There is a geo-political alliance of Russia, China, and Iran. It’s battling against the Western power structure for basically world supremacy. This is the new often neglected reality in the world today. There is the Eurasian Triple Alliance is real. Moscow and Tehran have common interests. Russia and Iran are major energy exporters of resources like oil. They are near the Caucasus. They oppose the American supported proposed NATO missile shield. This missile shield is about NATO wanting to build military anti-missile devices in Eastern Europe. Iran and Russia view this proposal as a threat to their military integrity. Now, Moscow and Tehran are making alliances with Armenia, Tajikistan, Belarus, Syria, and Venezuela. Yet, above all things, both republics are also two of Washington’s main geo-strategic targets. America doesn’t want Russia and China to stop their expansion in the Middle East. The Eurasian coalition is used against U.S. influences in Eurasia (or the heartland in geographic terms). China is confronting America’s encroachment in East Asia and the Pacific. Iran and Russia is confronting the Western advances in Asia and Eastern Europe. Iran and Russia worry about the U.S. presence in Afghanistan and Central Asia. If Iran is an U.S. ally, Russia and China could be threatened. Iran has ethnic, culture, linguistic, economic, religious, and geo-political links to the Caucasus and Central Asia. Iran is one gateway into Russia via Central Asia. Some U.S. war mongers want to conquer Iran (not for freedom). They want the Caspian Sea Basin filled with oil routes and pipeline power. Russia and China supported U.N. Security Council sanctions against Iran for strategic reasons. They want token moves in order for the U.S. to not rush into a war. These sanctions have caused tensions between Tehran and Washington. Later, Iran became more apt to form alliances with Moscow and Beijing. Russia and China, however, would never support crippling sanctions or any form of economic embargo that would threaten Iranian national security. This is why both China and Russia have refused to be coerced by Washington into joining its new 2012 unilateral sanctions. The Russians have also warned the European Union to stop being Washington's pawns, because they are hurting themselves by playing along with the schemes of the United States. In this regard Russia commented on the impractical and virtually unworkable E.U. plans for an oil embargo against Iran. Tehran has also made similar warnings and has dismissed the E.U. oil embargo as a psychological tactic that is bound to fail. Russia and China, however, would never support crippling sanctions or any form of economic embargo that would threaten Iranian national security. This is why both China and Russia have refused to be coerced by Washington into joining its new 2012 unilateral sanctions. The Russians have also warned the European Union to stop being Washington's pawns, because they are hurting themselves by playing along with the schemes of the United States. In this regard, Russia commented on the impractical and virtually unworkable E.U. plans for an oil embargo against Iran. Tehran has also made similar warnings and has dismissed the E.U. oil embargo as a psychological tactic that is bound to fail. President Mahmud Ahmadinejad of Iran met with Russian President Dmitry A. Medvedev of Russia. In August 2011, the head of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, Secretary-General Saaed (Said) Jalili, and the head of the National Security Council of the Russian Federation, Secretary Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev met in Tehran to discuss the Iranian nuclear energy program as well as bilateral cooperation. Russia wants to work with Iran to prevent the U.S. to act too aggressive toward Iran. In November of 2011, Russia and Iran have signed a strategic cooperation and partnership agreement between their highest security bodies (in politics, economics, security, and intelligence). The agreement was signed in Moscow by the Deputy Secretary-General of the Supreme Security Council of Iran, Ali Bagheri (Baqeri), and the Under-Secretary of the National Security Council of Russia, Yevgeny Lukyanov. Russia publicly said that they will do all in their power to prevent an attack on Iran. On January 13, 2012, Rogozin, who had been appointed deputy prime minister, declared that any attempted military intervention against Iran would be a threat to Russia's national security. In other words, an attack on Tehran is an attack on Moscow. An attack on Iran could therefore literally be a start of WWIII. Iran doesn’t have nuclear weapons and is no threat to surrounding nations directly. So, the neo-cons want to conquer Iran for its vast energy reserves and natural resources. Not only that, they also want to make Iran a strategic springboard against Russia and China. One of the final goals as mentioned by the neo-cons is to battle against China in economic/geo-political means or by a war. In January 2012, both Russia and Iran replaced the U.S. dollar with their national currencies, respectively the Russian ruble and the Iranian rial, in their bilateral trade. This was an economic and financial blow to the United States. Another twist in this saga is that Russia, China, and Iran support Syria. Syria is having a crisis. The geo-politics of Syria is similar to the influence of Eurasia. Russia, Syria, and Iran want trade routes to flow in the Caspian Basin under their control. The cancelled or delayed deployment of thousands of U.S. troops to Israel for "Austere Challenge 2012" was tied to ratcheting up the pressure against Syria. On the basis of a Voice of Russia report, segments of the Russian media erroneously reported that "Austere Challenge 2012" was going to be held in the Persian Gulf, which was mistakenly picked up by news outlets in other parts of the world. This helped highlight the Iranian link at the expense of the Syrian and Lebanese links. The deployment of U.S. troops was aimed predominately at Syria as a means of isolating and combating Iran. The "cancelled" or "delayed" Israeli-U.S. missile exercises most probably envisaged preparations for missile and rocket attacks not only from Iran, but also from Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinian Territories.
In our time, the reactionaries have a new mantra to support their agenda. Their mantra is the worship of property rights above the promotion of human rights. Human rights are superior to property rights period. A human life is more important than any form of property. Now, people falsely believe that private property rights are more important than human rights. This is an old debate, but the truth is even older. Today, we have the 99 percent challenging the 1 percent of the world. There is a housing market with as high as 14 million Americans in or facing foreclosure. Back decades, folks were deprived of housing rights. That is why LBJ signed the 1968 Housing Act in order to promote housing rights. Today, we have a housing crisis. The propertied classes want to promote property rights to an extreme as to even promote monopolies. The elite controls the huge banks and even the courts (that brought off judges). There are laws that oppose fraudulent filings, biased contracts, and phony robot signing. They control the marshals who seize folks' property, and constantly denigrate the real victims as “irresponsible.” Some banks are foreclosing on properties that they don’t even own. Many abuses that homeowners face in America daily would make even Jean-Jacques Rousseau have questions. He postulated that the social contract gives property rights as a moral claim. Rousseau said that property is about something you legally obtained and have a legitimate claim to ones holdings. He admitted that might doesn’t make right. That means you can’t steal someone else’s property and claim it as you own. A social contract allows individual rights and a group of people to protect the individual’s rights if necessary. This group acts as a community. So, the criminal actions by some of the 1 percent are in violation of the social contract. Therefore, the abuses by some corrupt entities ought to be fought against. Matt Stoller, a former aide to former Congressman Alan Grayson tries to unravel a massive contradiction that rises to the man at the top. That means that Stoller said that there 2 structural problems with new Federal task force. One is that the current administration is trying to preserve the current banking structure’s architecture (and its personnel who run these large institutions). If you have a real investigation of financial corruption, the whole banking architecture could collapse. The current banking system is what the President relies on since this system funds the political process among both parties. He made this clear in his first State of the Union, when he said a priority of the administration was to ensure that “the major banks that Americans depend on have enough confidence and enough money to lend even in more difficult times.” Perhaps this is why so few bankers have spoken out loudly about this latest effort to target their financial frauds. They know it’s not serious and recognize that political business like the news business is now a branch of show business. Are we our brothers’ keeper? The answer to God is yes. I accept the responsibility of being my brothers’ and sisters’ keepers to help humanity (and this is pro-God).
A lot of the mainstream media aren’t reporting on the police brutality against the Occupy Oakland protesters in Oakland, California. Kevin Gosztola wrote about Oakland police were in riot gear. They filled the area with tear gas, flash bang grenades, and rubber bullets at Occupy Oakland protesters trying to take a vacant building this afternoon. Occupy protests and reporters were harassed. There has been the intentional harassment of reporters at Occupy protests. This is why America has fallen to 47th in global press freedom rankings. Many of the Occupy protests were in city Hall and police brutality is real in Oakland for decades. I don’t agree with some of the demonstrators breaking into a historic building and burning an U.S. flag. The police claimed that the Occupy individuals threw rocks at them and engaged in illegal activity. About 300 people were arrested and the crowd ranged from 1,000 to 2,000 people. I think that some of the Occupy Movement should use wise judgment, but their overall agenda is correct. There is economic inequality in the world and people have the right to witness economic justice (especially for the poor). Some of the unjust violence has been done by a minority of Occupy people, not a majority of the people in the Occupy Movement. Therefore, I want to make that perfectly clear. Michael Davis, 32, who is originally from Ohio and was in the Occupy movement in Cincinnati, said Saturday was a very hectic day that originally started off calm but escalated when police began using “flash bangs, tear gas, smoke grenades and bean bags.” “What could’ve been handled differently is the way the Oakland police came at us,” Davis said. “We were peaceful.” Oakland, New York, and Los Angeles has been the cities that have some of the strongest activists of the Occupy movements. This event has been used by some to omit the Oakland police acting in police brutality for years and decades. Earlier this month, a court-appointed monitor submitted a report to a federal judge that included “serious concerns” about the department’s handling of the Occupy protests. It’s the same super rich that instituted world wars, depression, violence, the slave trade, and the Holocaust. The deal is that reactionaries can lecture on states’ rights all they want. Yet, corporate power can seduce government at the local and state levels too. That is why Koch brothers’ interests aided Scott Walker to destroy the collective bargaining rights of working people inside of the state of Wisconsin. These corporatists fund people to promote voter ID laws (under the guise of voter fraud). This was some of the same justifications where Jim Crow existed. Some of these new coercive laws can obstruct blacks, the youth, the poor, and the working class from voting. We live under a corporate state. The 99 percent are fighting against the current corrupt system in order for society to be ruled by the people (not big business or the oligarchy). Now, we have the President saying that students at colleges that increase tuition the most would receive the least amount of assistance (based on a financial metric system). This is slick undercover austerity, because many colleges increase their tuition not because these colleges hate their own students. They do it, because aid by the states to higher education has been radically slashed. Some have no choice to cut costs or possibly forfeit federal assistance. A January 23 report in the journal Inside Higher Education shows that state funding for colleges and universities declined by 7.6 percent from the 2011 to 2012 fiscal years. Overall funding for higher education is 4 percent lower than it was in 2007. So, over spending in higher education is a fantasy. Specific requests from states for federal assistance to forestall budget cuts have been rejected. With the paltry education funding in the federal stimulus running out, even more state cuts are planned for the coming year. Covert profit motive is at the heart of some parts of U.S. society. We need real reforms not militarism.
Far often, sometimes we don’t think about imperialism. Yet, we live under an imperialist system. Even when some of our people are in universities and institutions, we have to be careful to not accept the ideologies of the status quo. While some of us are blessed and fortunate enough to have some basic resources, some of our black brothers & sisters globally suffer economic exploitation (hunger and wars daily). It was our ancestors (and people who knew about labor and resistance to imperialism) that made it possible for some of us to have an education or a profession. Therefore, we should serve the people. We should oppose neocolonialism. One method of doing this is joining groups that are genuinely dedicated to African liberation and the ending of imperialism in Africa period. It has been on the backs of African labor that built up the imperialism of Europe and America. Therefore, Europe was born in large measure at the expense of Africa’s freedom and happiness. People realize this fact. The white racists haven’t stopped their goal of total conquest of Africa (from the first Maafa onward). Therefore, black nationalists & other black individuals are correct to point out that we either seek cultural assimilation & annihilation or growth of independent Black Power. We face a war physically, socially, psychologically, and genetically. The enemy in this war is white supremacy. African labor in the past 500 years has been exploited by the 1 percent to oppress humanity. Our labor has been used to benefit those in power more than for our own black self interests. Today, neo-colonialism deals with the extraction of resources in Africa by the World Bank, European powers, and the IMF. These resources include: gold, oil, cobalt, platinum, uranium, diamond, cocoa, and other resources. Wars have been fought by Europeans in order for them to steal the mineral wealth of African nations. These resources are extracted by imperialist powers and then consumed in North America, China, Europe, Japan, etc. This wealth is not radically used to help the poor or radically develop African infrastructure. As Luwezi Kinshasa has written: “…We all know by now that under direct or indirect colonial slavery, African workers and peasants are never paid the real value of our labor and natural resources, which are defined by imperialism, which has its origin in the capture and enslavement of Africa and African people in the 15th century….” The same spirit of anti-imperialism that Garvey, Nkrumah, Lumumba, Malcolm X, Kimathi, etc. had is the spirit that we should have today. We should work with real organizations, we should speak out, and we should in our daily lives promote better relationships with our own people. We can’t think internationally when locally our house isn’t in order. We get our house in order locally, act locally, and act nationally (plus act internationally). We should thank Fannie Lou Hammer for other sisters for making their contributions for Africans in the world too. We should research information and not accept anything as true. It takes a village (or a community) to raise human beings at times. The African tradition promotes community assistance to black African people (because when that occurs, real protection comes for children and everyone else). So, don’t support Africom, don’t support the IMF, don’t support the evil World Bank, and don’t support neo-imperialism. Selfish individualism, materialism, and American exceptionalism (aka imperialism) are therefore antithetical to real black African culture.
2012 is here and the 2012 Summer Olympics is coming soon. Rik Clay and other researchers believed to found blatant Zion symbolism in the 2012 Olympics. Zion is an old word that refers to Jerusalem and the future Kingdom of the Messiah. Ironically, Tisha B’AV falls on July 27th, 2012. This is the day that the London Olympics opening ritual or ceremony takes places. People realize that many of the imagery of the Olympics didn’t exist recently. They come from the Nazis, the French, and the ancient pagan Greek Olympics. The Olympics of the ancient Greeks and the Olympics in modern times celebrate human athleticism, competition, and harmony among city-states (or nations worldwide in our time). London is where the Opening of the XXX Olympiad. It’s an interesting time. London went from a Roman colonial city to the modern internationalist city that it is presently. Tisha B’Av (or the Ninth of Av) is an annual fast day in Judaism. It’s named for the ninth day or Tisha in the month of Av from the Hebrew calendar. The fast commemorates the destruction of the both the First and Second Temple in Jerusalem. In occurred 655 years apart on the same Hebrew calendar date, which is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. The Temple being destroyed the 2nd time ended modern recording of the tribes and many Jewish people spread into Asia, Europe, and yes into Africa too. Where do you think the Lemba and the Ethiopian Jewish people come from? The 2nd Temple was destroyed in ca. 70 A.D. by the Roman army leader (later Emperor) Titus with his 2nd in command named Tiberius Julius Alexander. Many of the road names in London where the Olympic village is have religious/Masonic, and occult names like the prefix Ley-, Carpenter’s Road, Great Eastern Road, Angel Lane, etc. The logo of the Olympics has the words “Zion” on them. June 21st is when Prince William was born in the Summer solstice. For years, many Brits falsely believe that they are collectively descendants of Israel. This view is called British Israelism and it has been debunked from across the religious spectrum. Even the Illuminati Card Game shows a London Tower falling in the future. The Illuminati card game existed in 1990 where a man drew events so similar to the future (in the 200-2012 timeframe especially) that Secret Service agents arrested the man in 1995. There are 330 cards. The card game shows the attack in the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, swine flu, the oil spill (looking similar to BP), weather control or chemtrials, etc. The Tower falling card shows 5 people where red white, blue, green, and white (all colors of the London Olympics in 2012). The mascots of the 2012 are Wenlock and Mandeville. These are 2 beings with all seeing eyes on them. Now, Mandeville is an UK man that believed in human selfishness and other controversial tenets. This is the philosophy of the elite. The elite believes in materialism, selfishness, bigotry, and hatred. This is why popular culture is filled with unjust violence, materialism, and nihilism. The London Olympics like previous Olympics have occult symbolism and strange things all over the place. Now, the 5 rings representing the 5 continents were created by Baron Pierre de Coubertin (or a French Freemason and the founder of the modern Olympics). High level Freemasons and high level Knights of Malta use bread and circus to distract, contain, and control the masses. It is also important to not discount athletics. There is nothing wrong with athletics and real sports. Athletics and doing sports like basketball, baseball, football, track and field, hockey, soccer, tennis, golf, Nascar or any form of vehicle racing, etc. are excellent ways to develop teamwork, confident, a great health, and other modes of human improvement. We are thankful for all brothers and sisters of all backgrounds doing sports legitimately. This expose is about exposing occultism in the world and not to bash anyone performing a sport. So, I want to make that perfectly clear.
By Timothy