better. Mitt Romney was confused on how to answer the question on releasing his tax forms and his opinion on Bain Capital. Mitt Romney has a problem with talking about wealth, because he refuses to expose income equality and the errors in the current tax system (that allow the super wealthy to pay much lower taxes than decades ago). Ron Paul expressed his libertarian views on how less government is necessary for economic prosperity. He believes that government constantly screws up our domestic affairs. Paul omits that government can be beneficial in U.S. society if corporate influence & waste was eliminated (since government has worked to assist society for a long time). Ron Paul is very much right on foreign policy matters, the war on drugs, Internet freedom, and human civil liberties. I respect that. I just don’t agree with him on economic issues. The reality is that human rights trump states rights & property rights. The states are not omnipotent and that is why federal protection is necessary to protect the human rights of all Americans federally. The debate was highly charged and interesting. All 4 candidates in the debate believe that President Barack Obama is radically damaging American society with especially his financial policies. The candidates are wrong in trying to end all needed regulations and trying to crush the social safety net in America. Each of the 4 candidates wants to cut Social Security, end Medicare, lower the corporate tax rate, and oppose the Buffet rule. Corporate profits are skyrocketing in record levels, yet these candidates still want more corporate tax cuts. We have record inequality and austerity isn’t going to work. People need to represent the interests of the 99%. We don’t need authoritarianism in society, but we do need equal opportunity for all people.

We realize the aftermath of the Libyan war. Chaos is in Libya. The US/NATO alliance has been involved in the destruction of the nation of Libya. Just because an imperialist nation destroys sovereign nations via war, death, and chaos doesn’t meant that peace immediately comes about. Problems have occurred all across the world after WWII and the Cold War (in the places of Iraq, Palestine, Vietnam, Northern Ireland, Afghanistan, etc.). Violence continues in Libya. Reuters is reporting the clashes between the rival Libyan militants. The clashes has caused 2 people to die and wounded 16 people. This violence involves armed groups that won’t hand in their weapons. Libya (or a sovereign nation) was attacked and overrun by NATO forces. The invasion of Libya was based on false pretexts and it was supported by a hypocritical UN Resolution. That Resolution resulted in the tens of thousands of Libyans being murdered. Many Libyans were maimed, their homes were bombed, their infrastructure has been destroyed, and the country is now in chaos. Libya’s leader, children, and grandchildren were murdered on live TV without a jury or trial. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton utilized laughter at these occurrences. The Iraq War has caused sectarian violence after almost 9 years. These circumstances are exactly similar to the present reality of Afghanistan. Palestine, Serbia, and Vietnam has gone chaos in their histories as well. Many CFR members (with their allies in the Trilateral Commission, AIPAC, and the American Enterprise Institute) want chaos in the region in order to create their version of order. It’s Order out of chaos. Libya has been conquered and harmed on purpose. Much of the Arab Spring has been supported by the CIA, MI6, the Mossad, NATO, and of course the NGOs. Yet, many people in that movement sincerely want freedom and justice, so I want to make that perfectly clear. Now, the Western state of the U.S. supports running in the streets of Tehran to allow their agents to kill scientists and civilians (including the bombing of facilities and installations). That’s wrong. The so-called “rogue states” are targeted by the global elite. They have a hatred of some of the agendas going on in Venezuela, Syria, Ecuador, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bolivia, etc. Some of these targets are very close to China and Russia. The attack on “rogue states” has been planned by the PNAC document and the writings of the global elite (as found in the leadership of America, the UK, the leaders in the EU, etc.). You will notice that Gaddafi’s Libya, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, and many Muslim nations have central banks that are independent. They are also independent of the IMF, Goldman Sachs, Citicorp, and the Rothschild/Rockefeller banking network. For example, Gaddafi wanted Libya to be independent of the IMF. He wanted to introduce the Gold dinar (or the currency made up of real gold and not the dollar or euro). Gaddafi wanted to trade Libyan oil and Libya has the world’s ninth largest oil reserves, and the largest in Africa. This was an attack on the U.S. dollar hegemony in the oil trade market. Saddam Hussein did something similar when he decided to use the $1 billion “oil for food” allowed to Iraq under UN sanctions to trade in Euros rather than dollars. That was in November 2002. In March of 2003, Saddam Hussein was subsequently attacked in the Iraq War. Other nations attacked by the West weren’t in strong strategic alliances making them open for invasion. Gaddafi even tried to make amends before being murdered. He once embraced Tony Blair, King Juan Carlos, Sarkozy, Rodriquez Zapatero, Cameron, Brown, etc. Libya taught the world that the leaders of Western powers still want imperialism and global domination. People hanging onto to power too long in those conditions in Libya could experience an invasion. Strategic alliances are important in this day and age, so you can have political power to defend your interests. The CIA, MI6, the Mossad, the privatized group of Blackwater/Xe, Halliburton, etc. are involved in nefarious acts. The Western media regularly uses deception in drumming up aggression or outright war against sovereign nations. So, imperialism under any other name is still imperialism. Now, we do know that there has been the covert Western support of the Syrian resistance movement in Syria. There are UN sanctions against Iran, and the mobilization of U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf since 2011. We don’t know if a war in Iran will transpire in 2012, but let’s hope not.

A Chicago ordinance would stifle Pro-Life free speech. It’s hypocritical for those who claim to support freedom and then they want to restrict the free speech rights of pro-life human beings. Now, pro-life human beings in Chicago are concerned about something. It deals with a newly proposed ordinance that would put in place a law that prompt concerns about whether pro-life groups and activists would enjoy their rights to free speech. The proposal is called Ordinance No. 10-8-334 in Chicago. The Pro-Life Action League and its legal counsel The Thomas More Society opposed the bill. These 2 groups believe that the ordinance will allow violations to free speech and public assembly. The ordinance can even suppress the constitutional rights of citizens to express their opinions about contentious issues of public policy in the public square and “marketplace of ideas.” The ordinance deals with restricted, permit restrict public assemblies. These assemblies include gatherings of as few as 2 citizens in the public way. 2 citizens expressing free speech has been a part of a traditional public forum for the expression of free speech. Groups are required to apply for permits to conduct such public assemblies via a complex, elaborate, and vague permit scheme. This will hinder the freedom of expression. “The Ordinance will effectively silence all pro-life groups,” said Eric Schneider, Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League. “The city isn’t even clear on what the exact permit requirements are. They want to force protesters to comply with an elaborate, unwieldy, and immensely burdensome bureaucratic procedure.” Tom Brejcha is the President and chief counsel of the Thomas More Society. This group represented the Pro-Life Action League for years. It has won 2 U.S. Supreme Court decisions in the defense of its right to protest. Tom Brejcha said that the city government has overstepped the bounds of its legal authority in proposing to regulate and restrict free speech and free assembly via the Ordinance. The City of Chicago evidently fears civil protest so much it seems willing to trample on the fundamental entitlements to freedom of assembly and expression that are the birthright of every American citizen,” he said. Brejcha added, “We believe that the Ordinance is unconstitutional on its face, and that its elaborate bureaucratic requirements are prior restraints on free speech posing a serious risk, if not an invitation, that police will misapply them in ways that flout the Constitution.” He said, “Regrettably, our city may be earning a sad new reputation as a citadel of authoritarian repression. Its leaders ignore that nonviolent dissent is a sign of a healthy democracy and that ‘the path of safety lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and proposed remedies’ (Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357, 375 (1927) (Brandeis, J., concurring), and not in the suppression of free speech.” The proposal comes after 2 pro-life group helped pro-life advocates charged under a controversial bubble zone. The city dropped the charges against multiple people, who were charged with violating that bubble zone law. The city dismissed the case against Andrew Scholberg. Andrew was arrested while standing outside of the Family Planning Associates or a late term abortion facility in the north side of Chicago. He was arrested. He was accused of blocking access to the abortion business and violating Chicago’s controversial “mini-FACE” ordinance. This ordinance was a local version of the federal of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. The complaining witness from the abortion clinic and arresting officer didn’t appear in court. “We are pleased that the City of Chicago has dismissed these false charges against a man who was properly and legally exercising his First Amendment rights on the public way,” said Peter Breen, executive director and legal counsel at the Thomas More Society. “He did nothing wrong, and was peaceful. The police commander has to stop these baseless arrests and the filing of frivolous charges.” Chicago made the Bubble Zone and mini Face ordinances in late 2009. The “mini-FACE” ordinance mimics the language of the federal FACE statute, and a guilty verdict under the City’s “mini-FACE” ordinance could give rise to a federal civil action for fines of $10,000 and permanent injunctions against pro-life activity outside a particular abortion facility. The Thomas More Society challenged the constitutionality of this ordinance, in agreement with the ACLU, in 2009. The new bubble zone law subjects pro-life advocates to a $500 fine for merely talking to women considering abortion outside an abortion facility. The “Bubble Zone” ordinance prohibits approaching within eight feet of a person without their consent “for the purpose of passing a leaflet or handbill to, displaying a sign to, or engaging in oral protest, education, or counseling.” The law establishes a 50-foot buffer outside the entrances of abortion centers and, within that zone, no one can come within an 8-foot zone to distribute literature, counsel or display a sign. So, free speech is better than oppression.

Tons of people realize that BPA is a very toxic poison. BPA stands for Bisphenol A. It’s a widely used chemical substance. This chemical is found everywhere. It’s in nearly every plastic container. It’s used for lining for metal cans. It’s even found in receipts, toilet paper and in currency worldwide. BPA leaches form its container into whatever it happens to contain. One example of this is when you microwave a TV dinner; the chemical content of the plastic container would find its way into the food you are going to eat. When bottled water or a soft drink is created and shelved, BPA leaches into the liquid over the time it takes to be purchased and consumed. BPA is widespread in its application in packaging, manufacturing, and otherwise. So, tons of people are interacting with BPA on a daily basis. Many countries have already called BPA a toxin. These nations have prohibited its usage on a number of products. BPA can influence grow in diseases as well. BPA is an endocrine disruptor. That means that it mimics the natural hormones produced by your body like estrogen. When your body deals with BPA, it delivers an estrogen mimicking effect. This effect can cause a host of health problems like infertility, cancer, weight gain, and more. The hormonal interference can be responsible for accelerating puberty (and altering the growth of children causing hormonal confusion). Mainstream studies have proven that BPA can cause additional effects. These effects include altered immune function, neurological, and behavior problems, heart disease, and diabetes. Even low levels of BPA can adversity effect human health. 95 percent of paper money has been found to contain BPA. This means that a large fraction of individuals worldwide have at some point been exposed to this chemical (at least from touching it on a regular basis). BPA is found in food preservation. Many people are unwittingly or unknowingly consuming this harmful chemical. This is much worse than topical exposure. The widespread dangers of BPA are increasingly being known in the world. That is why BPA should be banned from use in foods and water period. Human health is better to promote than record corporate profits. It’s easy to witness that SOPA and PIPA has been a part of the establishment’s efforts to censor politically incorrect Internet. Mega upload was recently taken down by the federal government in January of 2012. Google hypocritically opposes SOPA, but it has blacklisted legitimate websites from its news aggregator. Google is a transnational corporation. The government forced Google to remove material from its search results and You Tube.

"Sherlock Holmes: A game of Shadows"came out in 2011. It’s an action and mystery movie. The director of it is named Guy Ritchie (the ex-husband of the Kabbalist Madonna). A lot of producers were involved in the film. The producers are Joel Silver, Lionel Wigram, Susan Downey, and Dan Lin. Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law are in the movie and they came from the first movie. The screenplay was written by Kieran Mulroney and Michele Mulroney. Holmes and Watson unite again to try to outwit and bring down their most cunning adversary named Professor Moriarty (played by Jared Harris). The film was influenced by Conan Doyle’s book called “The Final Problem.” This work was an independent story and it wasn’t a strict adaptation. The story begins in 1891. Irene Adler (played by Rachel McAdams) gave a package to Dr. Hofmannsthal (in the form of a payment for a letter that he was to deliver). Hoffmanstahl opens the package, triggering a hidden bomb which is prevented from detonating by the intervention of Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey, Jr.). Holmes takes the letter and disposes of the bomb while Adler and Hoffmanstahl escape. Holmes later finds Hoffmanstahl assassinated. Adler meets with Professor Moriarty (Jared Harris) to explain the events, but Moriarty poisons her—deeming her position compromised by her love for Holmes. Dr. Watson comes to 221B Baker Street. This is the place where Holmes admits that he is investigating numerous unrelated murders, terrorist attacks, and business acquisitions. He claims that these occurrences are connected to Moriarty. Holmes meets up with the Gypsy fortune teller Simza (played by Noomi Rapace), the intended recipient of the letter he had taken from Adler, sent by her brother Rene. Holmes defeats an assassin sent to kill Simza. Yet, she or Simza flees before Holmes can interrogate her. Holmes soon meets Moriarty for the first time. This comes after Mary (played by Kelly Reilly) and Watson‘s weeding. Moriarty admits to Holmes that he murdered Adler. He threatened to kill Watson and Mary if Holmes’ interference continues. Holmes and Mary go onto a honeymoon. Moriarty’s men attack both Watson and Mary on a train. Holmes defeated the attackers. Mary is thrown into the river to be picked up by Holmes’ waiting brother Mycroft (played by Stephen Fry). Holmes and Watson go into Paris to locate Simza. She’s found. Holmes tells Simza that she has been targeted because Rene is working for Moriarty, and may have told her about his plans. Simza takes the pair to the headquarters of an anarchist group to which she and Rene had formerly belonged. They learn that the anarchists have been forced to plant bombs for Moriarty. Simza and her anarchists planted a bomb in a nearby hotel (not in the Paris Opera as she told Holmes at first). She tricked Holmes. The hotel explodes and businessmen die. The anarchists wanted to assassinate Meinhart (or the attendees by Moriarty’s aide named Sebastian Moran). Meinhart's death grants Moriarty ownership of Meinhart's weapons factory in Germany. Holmes, Watson, and Simza travel there to following clues in Rene's letters. Moriarty tortures Holmes and Watson is under sniper fire from Moran. Moriarty said that he has shares in war profiting companies. He desired to instigate a world war to make a fortune. Watson, Simza, and an injured Holmes escape and go into Switzerland to prevent a peace summit going bad. The assassin is found to be the man Rene. Moran silenced Rene. Holmes took the diary from Moriarty to be sent to London’s authorities. The code in the diary has been solved and Moriarty’s bulk of his assets are seized. Moriarty fights Holmes and both men are sent into the Reichenbach waterfall below. Their bodies aren’t found. Holmes survives even after his so-called funeral. Holmes used a breathing device in order for him to live. Holmes meets up with Watson after the funeral in a disguised delivery man outfit. Holmes, having concealed himself in Watson's office, reads a fresh eulogy on Watson's typewriter and adds a question mark after the words "The End.”

By Timothy